Qi Anran was also stunned by Ye Zhaoyang's words. When he didn't know how to tell him, he saw Ye Zhaoyang's eyes widened and his face was innocent and said, "Am I doing something wrong?"

"Ahem, no, Yang Yang did a great job."

Ye Zhaoyang breathed a sigh of relief, and said innocently: "That's good, Grandpa also said, Sister An Ran and Uncle Huo kiss each other to play with Yang Yang for his younger brother and younger sister. If Yang Yang is not covered Eyes, make sister Anran and Uncle Huo upset, you won't give birth to me with younger brothers and younger sisters."

When Ye Zhaoyang heard this, he thought that grandpa likes babies so much. If two adults don't give birth to babies, grandpa would be sad.

Therefore, he must not hold back, nor make Sister An Ran and Uncle Huo upset.

When Qi Anran and Huo Yizhen heard Ye Zhaoyang's words, the corners of their lips twitched again. They secretly said, Grandpa, what have you said to your child! He is still a baby, is it really good for you to do this?

Qi Anran deliberately explained a few words to Ye Zhaoyang, but a pair of upper Ye Zhaoyang's clear and innocent eyes, his mind instantly went blank, and when he reached his mouth, it was stuck in his throat and couldn't get up or down.

At this time, Huo Yizhen is still more sober, and first changed the subject and said: "I have a little bit to set it up. Is the fire on your side ready? When it's finished, cook something to eat first, no need to wait. I."

As soon as Qi Anran heard Huo Yizhen’s words, he knew that he wanted to change the subject to expose the matter, and followed his words: "Then we won’t bother you. You quickly set up the tent and I’ll get something. I'll eat it later when I'm ready."

Qi Anran said that he took Ye Zhaoyang away, leaving Huo Yizhen alone to continue struggling with the tent.

In the wild, it's no better than at home. The food Qi Anran brings is basically cooked food, which can be eaten after a little bit of roasting.

However, even when he was away, Huo Yizhen didn't want to treat his daughter-in-law badly. After setting up the tent, he ran to a nearby waterfall to catch a few fish back, and then grilled them with the seasoning they brought.

Qi Anran looked at Huo Yizhen as he was busy setting up tents and catching fish and grilling fish. He smiled and praised: "Unexpectedly, you still have so many things, really amazing."

Huo Yizhen received Qi Anran's compliment and couldn't help being a little proud: "I have a lot of things! After all, many times when marching and fighting are not indoors, sometimes there is not enough food to bring, so I can only get local materials and eat wherever I go. Well, you can live wherever you go, if you don’t learn something, I’m afraid you’ll starve to death long ago."

Huo Yizhen just said casually, but didn't want his words to touch an uncomfortable point in Qi Anran's heart.

The burning fire light reflected Huo Yizhen's profile, making his whole person shrouded in the dazzling light.

Huo Yizhen's tone was very brisk when he said this, and there was no slightest bit of depression or discouragement because of these past.

As if not hearing Qi Anran's words for a long time, Huo Yizhen turned his head to look at her inquiringly, and said in confusion: "What's the matter?"

"Nothing." Qi Anran took Ye Zhaoyang to sit next to him and smiled faintly, "It's just that it's quite new. We have never been outside before, and we don't know you could do so many things before."

Huo Yizhen couldn't help but laughed when he heard the words: "In this way, we will really come out a few more times in the future. In this way, you can know how powerful your husband is."

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