Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 491: What do you think about him?

Mu Hanlin's dissatisfaction with Huo Yizhen can be traced back to the meeting when Huo Yizhen just returned to the imperial capital!

At that time, Sang Lao said "he is injured", Qi Anran left everything on hand and ran to him desperately.

At that time, Mu Hanlin was just a bit savory, but since then Qi Anran started to retire frequently, making Mu Hanlin even more dissatisfied with Huo Yizhen.

Did Qi girl work harder to have a child? In the laboratory every day, she forgot to sleep and eat, and she was particularly motivated. As a result, when this person came back, she changed completely.

In Mu Hanlin's eyes, Huo Yizhen has changed from a jealous man to a charming male vixen who spoils his own children!

And this idea reached its apex on the second day after Qi Anran and Huo Yizhen received the certificates. On that day, Qi Anran said that there was something going on that day, and would return to deal with those parts the next day.

As a result, what they were waiting for the next day was news that Qi Anran was unwell and needed to rest at home for a day.

I went to get the certificate the day before, and I felt sick the next day. How can two elderly people who add up to more than 100 don't know the imaginary tricks behind this?

Huo Yizhen's success in the "husband" just now reminded Mu Hanlin of this, and the tone of his speech was naturally not much better.

When Huo Yizhen heard Mu Hanlin's words, he touched his nose with a guilty conscience, and just not knowing how to respond, Qi Anran suddenly stretched out his hand to hold his hand.

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of Mu Hanlin, and his opinion on Huo Yizhen suddenly became a little bit bigger. He snorted and asked, "Will you assemble parts?"

Huo Yizhen was stunned: ""

"Can you debug sophisticated electronic instruments?"


"Will that be the most basic programming?"

"It seems... or not."

Mu Hanlin's expression became more and more ugly, his eyes full of disgust when he looked at Huo Yizhen, and finally gave up and asked: "Then what will you do?"

Hearing the words, Huo Yizhen curled his eyebrows and pondered for a moment, and tentatively gave an advantage that he thought he couldn't do well: "Fight?"

Mu Hanlin's face turned black: "Rude!"

"Um... I am very rich and can make money to support my family."


"...I can also train soldiers."

"Ha ha!"

Huo Yizhen: "..."

The more Mu Hanlin looked at him, the more he felt Huo Yizhen was not pleasing to his eyes. He turned to Qi Anran and hated iron and steel like Old Sang did: "What do you think of him?"

Qi Anran thought about this question seriously, and said seriously: "Well, he has a very good grandfather."

As soon as these words came out, Mu Hanlin didn't say anything, and Sang couldn't sit still anymore: "What's so good about old man Huo's bad temper?"

"he treats me well."

Old Sang and Mu Hanlin were speechless, and they said that we were not good to you?

Elder Sang was even more frustrated by the blow, and he didn't speak anymore, he originally felt Qi Anran put a flower on the cow dung.

If she had met Qi Anran long ago, she might be her granddaughter-in-law now!

But this kind of thing was originally about a fate, he was a step late, after all, his grandson and Qi Anran didn't have enough fate!

Mu Hanlin rubbed his temples with a headache, and continued to ask, "Except for this?"

Qi Anran didn't think for long this time, and said with a smile: "He is stupid."

Huo Yizhen: "..." Daughter-in-law, give me some face!

Mu Hanlin: "..." What else can he say? This one is willing to fight and one is willing to suffer! Why should he be abused by such a pair of young people at such an age!

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