Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 863: Is the brain hole so big?

Qi Anran was stunned, then hesitated: "Don't make such a fuss, right?"

Huo Yizhen raised his eyebrows, with a faint persistence between his eyebrows: "Huh?"

Qi Anran knew that this was Huo Yizhen’s bottom line, and if he didn’t agree, I’m afraid he would be unable to do anything, so he had to sigh in a low voice, "Okay, then."

In view of the previous accidents, what Huo Yizhen chose for Qi Anran were all tall and strong guys.

From a distance, it was like a boss walking around with a group of younger brothers. Not to mention making trouble for others, I am afraid they would not even dare to come close.

Of course, the consequence of such a deterrent effect is that when Qi Anran entered the school, he was almost not spotted as suspicious by the security guard at the school gate.

After entering the campus, he gained countless attention, and one by one stood far away and pointed at them.

The difference is that in the past, Qi Anran received such attention because of her appearance, but today these eyes are obviously directed at the big men behind her.

Qi Anran walked in front and could still hear some people talking there.

"Unexpectedly, this woman is really a rich lady? Look at those bodyguards, the arms must be thicker than our thighs, right?"

Several retired veterans who followed Qi Anran disguised as bodyguards: "..." Girl, although our arms are thick, they are not as thick as your elephant legs. Exaggeration is not such an exaggeration!

Qi Anran's such a big show must attract some people's jealousy. He stared at Qi Anran, who looked like stars in the crowd, and said with a sour tone: "Isn't it just showing off wealth? I didn't even say that this woman is very low-key in dress and behavior. Is it? This is still called low-key? Will pretend!"

There are not a few people who have such thoughts, and Qi Anran rarely pays attention to them.

Some people just can't stop with a mouth. Those who are better than her feel that the other person is too high-profile, and those who are worse than her like to mock each other and feel complacent.

As everyone knows, such talents who are short of the top and have more than the bottom are the most mediocre and the saddest.

Qi Anran was not interested in the malicious words of these people, and didn't bother to pay attention to it. What really caught her attention was a word that suddenly floated out of the crowd.

"Quick look, look, how many people over there do you want, seven little tall guys and Snow White?"

Qi Anran almost didn't trip with his left foot and his right foot fell to the ground. What the **** are the seven little tall guys and Snow White? Are people's brains so big now?

However, these words made Qi Anran couldn't help but think of Ye Zhaoyang's unsurprisingly endless words "Pig Ba Jie carry his wife" on the mountain that day.

Qi Anran couldn't help but smile, and walked towards the teaching building with everyone behind him.

But she didn't want to, her smile fell in the eyes of those who had pointed at them before and ridiculed them. She was mocking them with a joke, one by one, she was so angry that she wanted to yell at them.

Before Qi Anran came, he had talked to Yun Qianli in advance, and specially selected them to come and look for them on a leisurely day when they only had two classes a day.

The two of them should have just finished class, Qi Anran just went over to meet them, and then... went to the Miss Bai.

"An Ran." Yun Qianli saw Qi Anran from a distance, and galloped over and hugged people. "You are here, woo woo woo, envious of you, so you don’t have to go to class. You don’t know, we I’ve been crying by my mentor these days. Why are we so unlucky this year? How can we meet the top students of the Federation? Can we let people be a good salted fish in the university?"

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