Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 260: Only recognize parents

As soon as Qi Anran took Ran Jiani into the car, Ran Jiani couldn't stop feeling the prosperity of the imperial capital. He was as excited as the little bird who had to get out of the cage, and kept talking along the way.

Qi Anran didn't discourage her enthusiasm, as long as Ran Jiani said she would answer a few words along the way.

Fortunately, the distance from the airport to the residence is not too far, and the two arrived at their destination after eight o'clock.

"Wow, An Ran, this house is so beautiful, and the yard is so big. Such a big place should be worth a lot of money in the Imperial Capital, right?" Ran Jiani couldn't help staring her eyes wide as soon as she saw Qi Anran's residence. .

The high housing prices in the imperial capital have always been the focus of discussions among people from all over the world. The house Qi Anran lives in is not particularly large, but it is better than a single house, and the location is particularly good.

If you really want to estimate it, it's definitely not less than tens of millions.

Qi Anran smiled, did not say anything, and directly pulled Ran Jiani into the room.

The servants in the house are all busy preparing for the engagement banquet that night.

This is the case, Li Shu and Aunt Li noticed Qi Anran and Ran Jiani next to her for the first time: "Miss An Ran, you are back."

"Well, Uncle Li, Aunt Li, this is my friend who came here to attend my engagement ceremony."

"Hello, I am a friend of An Ran, my name is Ran Jiani." Ran Jiani was suddenly called, and greeted the two in a somewhat awkward manner.

Aunt Li smiled and said, "I know, Miss Ran, right? Miss An Ran told us before. Since she is a guest, Miss Ran don't be too polite to me. If you need help, just tell us."

Ran Jiani nodded embarrassedly. Qi Anran also knew that the two were busy and didn't bother them again: "Then you are busy, I will take her upstairs first."

"Okay, you go upstairs first, and I'll go to the fruit and tea in a while."

"Yeah." Qi Anran nodded slightly, then as if thinking of something, he turned to look at Ji Shengnan: "Shengnan, you should take a break downstairs."

Ji Shengnan also knew that it was inconvenient for the two girls to go upstairs to follow, so he followed Qi Anran's proposal and stayed on the first floor temporarily.

As soon as Qi Anran took Ran Jiani up to the room on the second floor, Xue Tuan walked elegantly to the two of them, and Ran Jiani was greatly amazed.

"An Ran, is this the cat you raised? The eyes are so beautiful!" Ran Jiani wanted to reach out as she said, but Qi Anran hurriedly stopped.

"Oh~~~" The hair on the always well-behaved Xue Tuan instantly exploded into a ball. The blue eyes that Ran Jiani praised not long ago were full of defensiveness and badness.

If it hadn't been for Qi Anran to pull her sharply just now, I'm afraid Ran Jiani's hand would have been scratched by it.

"This little thing recognizes life, except for me and Huo Yizhen, everyone else explodes as soon as they touch it."

Even Li Shu and Aunt Li are no exception. You can get close when you feed him cat food, but you must never touch him. Otherwise, be careful!

Su Haochen had taken care of it one night before, but it was limited to that night.

After that, Su Haochen came to the house on a whim and wanted to hug it, but he was almost beaten to death by it!

In this regard, Qi Anran was also very helpless, and only attributed the performance of the little guy to the Oedipus complex.

Because she and Huo Yizhen rescued it together, so this little guy only recognizes them?

Qi Anran had to admit that he still had a little taste in his heart, after all, he was not the only one in his "son".

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