From the federation? Now studying at Imperial University, still surnamed Bai?

Qi Yongjia extracted the key points of Qi Junhao's brief introduction, and a certain identity emerged in his mind unconsciously, and his gaze at Qi Junhao was a little more shocked.

Couldn't his brother in the lobby dug the corner of his illegitimate second cousin, right?

No wonder Qi Junhao had such a reaction when he talked to Qi Junhao about someone's recent love affairs. The lover knew it for a long time, and even had already acted first.

Quietly, he put a green hat on the self-esteem guy, and I have to say that this trick is really...too ruthless.

Qi Yongjia's heart turned a thousand times, but he never showed anything on his face, but stood silently in front of the two.

Bai Yishu didn't care either, only Dao Qi Junhao's cousin was born colder.

On the contrary, Qi Junhao's introduction made her a little dissatisfied, because he never told the person in front of him that he had become his girlfriend.

However, Bai Yishu was relieved soon, feeling that they had just confirmed the relationship and it was indeed inconvenient to tell his family now.

As long as you hold onto the man in front of you, you are afraid that you will not have the chance to introduce yourself to his family in the future?

Thinking about it this way, Bai Yishu didn’t get entangled anymore, and greeted Qi Yongjia enthusiastically and generously, “It turns out to be Mr. Qi’s cousin. Have you eaten San Shao? Do you want to use it together?”

As soon as Qi Yongjia got the news, he rushed over from the company. Where can I have time to finish the meal? It's just that he doesn't have any appetite now.

Thinking of the news he had received by chance not long ago, Qi Yongjia opened his mouth, deliberately wanting to inquire about Qi Junhao, but he was scrupulous about Bai Yishu's presence.

When it came to my lips, the words reluctantly became: "Not yet."

"Then let's eat some together." As soon as Qi Yongjia's voice fell, Qi Junhao left the person directly.

On the one hand, he could see that Qi Yongjia had something to find himself, and on the other hand, he couldn't bear to be alone with Bai Yishu. How could he be willing to miss out if he could share the joys and sorrows with him?

The expression on Qi Yongjia's face suddenly stiffened, and he was kept half-forced.

For a period of time afterwards, the three people on Qi Yongjia's side were a little bit ignorant.

Huo Yizhen on the other side noticed that Qi Yongjia did not appear in front of them, but they ate quite happily.

When the people on both sides finished eating, Qi Yongjia was the first to stand up uncontrollably.

He had no appetite at first, but was kept by Qi Junhao and had to accompany him to eat a few mouthfuls. He wanted to leave as soon as he had finished eating.

As a result, as soon as he stood up, he crossed the middle row of tables and saw the two Qi Anran who also stood up on the other side.

When Qi Yongjia reached his mouth, he choked on the spot, and his eyes suddenly widened to the extreme, as if he was a ghost.

Qi Junhao noticed his strangeness and called out in doubt, "Yongjia, what's the matter?"

After finishing speaking, I also wanted to get up and see what actually scared his cousin like this.

Qi Yongjia woke up like a dream, and almost subconsciously reached out and pressed Qi Junhao back to his seat.

"Yongjia, you..." Qi Junhao was unconsciously held down and was also dumbfounded. He looked up at Qi Yongjia and was about to get angry.

Qi Yongjia hurriedly said: "Brother, I suddenly remembered that I have a school girl who likes to eat dim sum. The dim sum in this restaurant was good just now. Please help me to order some more and let me take it back."

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