Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 805: Holiday arrangements

At that time, Bai Yishu didn't know that he had revealed his true face by accident. He was so scared that he was so frightened that he had tried to keep by his side and planned to make good use of the chess pieces in the future. How to leave her.

On the other side, Gu Molan, who noticed Huo Yizhen's departure early, also saw Qi Anran who came to pick up Huo Yizhen.

But when he turned his head, Qi Anran had already walked to the co-pilot's side and was about to sit inside.

Looking over from Gu Molan's side, he happened to see Qi Anran's profile face. With just one glance, Qi Anran was already in the car, and he couldn't even see the side of his face.

Gu Molan twisted his eyebrows, instinctively that the person's face was a little familiar, and turned to An Yao, who was busy explaining his schedule over the past few days, and asked: "The one sitting in General Huo's car over there. The girl here, do you know Miss Ann?"

The girl sitting in Huo Yizhen's car? An Yao was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and looked at it subconsciously.

Although it is blocked by the car, it is not difficult to guess who this girl is who can sit in Huo Yizhen's car as the co-pilot.

It's just that the general from the Federation asked her what she did in a good manner.

An Yao couldn't help being vigilant in his heart, and only after watching Huo Yizhen and two drive away did he feel embarrassed: "I didn't see the person inside very clearly just now, and there is no way to be sure if I recognize that person. General Gu sees this. Anyone you know?"

Gu Molan pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Perhaps, I read it wrong. It's okay, let's continue with the topic just now."

An Yao couldn't figure out Gu Mo Lan's thoughts, and couldn't say much, so he nodded and continued.

At this time, Qi Anran, who had almost caught the attention of the Federal Major General, was sitting in the car steadily, discussing with Huo Yizhen about his itinerary for the next two or three days.

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow happen to be weekends, and it is rare for me to have a holiday. Do you have any plans to take Yangyang to play?"

"I asked Yangyang. He said he wanted to go to the mountains to see the stars and the sunrise. Let's take him tomorrow to camp on the mountain on the west side of the city for one night and wait until the next day to come back. In this case, the stars and sunrise will be You can see it all."

Huo Yizhen twisted his eyebrows for a moment and nodded.

The mountain to the west of the city is a rare developed mountain in the capital. Generally, this kind of mountain is relatively free of beasts, so you can rest assured to camp.

Of course, it's still very affectionate to go out with my wife occasionally.

More importantly, in this case, there will be no cat and puppy 001 chasing behind their **** and disturbing their two-person world.

Although he still has a child, Ye Zhaoyang has always been very well-behaved, and he shouldn't cause them trouble like 001.

Thinking of this, Huo Yizhen immediately looked forward to the next two days.

"Okay, let's make it so, clean up at night, and we will leave tomorrow."


After Qi Anran went home, he told Ye Zhaoyang of the incident. Ye Zhaoyang learned that he could follow Qi Anran and Huo Yizhen to watch the stars and the sunrise, and he was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

Compared with his joy and happiness, 001 is a bit disappointed and wronged for no reason.

Both Qi Anran took Ye Zhaoyang, but they didn't take it.

In this regard, Qi Anran had already figured out a countermeasure, letting Xue Tuan accompany it, so as not only to appease its left out heart, but also to monitor it so as not to let it mess up.

001 learned of this cruel and inhuman arrangement, and finally couldn't help crying out.

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