The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important festivals in Dachu. The imperial court will rest for three days, and the officials will also hold dragon boat races to have fun with the people.

Every year, the champion of the dragon boat race is rewarded with a thousand taels of silver. Even for this thousand taels of silver, the common people will fight desperately for it.

In addition to the official competitions, there are also private dragon boat competitions held by major chambers of commerce, and the rewards are also generous.

And this year, the major academies also jointly held a dragon boat race, occupying a corner of Jinhai Lake as the competition venue, and the contestants were all dragon boat players selected by each academies.

Of course, the rewards offered by the academy are also different, there is very little silver, and the champion is only five hundred taels, but apart from the money, the winning team can enter the library on the third floor of Qingxi Academy and Songshan Academy to copy five books each .

This means that the champion can get ten books.

For readers, books are priceless. Since the establishment of the imperial examination, the monopoly of knowledge by powerful families has been broken. Now even poor families can send their children to study and read as long as they show courage.

Evolved to the present, although books are still precious, they can no longer be monopolized by others.

However, some books and some knowledge still cannot be found in the market. Except for the Four Books and Five Classics and some books involved in the imperial examination, most of the others are miscellaneous notes, story books and the like.

If you want other books, it depends more on luck and ability, whether you are lucky enough to come across them, and whether you are able to buy them if you come across them.

Because many books are collected by aristocratic families, they will not easily let these books go out.

Those books, even if there is only one, may become a family heirloom, which shows their preciousness.

For example, in the Li family, the set of medical books handed over to Baolu by the Wan family was recorded and accumulated by Li Bo's branch in the past dynasties.

That's why Qin Xinfang felt that Wan's dowry to Baolu was too precious, because knowledge was priceless.

If Li Baolu didn't return the book to Li Jun, then the descendants of the Li family after Li Jun might not even know herbal medicine, so what about the Xinglin family?

And if Li Baolu didn't learn the above knowledge and couldn't keep the books well, then the accumulation of several generations of the Li family would dissipate in the world and no longer exist.

That's the beauty of books.

However, Qingxi Academy and Songshan Academy have existed for more than a hundred years, and the abundance of books is close to that of some aristocratic families. The third floor of the legendary Qingxi Academy and Songshan Academy is not accessible to ordinary students. Even if they go up, they can only bring their eyes and eyes. Brains, paper and pens are all declined.

And now the winner can transcribe ten books from it openly, and the students in the whole capital are all excited.

That is, students above the eighth grade are eager to participate.

However, looking down at their lacking arms, the Juren students still gave up silently, but the students in the fifth and sixth grades were very active. First, they competed in the lake of the academy to select the best twenty-five , two of whom are substitutes.

The female students of the women's college also actively met to cheer for them, so on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, greenhouses were set up by the edge of Jinhai Lake, and all the big boats and painting boats in the capital were rented at high prices. The teahouse was even more crowded, and all reservations had been made as early as half a month ago.

Gu Damei reserved a private room in the restaurant to please Baolu. Now that Baolu is pregnant, Gu Damei is even more dedicated. She went to the palace two days earlier and took a box when she came out. The box, inside the box is a clairvoyance.

It is said that it was a tribute from Fanbang, and there is only one pair, which is the highest definition at present, and it is more than ten times better than those collected by the Ministry of War and other generals.

When the late emperor was there, the fourth prince begged the late emperor once and was not willing to give it away. Instead, he felt that a pair is auspicious, so it is not appropriate to separate.

And now they are separated.

Gu Jingyun gave Baolu the clairvoyance, and said with a smile: "When the time comes, use this to see. The box faces the lake on three sides, and you can see the games on three venues, and you can see clearly no matter how far away."

Gu Meiren is so sincere, how can Li Baolu live up to his wishes? Therefore, she refused all invitations from the students, and did not form teams with other gentlemen in the academy, and even allowed Gu Jingyun to drive the two young disciples to the academy to participate in group activities, and they lived a two-person world by themselves.

There is a custom in the capital to return to her natal home during the Dragon Boat Festival. Li Baolu thought that now Li Jun is out on business, and Li He and Li Liu have all gone to Daning to stare at people. Chunzhong has not returned yet, and now only Li Hong and his wife are left in the Li family. I don't want to face Li Hong, so I just plan to send a basket of rice dumplings.

In the evening they were going back to the Qin Mansion for dinner and celebrating the festival together, so the Qin Mansion even saved the zongzi.

Early in the morning, Li Baolu squatted in the kitchen and ate a meat dumpling first, then nodded with satisfaction before going to the red date dumpling.

After she tasted both salty and sweet rice dumplings, she picked out two baskets of rice dumplings and told Dongfeng, "Li's family eats both salty and sweet rice dumplings. This basket is for Li's family, but Fu's family only eats salty rice dumplings. This time The basket is for the Fu family..."

In Li Baolu's previous life, her hometown was full of salty rice dumplings, but in the modern age where communication is zero distance, sweet rice dumplings are also sold, and she went to university in the north. Except for the first year of Dragon Boat Festival, she was a little confused and uncomfortable, and in the next three years She has no problem accepting sweet rice dumplings.

In this life, the Qiongzhou zongzi they live in is salty, but regardless of the Li family or the Qin family, the zongzi they ate in the capital they lived in before are sweet.

Therefore, Li Baolu and Gu Jingyun ate both flavors of rice dumplings since childhood.

But Fu Dalang is different. The zongzi he ate was salty. Since his mother left, he hasn’t eaten zongzi every year during the Dragon Boat Festival. But the concept of salty zongzi is still deeply rooted, so Li Baolu only gave him salty ones.

