Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 503: The conspiracy of the grandfather and grandson

Qi Anran finally got to his mouth and got stuck in his throat so abruptly, he couldn't say it anymore.

Father Huo saw her heart shake vividly, and a glimmer of eyes flashed across his eyes. He lowered his head and sighed: "An Ran, grandpa doesn't want to force you to do things you don't like. Grandpa just thinks you should go out and get in touch with more people. Make some friends. Since arriving at this home, grandpa saw you take Nini as a friend to our home. If you can, grandpa hopes that you can get in touch with other people of the same age, talk to them, make friends, and do something Something young people do."

Qi Anran was stunned, and then suddenly realized that he really seemed to be a friend like Ran Jiani.

In addition, she was born in a family like that, no wonder the old man would worry about this.

"Grandpa knows that you will do a lot of things that others can't do, and I am very proud of you. But as an elder, grandpa hopes you can be happy and enjoy the present carefree."

Mr. Huo’s words successfully pierced Qi Anran’s soft underbelly. Wasn’t what she longed for most was to get some care and love from her elders?

Because of Huo Yizhen, she has a family, and because of Huo Yizhen, she has an elder who loves her, how can she bear to let him down?

"I see, grandpa. I will go to military training obediently and I will try my best to make new friends. Don't worry."

Elder Huo's eyes lit up, and he smiled and said: "Well, well, our family An Ran is indeed the best-behaved child. If A Zhen had you half obedient and sensible, I wouldn't be angry all day long."

Qi Anran smiled and was noncommittal about Huo's complaint about his grandson's behavior.

He raised his head and glanced at the wall clock not far away, and if he felt something, he said, "It's almost lunch time. Grandpa, I will go to the kitchen to see what Aunt Li made delicious."

"Okay, go go go."

As soon as Qi Anran's front foot left, Old Father Huo put away the sadness on his face on his back foot, and put on a sullen expression: "Azhong, how did I behave just now?"

The uncle Zhong, who had been on the sidelines, smiled and took a step forward, and said with a smile: "The performance of the old marshal just now is really great! I think Madam Young was blushing in your eyes. I can't figure out how moved in my heart. Well! Your eloquence is really not reduced back then!"

Elder Huo was even more proud of being praised by Uncle Zhong: "That is, I have eaten more salt than they have eaten. I think I was in the military department when I was fighting against the heroes and said no to those old things. They didn't even know where they were when they spoke! Fight with me, they are still tender!"

After he finished, he turned his head and said to his uncle Zhong uneasy: "Call Azhen and tell him that the matter has been settled. Let him stand up a bit, but don't let my pains be wasted. I'm still waiting. Hugging great-grandchildren!"

Uncle Zhong smiled: "Okay, I'll call the general in a while to convey what you mean."

Elder Huo was only satisfied now, humming a little song, he couldn't help but laughed, "Interesting and interesting, young people nowadays, they can play much more than we did back then."

Uncle Zhong smiled indifferently, facing the emotion of Mr. Huo, although he actually thought so in his heart.

At this time, Qi Anran, who didn't know that he had been calculated by his grandson and grandson in the kitchen, suddenly felt a cold behind him, and an ominous premonition spontaneously emerged!

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