Where is Yun Qianli Yin Moyan's opponent? After he grabbed his hand, he couldn't pull it back. She stared at Yin Moyan with wide eyes and shocked face: "Why?"

"You just tore your face with that woman. The woman knows that she is not a broad-minded person. She may tell someone to trouble you with your hind feet. You are a weak woman. I can beat such a ruthless character, I think for your sake, and don't want you to suffer."

Yun Qianli was choked by Yin Moyan's awe-inspiring remarks, and it took a long time before she awkwardly said: "Even so, don't worry about it, I'm not familiar with you!"

Yin Moyan heard Yun Qianli say that he was not familiar with her, a cold light flashed across his eyes, and secretly wrote down this account in his heart, waiting for the person to be turned away and then slowly liquidated.

"That's right, but you are after all the exclusive painter I appointed in front of all of your painting professionals. If something happens to you, wouldn't no one paint me?"

It's okay for Yin Moyan not to say this. When he talked about Yun Qianli, he exploded again, and said angrily: "Who is your exclusive painter? Who wants to paint you, don't dream!"

"Oh? So, you don't want to paint me?"

Yun Qianli was stared at by Yin Moyan so that her back was hairy, and she said, "There are so many people in the school, who can't paint me, why do I have to paint you?"

"But I want you to paint me."

Yin Moyan's voice was low and gentle, and when he spoke, he gently moved closer to Yun Qianli's ear.

The seductive magnetic voice echoed in my ears, and it was a bit unstoppable.

The tips of Yun Qianli's ears turned red all of a sudden, and her tone of voice fell unconsciously. She muttered, "There are too many people who like to paint you. Why do I have to paint you?"

"Why do you have to paint?" Yin Moyan smiled, "Because I just want to know what I look like in your heart."

"The way you look in my heart?" Yun Qianli thought about countless possibilities, but she didn't expect this. It took a long time before she rolled her eyes and smiled, "Do you really want to know?"


"Then I will show you compassionately, what kind of person you are in my heart!" Yun Qianli raised her head and pointed at Yin Moyan in a loud voice. Somewhat handsome, with a few small dollars, I thought I was an invincible narcissist. I imagined that girls all over the world like me every day, so I can see a big carrot who loves one! Like you Scumbags will like those ignorant girls who only look at people's faces. People like me who have seen your evil inside clearly won't find guilt on their own, and like people like you."

Yin Moyan almost laughed at Yun Qianli's evaluation of herself: "I'm just a handsome guy, and how much money do I have?"

Yun Qianli snorted coldly, "Otherwise?"

"I'm still a narcissist? A big carrot?"

"Yes, uh..."

Before Yun Qianli finished speaking, she was gagged by the person in front of her.

In a leisurely afternoon, hidden in a corner of the campus under the large green plants, a man with a head taller than the girl lowered his head and kissed the lips of the person in front of him. The girl widened her eyes because of surprise, looking at the person in front of her in disbelief. everything.

The rustling autumn breeze rolled up the fallen leaves at the feet of the two, and also added a strong touch to this inexplicable and beautiful picture.

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