Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 873: Also worthy of conscience with me?

Bai Yishu was so angry at Qi Anran's words that he couldn't wait to rush to bite her, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak for a long time when he heard her last question.

After finally calming down the anger, he said: "Even if they don't take good care of you, they have raised you for so many years and fed you for more than ten years. Without them, it is still a question of whether you can live until now. Step back ten thousand steps and say, they gave you a life, but in the end you bite them back. Did your conscience let the dog eat it?"

As soon as Bai Yishu said this, Qi Anran hadn't spoken yet, Yun Qianli had already mocked it first: "I really didn't expect the kind of virgin **** that I often see on the Internet, one day, I will encounter it in reality. "

As soon as Yun Qianli said this, everyone present was taken aback, and the atmosphere stagnated for a moment.

"Puff......" Qi Anran took the lead in reacting, and couldn't hold back a laugh for a while.

And Bai Yishu also reacted from her smile, and his face became a little ugly.

"Conscience? They are also worthy to raise conscience with me?" Qi Anran finished laughing, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and he sneered at Bai Yishu.

"Why not worthy? They..."

"When I was bullied by the servants at home because of their cold reception, why didn't they come to talk to me about my conscience? When I was sick and had a fever, I was burnt in a daze, myrrh was cured and there was no food to eat, and I was almost burned. When you are a fool, why don't they come to talk to me about conscience?"

"Their sons and daughters spend the money my mother left me, put on airs in front of others, claiming to be rich children, and go to the best and most expensive school in the city. They take a luxury car every day. They are very stylish. But I only To be able to wear the torn clothes they eliminated and go to the cheapest and most scorned school in the city is this their so-called conscience?"

"On New Years and holidays, they took the money my mother left for me and took their precious sons and daughters to travel abroad. They locked me up at home and prevented me from going out, leaving only a bunch of instant noodles. That’s me. I have to save food, otherwise, if I eat all of them before they come back, I will starve to death at home if I can’t get out. This is their so-called conscience?"

Bai Yishu was forced to retreat by Qi Anran's question after question, and his face was pale.

But Yun Qianli and the other two stared in amazement, and called out distressedly: "An Ran..."

Long before Qi Anran told them that she had a family adopting relatives who were only to occupy her mother's inheritance, they had already opened up their minds and made up a lot of things.

But when they heard Qi Anran say these things personally, they knew that it was only more excessive and not the most excessive. If such relatives adopt them, it is better to send them directly to the orphanage!

Although the treatment is equally bad, at least no one is thinking about how to search for her money every day.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t live well. What should have belonged to you is still being used to contribute to other people’s lives. That’s really more heartbreaking!

Qi Anran saw the undisguised distress in the eyes of the two, warming his heart, and smiled comfortingly at them.

But when he turned his head to face Bai Yishu, his face suddenly sank, and he sneered: "Finally, let me correct you a bit. They don't want to kill me and monopolize all the money, but I am dead. They I can't get the money. Because of this, they will tolerate me living out of my life until now. Now, in turn, I want to take this to whitewash, how big is my face?"

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