Su Haochen had a guilty conscience, was yelled by Huo Yizhen, and almost knelt on the ground with no legs.

"I, I, I... I said, "Boss, don't be angry." Su Haochen said with a guilty look at Xi Jinheng again, "I admit that I deliberately lied to you that day to distract you and do bad things. "

Xi Jinheng sneered, but didn't plan to let him go like this: "Huh? What's wrong?"

"Just... just replace the video you are going to give to the boss and sister-in-law with... uh... my private collection."

"Private collection?"

"Uh... it's that kind of film."

As the only person present who didn't know, Ji Shengnan was also taken aback when Su Haochen confessed his "crime".

He knows that Su Haochen likes to play, and sometimes it is inevitable to get rid of things. It's not very reliable, but he didn't expect him to do such a thing.

This time, it really stabbed a hornet's nest.

Xi Jinheng was trembling with anger, gritted his teeth and said, "Why do you want to do this?"

Su Haochen lowered his head slightly and murmured: "I just wanted to punish you at the time. Who made you call me an idiot every day."

Xi Jinheng sneered, and instantly recovered the venomous tongue that was usually used when interacting with Su Haochen: "You are an idiot, what's wrong with me?"

"You!" Su Haochen was a little angry. He could look at Xi Jinheng's gaze. Thinking of what he had done before, he couldn't help but feel a little weak. He continued to lower his head and whispered in defense, "I just thought that since the boss is married, this Something is definitely useful. And I remember that someone said before that the boss had never been in love before entering the military department. Although there were many people chasing after entering the military department, he had never been interested in any girl. Sister-in-law should It’s the boss’s first love. In that case, it’s inevitable to lack experience, so I want to let the boss see this thing anyway, and increase experience."

Su Haochen said more and more quietly, and basically couldn't hear the sound in the end.

Huo Yizhen laughed angrily when he heard his reason, and cursed in a low voice: "Being smart, how could I not understand this? And when you posted it, you never thought that 001 was something your sister-in-law made. You really want to be able to see it. That was the first thing your sister-in-law saw. She was a girl who suddenly saw something like that. Surprise? Oh, the shock is almost the same!"

Before meeting Qi Anran, Huo Yizhen had never been in a relationship, and Huo Yizhen, who had no experience in that area, of course could not admit that he was inexperienced. This was simply a question of the abilities of men!

Su Haochen obviously didn't understand this. He stepped on the explosion point every word, and he was destined to be only a tragedy.

Seeing Su Haochen confessing to his various "crimes", Xi Jinheng really didn't know whether he should laugh or be angry, so he had to hand over the disposal power to Huo Yizhen.

"Boss, look at him..."

Su Haochen also knew that he had really caused a disaster this time, and opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to intercede for himself, so he had to bow his head in disappointment and let him deal with it.

Huo Yizhen was not in a hurry to fix him. Instead, he thoughtfully asked Xi Jinheng: "Jinheng, is there a backup of the video you edited?"


"Take it to me, I'll take it back and explain to Ranran."

When Xi Jinheng heard Huo Yizhen's words, his face improved a lot, and he lightly said with a sigh of relief: "Okay, I'll get it now."

Huo Yizhen nodded, then turned his gaze to Su Haochen: "As for you..."

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