Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 533: Are you still missing a girlfriend?

Facts have proved that Qi Anran's hunch is still very accurate!

Under normal circumstances, the principal of military training mobilization does not actually have to come in person, but this time is an exception.

Principal Mu personally led Huo Yizhen and others to the high platform not far away, and at this time Qi Anran and others had also been organized, standing in a row under the high platform, waiting for the instructions from those above.

President Mu first said a few words of courtesy to the large number of freshmen, and then entered the topic, formally introduced Huo Yizhen and others to these freshmen, telling them that this is their military training instructor for the next half month.

Although many people had been talking about this matter before, many people were still excited by the confirmation from Principal Mu's mouth.

This news caused a small commotion among the people under the high platform, and this small commotion suddenly turned into a big commotion when Principal Mu asked Huo Yizhen which major he wanted to go to next.

Thousands of people under the high platform raised their heads at almost the same moment and stared at Huo Yizhen above the high platform with piercing eyes, trying to reveal a message: Choose us, choose us, choose us...

Only Qi Anran lowered his head quietly, and kept silent in his heart: Don’t choose me, don’t choose me, don’t choose me...

However, many things in this world are not what you don't want, it will not happen.

Just as Qi Anran could easily be found in Nanuo's cooling team before, Huo Yizhen saw his wife who was trying to reduce her presence in the crowd at a glance.

The corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and he casually stretched out his hand to make people feel like he just picked a team randomly: "Just...that professional."

Qi Anran's heart trembled, before he could even raise his head, he was excitedly grabbed by a girl beside him by his arm.

"General Huo, General Huo has chosen us as a major. My goodness, he will become our professional military training instructor. I must be dreaming! You pinch me, pinch me!"

Qi Anran: "..." Does it need to be so excited? Even rushing to find a pinch!

Not to mention whether Qi Anran finally pinched the incoherent sister paper, Huo Yizhen had made a decision, and President Mu would naturally not fail to give him this face, and immediately decided on this matter.

All of a sudden, the newly selected mechanical majors cheered, while the unselected major freshmen were all gloomy and gloomy, casting envy, jealousy and hatred towards these lucky guys.

Immediately afterwards, the officers including Su Haochen were quickly assigned to various professions.

After the division was completed, it was time for free activities in various majors. However, none of the new mechanical majors ran around, all gathered together obediently waiting for Huo Yizhen to come.

After half a minute, Huo Yizhen appeared on time. The straight military uniform and the handsome face that made people feel more water chestnuts as they approached inevitably caused a short burst of exclamations from the professional girls who were not very reserved. .

Huo Yizhen, just like he hadn’t heard it, stood in front of everyone and said solemnly: "Hello classmates, I am your instructor Huo Yizhen for the next half month of military training. You can call me instructor Huo. Today is the first day of your military training. , Is also the first day we met for the first time. So, before the official military training, I allow you to ask me some questions you want to know. This is only this opportunity, I hope you can take it well. Now, you can ask questions."

As soon as Huo Yizhen said this, the scene was silent. I don't know how long it took before I heard a small voice: "General Huo, do you still lack a girlfriend?"

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