Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 522: I am not interested in him

Song Renzhen's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. Of course, she knew that many of the girls majoring in mechanical engineering at this school basically came for Yin Moyan, because she was also one of them.

Song Ranzhen applied for the Imperial Capital University because of Yin Moyan's presence here, so when she applied for this school, the first major she chose was mechanical engineering.

But in fact, she has no interest in mechanics at all. The reason why she wants to enter the mechanics major is entirely because during the period when she just entered school, the counselor usually chooses some sophomores and juniors as assistants to help. Freshmen get acquainted with the campus life of the university as soon as possible, and Yin Moyan, as a man of the school, has a very high chance of being in it.

Including Song Renzhen, a large part of the girls who applied for this major came with the idea of ​​getting the first month near the water.

It is a pity that although the graduation rate of this major is low, the admission score is quite high. Song Renzhen’s first choice was not accepted, so she could only choose her current major as a second choice.

Thinking that her aunt is in this school, it will be more convenient to change majors then.

Now, when I heard that the woman who looked a little better than herself was in the same profession as the man she wanted to pursue, Song Renzhen couldn’t help feeling a little bit of crisis in her heart, and Qi Anran’s impression became even lower. .

Standing not far away, Qi Anran looked at the conversation between these women and Song Yuezhen’s changes in his eyes. Qi Anran narrowed his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Who is this senior Mo Yan? How do you listen to it. The tone of their speech seems to be a great man?"

"I know I know!" As a senior man who confuses major online forums, Yun Qianli can be said to have found out the various characteristics of Imperial University on the first day of admission to the school. Song Ranzhen's Mo Yan among the population Seniors are one of them.

"The Moyan senior they said was called Yin Moyan. It is the current student council president and junior senior of your mechanical major. It is said that he is very handsome and has a very good personality. The prince charming in the child's mind."

"That's it." A trace of Qi Anran's eyes flashed, and the corners of his lips were raised.

Yun Qianli couldn't help being a little worried when she treated her like this: "An Ran, shouldn't you treat this senior Mo Yan..."

"I'm not interested in him, but someone seems to be interested in him."

"Huh? Who?"

Qi Anran glanced at Song Ranzhen, who looked angry not far away, and did not answer Yun Qianli's question, but reminded: "The time is almost there. Let's go and find a seat first."


Song Ranzhen and the others stood on the only way to the professional positions of Qi Anran and others, and the three of them did not deliberately greet them, and walked directly in front of them.

When Song Ranzhen saw Qi Anran's trio, the discussion stopped abruptly.

When the three of them passed by, they began to talk with guilty conscience: "Why are they here? They won't all hear what we just said?"

"So how many people didn't see it just now? Wouldn't it be hiding and eavesdropping?"

Song Renzhen looked at the two nervous and guilty consciences, and couldn't help passing a bit of disgust in her eyes, and said coldly: "If you hear it, you will hear it. What's so nervous? Just let her see how many catties she has, don't go to Xiao Think about things that don’t belong to you."

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