Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 821: Not under the control of the Academy

Of course, the beneficiary of the patent also wrote her name.

However, if this is the case, when the time comes, the research institute will find her head.

Huo Yizhen seemed to have anticipated this, and smiled lightly: "You can rest assured that the patent is not under the control of the research institute, but under the control of the presidential palace."

"Presidential Palace?" Qi Anran was taken aback, "You mean...President Bai?"

Huo Yizhen nodded: "I told you before that the Imperial Presidential Palace, the Parliament, and the Military Department have always maintained a delicate balance. The Research Institute does not belong to any of them, but it is more dangerous than any of them. Uncle Bai and the others have become fine people, how could they let them put everything in their own hands."

"So, they split a part of the rights that originally belonged to the institute? Patent rights are one of them?"

"Yeah." Huo Yizhen nodded, and stepped forward to embrace Qi Anran, "This can be seen from the fact that they didn't directly find you on your head and ran to find you, but instead planned to find you through Xi Muyu in a roundabout way. It's here. So, you don't have to worry about it. I will notify him in advance of Uncle Bai, and I will never let the people in the research institute find you."

"Yeah." Qi Anran breathed a sigh of relief and said again, "Yes, there is also the Qi family..."

Huo Yizhen was taken aback when Qi Anran took the initiative to mention the Qi family: "What happened to the Qi family?"

"Now that the funds are in place, the orders from the Qi family should also be gradually reduced, right?"

"Well, Sheng Nan has always done this. I have already told him in advance. Starting from next month, we can gradually reduce the cooperation with Qijia. As for the First Army, it may have to wait for a while. Time, after all, their munitions were originally more than those of our other legions." The constraints of the Qi family are naturally more severe than theirs.

Qi Anran nodded in understanding, realizing that this matter was too urgent, then nodded, and said nothing.

Seeing that Qi Anran seemed to be worried, Huo Yizhen asked: "What's wrong? Is there anything embarrassing? Tell me, maybe I can help."

Qi Anran shook his head and smiled lightly: "It's okay, I just think, if we do this, the Qi family will definitely take measures, especially after losing the big customer of the First Army, they will definitely be wary. In case they find someone else to cooperate, forget about the people next to them, in case they join hands with the people in the research institute..."

Huo Yizhen was a little surprised when he heard Qi Anran's words. After reacting, he couldn't help but smile and said, "How could it be such a coincidence? I have been in the military department for so many years. I have never heard of the Qi family's relationship with the Academy. Don't be yourself. Scared myself."

Qi Anran felt a little fussed when Huo Yizhen said this, he sighed and relaxed a little.

Huo Yizhen saw that she was no longer as preoccupied as before, and continued to comfort him: "If you really don't worry, I let people stare at them. The original need to reduce the needs of the Qijia family is to find some people to stare at them, so as not to save them. Secretly used some innocent tricks to retaliate against us."

"That's good." Qi Anran nodded in agreement, "Well, let's not talk about them. Two days ago I called Xiao Li and the others about exchange students. They seemed to say that those exchange students have been sent to their respective counterparts recently. School."

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