There was a few seconds of silence for the whole group of new students in mechanics, and they looked at each other after they reacted.

Although these people were afraid of Huo Yizhen's yelling before, these people didn't dare to speak out, but from their eyes and expressions, one could feel how surprised these people were at what Huo Yizhen had just said.

But when the others were busy and shocked, Qi Anran's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

This **** bastard, just got the certificate, and deliberately emphasized what was going on when he was just an adult? Are you afraid that others will not know that your old cow eats tender grass?

Qi Anran, flushed with embarrassment, finally couldn't help but raised his head and gave Huo Yizhen a stern look.

Huo Yizhen received the glaring glaring from his wife, and touched his nose with a guilty conscience. He wanted to let these people continue to ask questions, but he knew that he couldn't go too far, otherwise, it would be him who would be unlucky then.

Then he coughed lightly, and continued to ask: "Is there anyone else who wants to ask a question? If not, then we are on the subject?"

Many people are still immersed in the impact of the previous two questions, and the few who have awakened dare not ask casually. Who knows that Master Huo can’t say anything astonishing, and what explosiveness he said. News?

Knowing so much, will they be silenced? !

"Since no one wants to ask questions, then we will start today's military training. It is not too early now, let's learn a simpler, standing military posture."

Huo Yizhen suddenly walked back and forth as he spoke, his eyes flicking across the faces of everyone present, bringing an indescribable sense of oppression to these people.

"Do you think that standing in the military posture is very simple, as long as you just go to that station casually, it's all right? If you really think so, then you are very wrong. Standing in the military posture is something that requires concentration. , You must not only stand beautifully, but also stand firm. Next, I will demonstrate to you first."

Huo Yizhen walked to the center of the team and began to demonstrate.

"First, bring your heels together, and separate your toes about 60 degrees outwards. At the same time, your feet should be straight, your lower abdomen should be slightly retracted, your chest should be naturally raised, and your upper body should be slightly forward. Shoulders should be flat, slightly set back, and your arms should be natural. Hang down, put your fingers together and bend naturally, stick the tip of your thumb to the second section of your index finger, and your **** to the trouser seam. After doing this, you must pay attention to your head straight, your neck straight, your mouth closed, and your lower jaw slightly closed. Look forward with both eyes."

Huo Yizhen made an action almost like a password. It seemed a particularly simple action, but he did it in a special way, and he looked very handsome.

So many people stared at him like this and started to stay in a daze, until...

"Did you see clearly?"

The familiar roar successfully drew everyone's attention back, and reflexively replied: "See clearly."

"Now that I see it clearly, I start to do it again according to what I just said."

When everyone heard Huo Yizhen say this, they hurriedly separated and stood in a row, obediently following Huo Yizhen's words one by one.

And Huo Yizhen was not idle either, walked to the edge of the team, and walked to the boy who was next to the team.

The boy suddenly came into contact with the national male **** at close range, and his legs became tense.

Huo Yizhen wrinkled his brows when he saw it, and walked over to bend his leg, with a puff, the boy just threw forward and fell five-body to the ground.

The boy: "..."

Everyone: "!!!"

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