Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 574: Hands stretched really long

Not only Qi Anran, but even Qi Yongjia was confused by his father's reaction.

Qi Anran took a step back subconsciously, and shouted politely: "Mr. Qi."

Upon seeing this, Qi Dinghang also realized his gaffe, and silently retracted the extended hand, and said embarrassingly: "I am too impulsive, and I didn't worry about your mood. You can call Mr. Qi, and you'll be happy."

At this time, the principal, who became a background board after Qi Anran entered the door, also saw a little bit of grotesqueness. He smiled and took a step forward to relieve Qi Dinghang and said: "Student Qi, I didn't expect you to have a relationship with Mr. Qi. Qi. Mr. Qi is the largest investor in our school, and Master Qi is an outstanding talent cultivated in the past few years at our school. Classmate Qi has such a good grades in admissions, he will definitely not be in the pool when he comes here!"

I have to say that the principal is the principal, and the three people are praised one by one in a paragraph, which is really not leaking.

Of course, Qi Anran also heard some things he wanted to know from these words of the principal.

Unexpectedly, the Qi family turned out to be an investor in Imperial Capital University.

As Huo Yizhen said before, the Imperial Capital University is one of the top universities in the empire, and naturally the most talented people are cultivated here.

Although people always say that the masters are among the people, but when it comes to them, how can there be more talents in schools?

Prior to this, Qi Anran only thought that the Qi family only made achievements in the military and business circles.

But today she realized that she was still too naive. Perhaps the Qi family had already tried to penetrate into other areas, but they had never noticed it.

Thinking of this, Qi Anran's eyes suddenly narrowed, and something she hadn't noticed before quickly passed through her mind.

She was too careless. She should have realized this before that. The Qi family provided the experimental parts for Sang Lao. Qi Anran always thought they were coming for the research institute.

But I forgot that Sang Lao is not only a foreign aid staff member of the research institute, but also a professor of Imperial University. They please him, help him, and build a good relationship with him, perhaps more for the Imperial University.

Qi Jia's hand may be stretched longer than she or even Huo Yizhen had imagined.

Qi Anran's heart turned a thousand times, but she didn't show any signs on her face, she only smiled and replied: "Unexpectedly, Master Qi also graduated from our school."

Qi Yongjia smiled and said: "I am just six years older than you in the **** class. Logically speaking, you should call me a long time."

Qi Anran: "..." She didn't really want to shout.

Qi Anran's silence seemed to have successfully pleased Qi Yongjia. He smiled and said, "Forget it, I don't ask you to be too loud. Just call it whatever you want."

Qi Yongjia's attitude did not let Qi Anran relax, but became more alert.

Everyone says, "Nothing is courteous, if anyone is **** or steal, what on earth do the father and son want to do?"

After Qi Anran's eyes turned around the Qi family father and son, it fell on the principal's body all of a sudden: "Principal, I heard that you have something to ask for me. Now that I am here, is there anything wrong?" "

The principal showed embarrassment and glanced at Qi Dinghang subconsciously and smiled and said, "Yes, yes, I have something to ask you. Sit first, let's say something slowly."

Qi Anran twisted his eyebrows, avoided the headmaster's hand extended towards her, and said nonchalantly: "If the headmaster has something to say, please speak up. I have to go back to training later."

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