Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 827: Smear face to face

But the two were not stupid, and they soon reacted. Why did an imperial person ask a federal exchange student to help her contact her former imperial classmates? Can't you contact yourself?

Is there no Qi Anran's phone number? If you are a good friend, how can you not have the phone number of the other party?

Without contact information, the biggest possibility is that the relationship between them is not good enough. Since they are not good enough, why do they still need to be this middleman to let them contact?

In the unlikely event that the two of them had an unpleasant quarrel, wouldn't they be thankless and offend the people who they linked to get them in touch?

Both Yun Qianli kept their minds, and did not reply to Bai Yishu in person, but just made up a random reason to send her away.

After that, he contacted Qi Anran and told her about the matter. Sure enough, Qi Anran told them directly without even asking the other party's identity or name.

She did have some classmates, but apart from Ran Jiani, none of these classmates needed to be in touch. If you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you don't have to pay attention to it, just say that you don't know.

When the two heard Qi Anran's words at the time, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They secretly thanked that they had kept their eyes on them and told her everything without just listening to the person's words, otherwise they would be really kind to do bad things.

The two didn't take the initiative to contact Bai Yishu after that. They thought that the matter would almost end here, but they didn't want Bai Yishu to take the initiative to find them several times soon after that.

Of course, it was impossible for the two Yun Qianli to reveal her contact information to people she was not familiar with without Qi Anran's permission, so they just found a few excuses to stop them.

Both Yun Qianli felt that they had fooled this person several times in this way. This person should have a bit of knowledge in his heart, knowing that they didn't want to tell her Qi Anran's contact information, so don't go to the door to get humiliated.

But Yun Qianli didn't expect that there are people in this world who are as thick as a city wall, and the tactful refusal is really useless.

You gave her face, she really pretended not to know anything, and came to pester you with confidence.

Yun Qianli has also been annoyed by being entangled in the past few days, and this is the only way for Bai Yishu's attitude to be so bad and repellent.

Bai Yishu was taken aback when he heard Yun Qianli's words. He immediately lowered his head and said weakly and weakly: "I'm only entrusted by others. Why does Miss Yun say things so badly?"

Yun Qianli's face sank, and when she was about to speak, she heard Bai Yishu's grievances and said: "My friend's relative used to be your roommate's classmate. The two have been classmates for so long, and classmate Qi suddenly disappeared from school. There has been no news for several months, of course she will be worried. In addition, she also knows that classmate Qi’s family is not very good and his academic performance is not very good. My relatives for more than ten years have all been sued to the court, and a person ran to the imperial capital without any support, and I don’t know how much he suffered along the way."

Bai Yishu sighed with pity: "I heard that there is a very beautiful girl in the Imperial Capital University by this name. At first, the relative of my friend thought it was the same name. Who ever thought, really. It's the same person. My friend's relatives are both happy and worried when she learns this. She is happy that she is doing well now, and even more worried about whether she has gone any bad way during this time."

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