Fortunately, when a few of them came down, it was still early, and there were no people at the bottom of the mountain.

Otherwise, let people see him being carried down from the mountain by Huo Yizhen, and if others don't say anything, Qi Anran himself might be ashamed to dig a hole on the spot and bury himself in it.

The two big and one small drove back home as quickly as possible, just in time for breakfast.

When getting out of the car, Huo Yizhen originally wanted to enter the door carrying Qi Anran like he did before going down the mountain, but Qi Anran righteously refused.

Before Huo Yizhen could come back to his senses, Qi Anran jumped out of the car first, and ran Ye Zhaoyang into the house.

Huo Yizhen was stunned for a moment, looking at the back of his wife's going away, dumbfounded.

When Qi Anran entered the door, Mr. Huo was waiting for breakfast while reading the newspaper in the living room. Hearing the movement, he looked up and met the faces of Qi Anran and Ye Zhaoyang and... Qi Anran's feet without shoes.

Elder Huo was also taken aback, and said in amazement: "An Ran, what's the matter with you? Why did you come back barefoot? Where are your shoes?"

When Ye Zhaoyang heard that Old Man Huo asked about this, he immediately took the initiative to help Qi Anran explain: "Grandpa, sister An Ran’s shoes are not easy to wear. She bruised her sister’s back heel. Uncle Huo gave her sister An Ran’s shoes. Lost it."

Aunt Li, who just came out of the kitchen carrying food, couldn’t help but interject when hearing Ye Zhaoyang’s words: “Some shoes will look like this, especially that kind of high heels. Pay attention. Is the young lady seriously injured? Do I need to apply some medicine?"

"Actually, it's okay. They all made a fuss."

Huo Yizhen followed the two of them. As soon as he entered the door, he heard this, his face sank suddenly, and he said coldly: "It's all broken and making a fuss. How can it be serious?"

As soon as Huo Yizhen said this, the several adults and children in the house all cast condemning glances at Anran, as if they were saying, yes, yes, they are all so badly injured and they said it was all right, then what would be considered an accident?

Qi Anran: "..." She really just broke a layer of skin, she was not seriously injured and she was going to die, don't look at me with such a look!

In the end, Qi Anran still failed to slap Huo Yizhen, and sat down on the sofa so that Huo Yizhen gave her both heels medicine.

At this time, Ye Zhaoyang also took out his trophy and shared it with several elders in the family.

Elder Huo looked at the wild fruits in the small schoolbag behind Ye Zhaoyang, and heard Qi Anran say that these things were picked back by Ye Zhaoyang to try them out. They were all overjoyed, and they praised Ye Zhaoyang for being smart and sensible, and praised Ye Zhaoyang. Little blushes all over.

001 was a little sad, because he couldn't eat the fruits that Ye Zhaoyang brought back.

The owner didn't take it with him when he went out, and when he came back, the things he brought with him didn't have its share, and it was no more sad.

Compared with it, Xue Tuan had a good idea. While Aunt Li was taking the fruits to wash, he secretly took a pear and took a bite. As a result, he screamed and ran away with a scream just as soon as he ate the fruits. Amused.

When he saw that Xue Tuan took the initiative to eat that pear, he was a little curious about the taste of this pear in the deep mountains. He couldn't wait to take a bite as soon as he washed it.

As a result, he was extremely happy and sorrowful on the spot, and wailed: " sour! Ouch, my tooth, my tooth!"

Everyone: "..."

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