Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 514: I'm not a vegetarian

This scream not only scared the students who did not know the truth in the dormitory, but also scared everyone in the dormitory except Qi Anran.

Song Renzhen was the first time she saw a person who could twist a human hand into that shape, and she took a few steps back in shock.

Turning around, I saw those bodyguards stunned and afraid to come forward. They became more and more annoyed: "What are you guys still stunned for? Are you still not going to help? So many people can't beat one. Smelly old man?"

Several people glanced at each other, and rushed over. Even among them, two people reached out to Qi Anran and others, as if they wanted to use Qi Anran to threaten Uncle Zhong.

Qi Anran twisted his eyebrows, pulled the two of them back to hide, Uncle Zhong also rushed over, knocking them over with one punch and kick.

Thanks to the fact that college dormitories usually have a bed on the top and a table under the bed, which does not occupy any space.

As a result, a large corridor was vacated in the middle, giving such a large group of people a chance to use their fists and kicks.

Qi Anran and the three knew that they couldn't do anything, and staying aside would only drag Uncle Zhong, so they hid wittily by the two glass doors near the balcony.

From a distance, I watched Uncle Zhong neatly put people down. These tall young people arrived at Uncle Zhong's hands, one by one, just like papers, they fell when they touched them, and they fell when they touched them. I thought it was touching porcelain!

Yun Qianli looked a little excited at this scene and said: "An Ran, your uncle has practiced. You can see that those people can't beat him together. They are not opponents at all, so handsome!"

Qi Anran's lips curled slightly, and he smiled and said, "Uncle Zhong has been a soldier before and he is really good at him."

Yun Qianli's eyes lit up slightly: "I have been a soldier, no wonder it's so powerful!"

During the conversation between the two, Uncle Zhong had put everyone down, and the floor of the dormitory hadn't had time to formally clean the people who lay down.

Song Renzhen looked at the fallen man on the ground, her face was blue, and she wished to let her father expel all the useless bodyguards now.

At this time, Uncle Zhong calmly asked: "Does this young lady still want to continue fighting? We will accompany you."

Song Renzhen only felt like she was slapped in the face by someone, trembling with anger, but she didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that her move would end up like the group of people.

"Very good! You guys are good! You guys wait for me, I won't just leave it like that! Huh..." Song Renzhen threatened Qi Anran in a serious manner, and then stepped on high heels. Turned around and left.

When the bodyguards on the ground saw Song Ranzhen go away, they didn't care about the physical pain, and they slid and pushed Song Ranzhen's suitcase and left behind.

As soon as the group of people left, Yun Qianli immediately ran to close the door of the dormitory, blocking all possible sights outside the door, and then lightly breathed a sigh of relief, staring at Uncle Zhong with bright eyes and said excitedly: "Uncle, you I was really handsome just now! I thought I was going to be beaten just now. I didn't expect that in the end, not only did nothing happen, but also gave the woman a lesson. It was so cool!"

Uncle Zhong didn't say a word, but Xiao Xiao's face was a bit solemn, obviously still minding the words Song Yuezhen said before leaving: "That woman doesn't seem like a person who will give up, in case her relatives are really...that... "

Qi Anran narrowed his eyes and sneered: "She has a backstage and I am not a vegetarian either."

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