Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 549: I came here if I wanted to see you

Ran Jiani and Ji Shengnan didn't know that as soon as their front foot was gone, Lin Yuche on the back foot stabbed all the things that happened to them to Ran Jiani's parents.

After coming out of the school, Ran Jiani kept her head down, afraid to look at Ji Shengnan's face, letting the person in front of her drag her forward.

So she didn't even notice when the person in front of her stopped and hit the back of the person in front of her.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it, are you okay?" Ran Jiani's anxious apology made Ji Shengnan couldn't help laughing.

"Just your small body, what can knock me out of it?"

Ran Jiani blushed and realized that she seemed to be stupid accidentally.

"Your hands are very cold, were you scared just now?" Ji Shengnan's gentle voice echoed in her ears, and the heart that Ran Jiani had been hanging because of tension gradually fell.

God knows how nervous she was when she said those words in front of Lin Yuche, even her hands were shaking.

If it weren't for the people around her to hold her hand all the time, she wouldn't be able to hold on at all, and she wouldn't dare to say anything like that.


Ji Shengnan frowned, but was not angry. Instead, she asked patiently: "Why do you apologize? Because of the man just now?"

As soon as Ran Jiani heard Ji Shengnan mention Lin Yuche, her head suddenly dropped more seriously: "Well, he...he is a neighbor of my family. He studied abroad before and came back before the college entrance examination, and then... he always wanted to chase me. But. You have to believe me, I really don’t like him at all, and I told him very clearly. But he...he has been pestering me, and I don’t know what to do. I thought I went to university, separated, time After a long time, he won't come to me again, unexpectedly..."

Ran Jiani's hand hanging in front of her was unconsciously tangled in a piece. This was her fixed movement every time she was tense, indicating her uneasiness at the moment.

"I didn't expect him to be in the same school as me, and I didn't expect to meet him today. I'm sorry, I caused you trouble."

After Ran Jiani finished speaking, she was even more afraid to look up at Ji Shengnan's face, for fear of seeing a trace of dissatisfaction and anger on his face.

I don't know how long it took before Ran Jiani heard a sigh from above her head: "You finally said it."

"Huh?" Ran Jiani was stunned, looking up at Ji Shengnan blankly, not quite understanding what Ji Shengnan meant.

Ji Shengnan reached out and touched her face, and said helplessly: "I have been waiting for you to tell me, but you have never said it."

Ran Jiani was really stunned at this moment: " already knew about me and him?"

Ran Jiani's head was blank for a few seconds, and then it seemed as if she had caught something, her eyes widened suddenly: "Is...Did An Ran tell you?"

Ji Shengnan didn't hide it, nodded and said: "Well, a few days ago, my sister-in-law talked to me about something alone. She told me that you are more sensitive. Let me be better, care about you, and accommodate you. Also. Tell me, there is a man who has been pestering you, worrying that he will do something to hurt you if he gets too entangled. Let me pay more attention and don't hurt you."

"An Ran she..." Ran Jiani couldn't help but feel a little moved when she heard Ji Shengnan's words. "Then why you appeared in our school today is because of An Ran?"

"No." Knowing that the person in front of him likes to think a lot, the corners of her lips twitched and said directly, "The reason why I am here is because of you. I came here if I wanted to see you."

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