Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 512: More than one backstage?

Song Renzhen didn't expect Qi Anran to refuse at all, especially after he had already revealed his identity, this person was able to remain unmoved and was not afraid to offend her at all.

"You..." Song Ranzhen immediately turned a black face and was about to get angry, but was interrupted by Qi Anran first.

"Since your father has donated this building and the contents of the building to the school, whether it is the dormitory or this bed, they are all public property of the school. The right to use the dormitory and the bed, why are you qualified to specialize and let me make room for you?"

Xiao Xiao and Yun Qianli finally reacted when they heard Qi Anran's words. After thinking about it carefully, they seemed to have been biased by this woman in their focus just now.

I only think that this woman is the daughter of a certain donor. The donor contributes to the school and enjoys some privileges.

But they seem to have forgotten that they were admitted to this school on their own ability, whether it was tuition or fees, or dormitory fees, and they did not owe a single cent to the school. Why should they be wronged because of this?

The things that have been donated to the school are the school’s public property. At this time, what is the difference with carrying the enrollment report? Moreover, the object of this person's report with Entries was obviously wrong.

"Yeah, yeah, it's great for your family to be rich? Since your family is so rich, why don't you build a separate building for you? Why do you squeeze with poor students like us? If you really think our dormitory is not good, let you That rich dad will build another dormitory for you, or ask him to find a teacher and change you to a single dormitory! What's wrong with us?"

Song Ranzhen was stunned. She was so well protected by her parents since she was a child. Ms. Song, who is basically responsive, still ate this kind of closed door for the first time. She immediately threatened with a black face: "Don't be shameless, know me. Who is the aunt? She is the dean of the academy. If you annoy me, I...I will let her fire you all!"

Yun Qianli sneered, and said angrily: "It turns out that this is the working style of the teachers of the Imperial Capital University. A small dean can not use the principal's meaning, pretend to be public for personal gain, and expel any student who has not committed a mistake at will. It's really eye-opening."

Compared with Yun Qianli's cynicism, Qi Anran behaved more calmly, only indifferently replied: "Please!"

Song Yuezhen has never been so shameless when she grows up, her face is as black as the bottom of a pot, and she no longer flaunts her family background. Instead, she is a little embarrassed and angry: "I don't need my dad, let alone my aunt. This bed is a must! You guys went over and threw all her things out of me."

Xiao Xiao and Yun Qianli were taken aback, and then they noticed that there were a few tall men behind Song Yuezhen. Thinking about what she had just said, they expected that these people should be the bodyguards of this young lady.

Their house is either a girl or an old man like Uncle Zhong. Where can such a strong man be beaten?

Xiao Xiao's face paled, and his face solemnly said, "You...Don't go too far. This is the school after all. Are you planning to commit a crime in school?"

Yun Qianli also hurriedly agreed: "That is, if you dare to do this, you will definitely be exposed, and the outside public opinion will never let you go!"

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