The Imperial Capital Qijia...

These four words Qi Anran are no strangers. The Qi family had been throwing olive branches to her two years before the accident.

The Qi family of the Imperial Capital had a distant relative with her Qi family in S City, and they had a relationship with each other. The Qi family wanted to climb relatives with her on this ground from the beginning, and took the opportunity to win her over.

Qi Anran originally disliked Qi Xintong's family to the extreme, and their actions were tantamount to flattering and patting a horse's leg.

Because of Qi Xintong's family, Qi Anran didn't even treat the Qi family with the imperial capital, and didn't even think about paying attention to them.

At that time, most of the people who came into contact with her were the uncle of the Qi family, who wanted to suppress her as an elder every time.

It happened that she didn't take this set, and came back with arrogance repeatedly, and returned in despair.

I don't know if the third young master of the Qi family is like him, likes to use his identity to suppress others?

Before Qi Anran could come up with a reason, the protagonist who had just discussed with them walked over to them with a faint smile.

The two or three girls who had praised Qi Yongjia's handsomeness immediately flushed with excitement, and looked at Qi Yongjia with bright eyes.

Several boys were full of hostility towards him, and there was a wave of precautions and fears all over their bodies.

Qi Yongjia smiled politely at several people, and then walked over to Qi Anran: "Hello, Miss Qi, introduce myself, I am Qi Yongjia, I am glad to meet you."

Qi Anran didn't expect that this person would suddenly run in front of him after wandering for several days and greet her directly.

Everyone had walked up to her and greeted her. Qi Anran twisted his eyebrows and acted too rudely, so he politely and alienatedly replied: "Hello, this is Qi Anran."

Qi Yongjia didn't care, and smiled slightly: "I heard Sang Lao said that Miss Qi is very talented in mechanics, and she can turn all kinds of whimsical ideas into reality at a young age, which is very powerful."

Qi Anran squinted his eyes, not knowing what the purpose of this man is, so he calmly started Tai Chi with him: "Old Sang is too acclaimed. My little gadgets are nothing but an axe in front of him. It's worth mentioning."

"Old Sang is a famous black-faced **** in the imperial capital, and he never gives face to those who are not capable. Since Miss Qi can receive such high praise from him, there must be something extraordinary. However, I think Miss Qi is not very young. I think it is necessary to cultivate talents like you. I must have spent a lot of manpower and material resources at home. Only when I was a child can Ms. Qi have such cultivation and accomplishments at a young age."

Qi Anran is not stupid, so why can't he hear that Qi Yongjia is testing himself?

He glanced at him with a smile, "I am afraid I will disappoint Mr. Qi. To be honest, Mr. Qi, my parents have died since I was a child, and unfortunately I met a poor relative who saw the money and looked at me every day. The legacy my mother left me is a blessing for me to live up to now. Where can I afford the vigorous cultivation in your door?"

Qi Yongjia's face changed slightly when Qi Anran said this, and he said a little guilty: "Sorry, I don't know..."

"Mr. Qi, why do you apologize to me? This matter has nothing to do with you. Moreover, this matter is not a particularly big secret in the Imperial Capital. Although I am not born high, but fortunately, God is fair and gave me a good head. With a particularly good fiance." Qi Anran said, lowering his head and glanced at the watch in his hand, "I'm sorry, it's too early, I should go home, Mr. Qi makes it easy."

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