Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 838: Blatantly seduce

"My dad?" Qi Junhao's face changed slightly, "Did you say it was for something?"

The female secretary seemed to have anticipated that Qi Junhao would ask about this, and shook her head and said, "The chairman didn't say anything."

Qi Yongjia knew that his eldest cousin was not afraid of the heavens, he was afraid of his uncle, and he couldn't help but laugh when meeting him with his pale face, and joked: "I know I'm afraid now? Don't really be because of your recent private life. It's too much, uncle can't see it, are you ready to cure you?"

Qi Junhao had a guilty conscience at first. He almost lost his anger when he heard Qi Yongjia’s words. One Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. He immediately walked around from behind his desk and slapped Qi Yongjia on the head with a slap: "You little bastard. , Can't you say a few words?"

Qi Yongjia touched his sore head and didn't irritate him anymore. He smiled slightly and said, "Well, I won't laugh at you anymore, so hurry over. Maybe the uncle has something urgent to call you!"

Qi Junhao thought it so, and immediately didn't dare to interrogate Qi Yongjia anymore. He simply sorted out his own clothes, and quickly went to the chairman's office to find his dad.

After Qi Junhao left, only Qi Yongjia and the female secretary were left in the office.

The female secretary glanced at Qi Junhao's back, and then turned her attention to Qi Yongjia.

Qi Yongjia met the female secretary's gaze, frowned slightly, and walked out.

When she walked past the female secretary, she suddenly moved to the side and blocked Qi Yongjia's face, deliberately pretending that Qi Yongjia came over and hit her.

The figure flickered on Qi Yongjia, and his hand touched Qi Yongjia's abdomen even more, suggestively circling with his fingertips: "San Shao, I heard the general manager say that you are in your early twenties. , Have never had a relationship with a girl, how? Are you interested..."

The female secretary hadn’t finished her words yet, Qi Yongjia had already grabbed her chaotic hand first and said with a low smile: "Sorry, I am not interested in women who are not here."

The female secretary was stunned. When she reacted, Qi Yongjia had already crossed her and walked out.

The female secretary stomped her feet in anger, looking at Qi Yongjia's away back, almost crushing her silver teeth with anger.

At that time, Qi Junhao didn't know that his front foot had just left, and his female secretary almost hooked up with his cousin on the back foot and gave him a big green hat.

He rushed to the chairman's office as soon as he got the news and met his father's black face as soon as he walked in.

Qi Junhao shook his heart, and shouted in fright, "Dad, are you looking for me?"

"Yeah." Qi Dingbang glanced at his elder son, and said straightforwardly, "I have something for you to do when I am looking for you."

Seeing that Qi Dingbang was not trying to trouble him for the chaos of these days, Qi Junhao was sure, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"People from the research institute just called and let us find someone for them."

"People from the research institute?" Qi Junhao was taken aback. He knew that his industry had something to do with the research institute, but he had never been able to personally touch these things. That's great.

There is no other reason. The relationship between this group of people and them is not simply a cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship. It is more of treating them together as a knife in their hands.

This knife can help them get rid of the people they want to get rid of, nothing more!

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