Ye Zhaoyang was completely attracted by the beautiful scenery that changed little by little. He opened his eyes and fixedly looked ahead, reluctant to look away.

Qi Anran looked at this scene and couldn't help turning his head and pointing at Huo Yizhen, letting him also look at the child's quiet and focused cute appearance.

However, Huo Yizhen's attention in this meeting was not on the child, but on Qi Anran.

Seeing Qi Anran's gentle smile, Huo Yizhen's eyes suddenly became darker, and he slowly leaned in and kissed her eyes.

Qi Anran was stunned, and subconsciously raised his eyes to look at Huo Yizhen, his face gradually flushed after meeting his eyes reflecting himself.

In the distance, the beautiful morning glow was gradually replaced by the snow-white light, reflecting the extremely harmonious family of three on the top of the mountain, gentle, calm, and sweet.

I've seen the stars and the sunrise, so it's naturally time to go back home.

Same as the excitement when he went up the mountain before, when he went down the mountain, Ye Zhaoyang was still so happy that he flew up, either pulling Qi Anran along the way and saying that the mountain is so good, or pulling her to act like a baby, trying to get the benefits of coming here again next time. .

Qi Anran couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw that the child, who was always a little uneasy and fearful, gradually knew how to let go in front of her and Huo Yizhen.

At the same time, I am also glad that I and Huo Yizhen made the right decision to bring the children out to play. They always stay at home, although they also accompany the children, but strictly speaking, is it not a kind of restraint to the children's nature?

Occasionally taking the child out for a walk can not only broaden the child's horizons, but also quickly warm up the relationship between the child and the adult.

But it can be seen from Ye Zhaoyang's attitude towards the two of them now. In the past, when he faced them, he was more flattering and apprehensive, but now he is more coquettish and calm.

When going down the mountain, Qi Anran and the two fulfilled their previous promise to Ye Zhaoyang, took him to find the wild fruits they saw when they went up the mountain, and picked a bunch of them to take back to Elder Huo to eat.

When he reached the position of the kiwi tree, Huo Yizhen suddenly saw a trace of pain on Qi Anran's face.

Huo Yizhen's expression suddenly changed. He stepped forward and grabbed Qi Anran's hand and asked, "What's the matter? Are you feeling well?"

Qi Anran didn't expect Huo Yizhen to react so quickly and wanted to say it was okay, but a pair of Huo Yizhen's eyes with a little sternness and concern couldn't say what he said.

"What's the matter? Is it uncomfortable somewhere? Or... tired?"

Qi Anran shook his head, hesitated for a moment before saying: " are a bit rubbed."

In order to climb the mountain, Qi Anran specially handed down a pair of lightweight cloth shoes, who would have thought that these cloth shoes also have the disadvantages of cloth shoes.

Perhaps because of the relatively new shoes, the position of the back heel was a little worn. Qi Anran felt it when he went up the mountain yesterday, but it was not so powerful.

This will be down the mountain, the old injury plus the new injury is really a bit painful.

Qi Anran also didn't expect Huo Yizhen to notice. Looking at his worried look, he felt that he was really making a fuss: "It's okay, just wait to get back and change a pair of shoes."

Huo Yizhen did not relax because of Qi Anran's words, but squatted down, grabbing Qi Anran's feet and looking at it.

At a glance, he saw the red wound behind Qi Anran's heel, and his face became more difficult to look at.

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