Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 488: Do you really want to see it?

Huo Yizhen was really dumbfounded. The wedding gift Jin Heng gave to them turned out to be... it turned out to be that kind of thing!

This is embarrassing! No wonder 001 has a defiled and angry expression, instilling such a shameful thing into its small body, isn't it teaching bad children? !

But... Huo Yizhen twisted his eyebrows: "Jin Heng doesn't seem to be someone who can do this kind of thing."

Qi Anran frowned. In fact, she thought about this point later.

Although she felt that Xi Jinheng didn't seem to be someone who would do this kind of thing, she was not as profound about Xi Jinheng as Huo Yizhen, and she couldn't make a conclusion. If she heard Huo Yizhen say this, she didn't rush to express her position.

Seeing Qi Anran not speaking, Huo Yizhen immediately understood what she meant, and said seriously: "Leave this to me, and I will find a way to find out."

Qi Anran nodded, before he had time to say something, 001 ran over and interjected in indignation: "Dad, you have to call the shots for 001, blame him... he is too much, 001 is still a baby, what about him? To be able to do such a thing to 001 is simply frantic and unforgivable."

"Puff..." Qi Anran couldn't help laughing when he heard 001's words, so what does this little **** want to do? Is Xi Jinheng responsible for it?

"Well, I'll be the master for you, I'll be the master for you." Huo Yizhen's mouth was also twitched, and he reached out and touched 001's head soothingly. Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he tentatively asked: "That's right, Then... what about the thing that was put in 001's body? Where is it now? It won't be still in its body, right?"

001: "..." Why do you feel that the look in your dad's eyes... is a little scary?

"Huh?" Qi Anran raised his eyebrows, "What are you asking about this? Is it possible that you really want to see it?"

Huo Yizhen hurriedly straightened his waist and said with an upright look: "Of course not, I just think this is evidence, a strong evidence. We should collect it, and then check it out so that they can't argue."

If Qi Anran really believed his words, he would be a ghost! Huo Yizhen glanced at him with a smile but did not continue to struggle with this issue.

"Are you as busy as before?"

Huo Yizhen was suddenly stunned when he was asked about his work. For a while, he was a little confused about Qi Anran's mind, and then truthfully said: "Fortunately, nothing has happened recently, except that the First Army will occasionally come over to hand over a few people. But most of these things don't need me to bother."

"Oh, then you accompany me to see Master Mu tomorrow. He has mentioned several times and asked me to take you to see him."

"Master Mu?" Huo Yizhen frowned. Qi Anran had mentioned this Master Mu several times before.

Huo Yizhen's impression of him has always been in a bad state. He always felt that Master Mu's attitude towards Qi Anran was a bit too good, and he seemed to be hostile to him inexplicably.

I opened my mouth and wanted to refuse, but it seemed to have thought of something. When I reached my lips, the rejection suddenly turned into a promise: "Okay, I will go with you tomorrow."

Qi Anran breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to do another internal inspection for 001. When checking its emotional system by the way, Huo Yizhen suddenly stepped forward and took her waist.

Qi Anran was taken aback and exclaimed: "What are you doing?"

Huo Yizhen took a deep look at her and did not answer. Instead, he stared at the two of them not far away. The affectionate, silent 001 commanded: "001, you go out first."

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