If he wants to eat sweets, he can buy one for a few pennies on the street.

However, most people who are talented in salty rice dumplings have a hard time accepting sweet rice dumplings.

As soon as Gu Jingyun entered the kitchen, he saw Baolu touching another small rice dumpling and was about to peel it off. He couldn't help frowning, stepped forward and snatched it away, "Glutinous rice is easy to accumulate food, you can't eat any more today."

Li Baolu feels a little sorry, what if she still wants to eat?

Knowing that she was pregnant, Gu Jingyun couldn't control his stomach. He stared at her closely and said, "There will be delicious food in a while. Now that you're full, you won't be able to eat other good things."

"Then when shall we go?"

Gu Jingyun turned his head and glanced at the sun outside, estimated the time and said: "Go now."

There is still some time before the competition, but Baolu is full now, so it would be good for them to go a little earlier and take a walk to digest food.

The gift giving was left to Dongfeng, Gu Jingyun and Baolu took Nanfeng and Hongtao Qingling to Jinhai Lake.

The reason why Gu Jingyun brought them along was to let them protect Baolu. There must be many people by the Jinhai Lake today, and it will be crowded when the time comes, so Baolu needs to be protected in the middle. Even if she knows martial arts, it will be difficult for her to protect herself in the crowd.

So Gu Jingyun took his servants to go shopping for the first time.

The carriage had to stop after a long distance from Jinhai Lake, and moved forward slowly.

Because there are too many people coming today, horse carts, mule carts, and ox carts, there is a long queue on the driveway, and the sidewalks on both sides are even more crowded, but the crowd is always flowing, so it looks like a horse cart. Even faster.

Pedestrians couldn't help but feel happy when they saw it, no matter what kind of car you have, it doesn't work without their two legs at this time.

Gu Jingyun opened the curtain and took a look. It was almost as he expected. He nodded slightly in satisfaction, then turned his head and said to the drowsy Baolu, "Let's walk there."

"What?" Li Baolu raised her head in a daze, looked outside and regained consciousness for a moment, shook her head and said, "I don't want it, it's still far away from here."

"It only takes half an hour to walk there," Gu Jingyun coaxed her, "By the way, you can take a look at the small stalls on both sides of the road."

Baolu ate a lot of zongzi in the morning, and if she ate too much glutinous rice, she would easily get sleepy. If she fell asleep at this time, food would accumulate in her stomach, and she would either feel uncomfortable for a while, or she would not be able to eat other things.

The former is physically uncomfortable, while the latter is uncomfortable in the heart, so it is better to go for a walk to eliminate food.

Gu Jingyun also considerately brought her sour plum soup for digestion. It was served in a bamboo tube and it was still warm.

Li Baolu looked at him pitifully, but Gu Jingyun was unmoved, and jumped out of the carriage before turning around to help her, "Come down, I'll lead you along."

Hongtao cleverly moved the stool and put it down, and stood beside the car with Nanfeng.

Li Baolu pouted and could only get out of the car.

Qing Ling scratched her head and whispered to her sister, "Why is Madam so lazy these past two days?"

Usually it is the wife who proposes to walk, and the master who does not want to walk. These days, it has been reversed. Qingling said that her eyes are not used to it.

Hongtao glanced at her sister and said nothing, what a fool, the wife is pregnant and sleepy, before dawn she would get up to practice swords, and then meditate, jumping up and down at home with light work is not too tiring, but now Not to mention practicing swordsmanship and light kung fu, the two days of meditation that I could persist in the first few days have all been cancelled, and the master has to dig people out of bed every day to start the journey.

Sometimes I read a book in the study, and fell asleep accidentally while watching it. Hongtao saw the master correcting his wife's homework with a pen more than once, and then read it to her again and again...

This is probably the reaction of my wife's pregnancy. According to Dr. Wang, the reaction will be stronger in the first few months, and then it will be better later.

So Hongtao said to her sister very calmly: "It will be fine in a while."

After finishing speaking, he pulled her forward, followed behind to protect Li Baolu, separated her from the crowd, and prevented the people behind from bumping into her.

Gu Jingyun stood on Baolu's left side, holding her hand while walking, so that she could look at the things on the right side of the stall while walking.

A group of people had to stop after walking a few steps before continuing to move forward, so the speed was extremely slow. While the outer area is so lively, the inner area is even more lively. There are people everywhere, and the sound of hawking can be heard endlessly.

Fortunately, there are yamen servants in the inner circle to maintain order, so although there are many people, the speed of advancement is accelerated.

Sheds have been set up on the grass by Jinhai Lake, with the names and crests of each family erected next to them. The wealthy families and business houses have also set up tables beside the sheds, filled with rice dumplings of various colors, for free. Pedestrians eat and taste.

Li Baolu glanced at the people queuing up to claim it, and then at the rice dumpling table piled high, and was speechless for a moment, "You are so rich. It seems that the powerful and powerful families have built sheds. Is it really okay if uncle doesn't build one?" ?”

"Uncle and aunt donated things to Yushantang," Gu Jingyun said with a smile: "If you build a shed, you have to stay here to entertain people who come to visit. It's a waste of time, it's better to accompany aunt and Niu Niu to visit the lake. "

So the Qin family and the Gu family didn't set up a shed, not because they were incapable, but because they didn't want to join in the fun.

Gu Jingyun glanced at Baolu's stomach, and said with a slight smile, "This time, I followed my uncle and donated some things to Yushantang."

Li Baolu was surprised, "Have you figured it out?"

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