Although Qi Anran was surprised by Qi Yongjia's words, he did not doubt, because no one knew better than her who these people were looking for.

No one knows better than her how compelling the person they are looking for recently is.

Two days ago, Mu Hanlin sorted out another paper she had sent him before, and published it in the national academic journal. I heard that it caused quite a stir in the academic world. It is estimated that the academy side could not be restrained because of this. NS.

However, Qi Anran didn't expect that her previous guess would come to fruition, and the research institute and Qi family secretly colluded!

Qi Anran was silent for a long time, there were too many questions, but after all he only asked: "Why help me?"

Qi Yongjia on the other end of the phone also remained silent for a while before he smiled as if relieved: "Probably because... my father wants to help you."

"Just because of this?"

"It's just because of this." Qi Yongjia took a deep breath and looked up at the night sky. "My dad is my only relative in this world. I will help him accomplish whatever he wants to do, no matter what it is."

Qi Anran was silent for an instant. Qi Yongjia's meaning was very clear. In his heart, his father was his only relative, his biological mother who regarded men outside more important than his son, and the Qi family. No one else is as important as his dad in his heart.

Therefore, what his dad wants to do, even if it is an enemy of the entire Qi family, he is willing to do it for him.

Qi Anran didn't ask any more, but replied: "Thank you."

Qi Yongjia laughed and said, "You are welcome. You should be dating in the restaurant today? Although there was a little accident, I still wish you two a happy date. I have just finished what I said, so I won’t bother you. Goodbye, you guys."


After Qi Anran hung up the phone, she turned to look at Huo Yizhen. She was using hands-free in the second half.

Huo Yizhen twisted his eyebrows, and Chen said, "Do you believe what he just said?"

Qi Anran laughed: "Why don't you believe it? No matter what the purpose of what he said to us, the things he just said are useful to us. We only need to know this."

Huo Yizhen frowned: "In case this is their conspiracy to draw the snake out of the hole..."

Qi Anran's eyes shuddered slightly: "You have to have a snake to lead a snake out of the hole? Ai Qing was originally a fictitious person. How can they lead him out?"

"Then you now..."

"I'll call Sang Lao and the others first, so that they can be mentally prepared." Qi Anran said suddenly and looked up at Huo Yizhen, "A Zhen, I have a hunch that a lot of trouble may be coming to us one after another."

Huo Yizhen seemed to see the anxiety in Qi Anran's heart, stretched out his hand to hug the person in his arms, and muttered: "This emperor's capital seems to be calm, but in fact, the dark tide has long been raging, and it will be a matter of time and chaos. Conflicts are inevitable. . Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Qi Anran nestled in Huo Yizhen's arms and smiled lowly: "Are you sure you are protecting me, not me protecting you. Don't forget, I saved you many lives when we first met."

"So, my life-saving grace, I promised myself."

Qi Anran looked up at him and sighed: "After that time, how long has it been stable, and I'm about to start to worry about it again."

Huo Yizhen bowed his head and kissed Qi Anran's forehead: "Where there are people, there will be disputes. Since it is inevitable, it is better to meet and take the initiative first."


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