Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 542: Lieutenant General Huo

Qi Anran was taken aback when he heard Huo Yizhen's words, and the depression in his heart that had been deceived disappeared a lot in an instant.

"What about Grandpa? How did you persuade Grandpa to be your accomplice?"

"What's the problem? Grandpa now cares most about our relationship, when can we give him a great-grandson? With such a good opportunity for us to get along with each other, how could he not help."

When Huo Yizhen brought up the topic of great-grandson again, Qi Anran blushed and gave him an angry look.

Huo Yizhen didn't care, and simply grabbed Qi Anran's hand, took her into her arms, and said with a slight smile: "Of course, or you should move back to live. If you do, Yang Yang will be happy too. You Seeing you come back, how happy he is with 001?"

Qi Anran was unconsciously pulled by him, and sat directly in his arms, and when he heard his words, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Xindao, how are you okay with me? With your excessively vigorous energy, you have to toss about until midnight every night, which is much more tiring than military training.

"Come less, I left the house, and moved back one day. Do you trouble yourself when I'm idle? And, remember it for me. From tomorrow, I won't be allowed to be in public anymore. I'll do it. Otherwise, I won't cut you when I come back!"

"Why?" Huo Yizhen was very unconvinced, and a little puzzled, "Didn't I do anything to you today? And I just help you correct your posture, even if they look at it, they will only think that is my duty, no I will think more."

"You didn’t do anything to me? You didn’t do anything to me. There was a lot of discussion in the whole school. You made me famous just two days after I entered the school. You don’t even think about it. How do you know they don’t? Think more? Although you are really correcting my posture in the eyes of others, but you are not helping everyone, all the girls have corrected their postures. Especially, the two girls in our profession at the end, you treat them His attitude is completely different from his attitude towards me!"

"Of course." Huo Yizhen hugged Qi Anran and snorted, "You are my wife, and they are not my wife? I can treat them the same as you? I really want to do that, you are not jealous?"

"I’m not as boring as you. I eat some messy jealousy every day. You know I’m your wife, but others don’t. In their eyes, I’m just an ordinary freshman. You pay too much attention to me and are too intimate. They You will think you are interesting to me. And you happen to have a fiancée, and..." Qi Anran paused when he said this, turned his head and poked Huo Yizhen’s shoulder, "Not long ago, my fiancée has just grown up and has been talking to him. A married man whose fiancee received a certificate."

This was what Huo Yizhen had just shown off with those freshmen not long ago, and now it was repeated in person by Qi Anran, somehow he suddenly gave birth to a little guilty conscience.

"You are a married man, and you are very concerned about another girl outside. What will others think of you?"

Huo Yizhen thought that Qi Anran might have suffered unnecessary rumors about this matter, and his brows wrinkled suddenly: "Well... or just disclose our relationship?"

"Are you stupid?" Qi Anran really wanted to be irritated by him. He stretched out his hand to pinch Huo Yizhen's handsome face, and pulled him to the side, making his face slightly deformed.

The entire empire dared to treat Huo Yizhen like this, probably only Qi Anran.

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