After comforting Su Haochen, Qi Anran raised his head to look at Huo Yizhen, and met his solemn expression at a glance. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and patted his hand, and smiled lightly: "Okay, don't cry and cry. Even if he really doubted my identity and wanted to take me for the operation. Didn’t you always say before that you would protect me no matter what happened? Why, now I’m scared when I hear people want to be against me?"

Huo Yizhen awakened from a dream, and instead held her hand and smiled: "I have never known how to write words when I grow up so old."

Everyone on the side saw this scene with their mouths twitching, and secretly said: This is still talking about business! You two are tired and crooked at home. Can you pay attention to them in public? They are still single dogs!

Huo Yizhen took a deep look at Qi Anran, and then rushed to the people present: "The matter is over, then prepare a set of words to prevent this person from saying one thing, another person saying one thing, and Gu Molan even as the original No doubt, after listening to several different versions, he will definitely find it strange. Anyway, he will only stay in the Imperial Capital for two more days. For these two days, whether it is you or me, please tighten up a little bit. Don’t be at the end. Something happened at this juncture."

Several people nodded in agreement when Huo Yizhen said this.

Qi Anran stretched out his hand to hold Huo Yizhen's hand and comforted him with actions.

Huo Yizhen looked at Qi Anran's faintly smiling brows, followed by a smile, but there was still some worry in his heart.

Worried about whether Gu Molan really saw something, and even more worried about whether he would do something after seeing something.

Facts have proved that Huo Yizhen's concerns are not unreasonable.

After Gu Molan left the military headquarters, he did not rush back to where he lived. Instead, he hesitated for a while and dialed a little-known phone number.

The phone was quickly connected, and the person on the other end didn't seem to expect that Gu Molan would call him at this time. After answering the phone, he was uncertain and asked, "Alan?"

"it's me."

"Aren't you still in the empire? Why did you call me suddenly, did something happen?"

Gu Molan hesitated for a moment before considering: "Dad, I have something I want to tell you."

"Just say something, when did you become such a mother-in-law?"

"I met a girl in the empire, she is very similar to the one drawn in your small studio."

As soon as Gu Molan said this, the other end of the phone suddenly fell into a long silence.

I don't know how long it took, Gu Molan suddenly heard a muffled sound of knocks and bumps and the crash of broken porcelain.

Gu Molan was a little surprised and somewhat taken for granted, patiently waiting for the person on the other side of the phone to calm down, and never said anything.

It took a long time for Gu Molan to hear his father's rare and calm voice: "Are you sure you read it right?"

"I'm sure, her profile is exactly the same as the one in the portrait, and her front face is also seven to eight similar. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that she seems to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, just like an adult."

"Seventeen or eighteen, just adult?"

Across the phone line, Gu Molan could feel the regret and disappointment of the person opposite, but he still answered truthfully: "Yeah."

The other end of the phone was silent again, and it took a long time for Gu Molan to hear the faint voice of the other party: "You come back first."

"Okay, then you..."

Before Gu Molan's voice fell, he was interrupted first: "I will go over."

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