Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 483: Approach with purpose

Qi Anran looked at Ran Jiani's face flushed with ridicule, as if thinking of something, the smile on her face suddenly disappeared, and tentatively asked: "Since you have confirmed the relationship, you are not afraid of what you said before. The man from harassing you again. By the way, has he looked for you again recently?"

Ran Jiani shook her head: "He doesn't have my contact information, so he can't find it. But my mother called me two days ago, saying that he will come all the time in the next few days. Give him my contact information and let him take care of me. I told her not to, but my mother didn’t seem to take it to heart."

Qi Anran squinted his eyes when he heard the words, and became more sure of the guess in his heart, but still asked calmly: "Then did your mother tell you which school he was from? Since you have to ask him to take care of you, I have to let you know where the other person is, right?"

Ran Jiani shook her head: "My mother didn't say, she just said that I will know when he arrives in the imperial capital."

Qi Anran's eyes turned slightly. Whatever Ran’s mother said, she expected that the man would take the initiative to contact Ran Jiani after the gods, deliberately not telling her, let the man use this as an excuse to talk to Ran Jiani on the phone, and take the opportunity to cultivate feelings. .

Or, as she had expected before, Ran Jiani and the man were in the same university.

As long as they enter the university, even if there is no contact information for Ran Jiani, the two will definitely meet frequently.

Qi Anran feels that the second possibility is much greater than the first one, if that's the case...

Before Qi Anran could come up with a reason, Ran Jiani already called Qi Anran nervously on the side: "Anran..."

Qi Anran woke up like a dream: "What's wrong? Are you worried that the man will come to harass you?"

"Of course this is also one aspect."

"On the one hand? Is there another reason?"

"Well, I am very afraid that he will come to me, pester me, and affect my life. However, what I am most afraid of is that he approaches me...for other purposes."

"Purpose?" Qi Anran was stunned, "What is the purpose? Why do you think so?"

"I can't tell, but I always feel that he doesn't really like me. There are some things that can't be hidden when I like someone. He gives me the feeling that he treats me well from the beginning as if he has a heavy purpose. Especially when he looked at me, I couldn't see any emotion in his eyes at all, and sometimes even felt hairy and creepy."

Ran Jiani didn't know what she thought of, she rubbed her arm unconsciously, and lowered her head and said, "It's not like that if you really like someone, at least Mr. Ji won't be like him. I don't know how to express it, anyway. I just feel very uncomfortable."

Qi Anran's face sank when she heard Ran Jiani's words. She didn't know whether Ran Jiani would think so. Was it the butterfly effect, or was the man's purpose of approaching her in the previous life not pure?

But when he thought that Ran Jiani was so miserable by him in her last life, Qi Anran couldn't stop thinking about the second possibility.

If the man in his previous life really approached Ran Jiani purposefully, then the derailment in the back would be taken for granted.

As for why Ran Jiani in her previous life couldn't find this, she could quickly see it in this life, perhaps because of Ji Shengnan's change.

In the face of true feelings, such things as hypocrisy are destined to be invisible. In contrast with Ji Shengnan, that man is destined to only become more hypocritical in Ran Jiani's heart.

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