Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 265: you're very pretty too

So far, Ran Jiani has seen two people who make her feel particularly handsome, one is Huo Yizhen, and the other is the man in front of her.

However, although Huo Yizhen is handsome, his handsome type is completely different from the person in front of him.

Huo Yizhen's handsomeness is more aggressive. He doesn't do anything. Just standing there makes people feel that his whole body is filled with a bitter air that rejects others thousands of miles away.

Once you get close, you will be injured completely.

The man in front of him is different, his handsomeness is appropriate, with a hint of bookishness, and it doesn't make people think that if you look at him more, you will be stabbed by the breath of his whole body.

As if he was aware of Ran Jiani's gaze, Ji Shengnan raised his head and glanced forward, facing Ran Jiani's probing gaze.

Ran Jiani didn't know that this person would suddenly raise her head, and caught that person's eyes unexpectedly, making her whole body stiff.

Seeing her like this, Ji Shengnan couldn't help frowning. He was strange before. The girl seemed to be very afraid of him.

But before this... did he do anything particularly scary?

Ji Shengnan was puzzled and asked tentatively: "But come and sit down?"

Ran Jiani woke up like a dream, and stiffly moved to Ji Shengnan's side and sat down a full 1.5 meters away from him.

Ji Shengnan frowned and became more sure that this girl was afraid of herself, otherwise, how could she sit so far away from her!

"Are you afraid of me?" Ji Shengnan hesitated for a moment, before he could not help but ask.

Ran Jiani was taken aback and waved her hand quickly: ""

Ji Shengnan: "..." It's uncomfortable to speak, and I'm not afraid.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you." Worried that he would say too much wrong, Ji Shengnan calmly said these words and then lowered his head to continue his work.

Ran Jiani sat next to him for a few minutes, and finally calmed down a bit. Thinking of the stupid things she had just done, she wished to educate her unbelievable self a few minutes ago.

After lingering on the side for a few minutes, Ran Jiani finally mustered up the courage and took the initiative to talk to Ji Shengnan.

"Do you think it's weird, why should we go out to the barber shop at this time?"

Although Ji Shengnan is looking at the computer, in fact, the corner of his eye has been staring at Ran Jiani's movement.

Seeing her hesitating to speak to herself several times, I was anxious for her, this meeting can be regarded as speaking out.

"What you want to do naturally has your reasons. I just need to protect your safety."

Ran Jiani was startled, and then asked: "Then...what do you think of An Ran?"

Ji Shengnan frowned. She didn't understand why Ran Jiani asked herself this question, but she still said pertinently: "My sister-in-law is very good, and the ability is good, and she is a good match for the general."

"I'm not asking you this, I'm asking you how An Ran looks like."

Ji Shengnan became more surprised when she heard this, and asked what she looked like to me? Wouldn't it be enough if the general likes it?

Ji Shengnan’s silence made Ran Jiani mistakenly think he also thought Qi Anran was ugly, her face sank, and said solemnly: "An Ran is very beautiful, very beautiful, very beautiful!"

Ji Shengnan was stunned, looking at the girl who was very serious about defending her friend before him, inexplicably...somewhat lovely.

The corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and he smiled faintly: "Well, you are also very beautiful."

"Hmm..." Ran Jiani was suddenly hit by the smile on Ji Shengnan's face, her blush was as red as an apple, she lowered her head and thought to herself, this man is not only handsome, but also gentle!

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