"Big brother, please come in and say slowly!"

The violent red wolf was now very polite and welcomed Xia Changge in.

Xia Changge considered that he had an immortal body and could be resurrected.

I walked into this gloomy Wolf Castle.

"Big wolf, what are you still stunned for, don't hurry up and pour tea for the guests!"

The red wolf also scolded our wolf king by the way.

The Wolf King went to pour tea for Xia Changge without any courage.

The gray wolf was extremely painful in his heart, but because he was cleaned up by the red wolf many times, he didn't even resist.

"That, Mrs. Red Big Wolf, the matter of catching lambs is still left to Big Big Wolf, and the next thing is left to me and Big Big Wolf."

Xia Changge spoke to the gray wolf.

The red wolf didn't say anything and walked out with a smile.

"This big brother, I wonder if there is any way you can catch those lambs?"

After the red wolf left, the pressure of the gray wolf was also less.

Take the initiative to ask Xia Changge.

"Knowing oneself and knowing the other, a hundred battles will not be lost, the defense of the sheep village is still very good, and it can only lead the lambs out and break them one by one!"

Xia Changge thought about helping the gray wolf catch which little fat sheep to eat on the way.

Those little fat sheep of unknown origin are not challenging to catch, and they must eat the little fat sheep with names and surnames.

In other words, Xia Changge's goal was one of the pleasant sheep, boiling sheep, warm sheep, lazy sheep, beautiful sheep, and slow sheep from the beginning.

Xia Changge's words, the gray wolf immediately lost interest.

Because he has used this method too many times, he said helplessly: "No, now the lambs have learned to be smart, and they will not come out casually."

Xia Changge directly shouted loudly: "Stupid, that's your method is not right!"

Xia Changge knew that the gray wolf had used this method, that is, it was aimed at the lazy sheep, a good eater.

But Xia Changge's goal this time is not lazy sheep, but beautiful sheep.

Yes, although Xia Changge said that he wanted to help the gray wolf eat sheep, he also had to maintain a balance.

Pleasant goats cannot be killed, and if they kill the pleasant goats, the other sheep will be completely reduced to lambs and killed by the gray wolf.

Therefore, Xia Changge thought about it and felt that it was almost the same to arrange the beautiful sheep and sheep for the gray wolf to eat.

First, the beautiful sheep are the weakest.

Second, the beautiful sheep and sheep can be said to give full play to the double standard and tea art, this kind of sheep, can not be kept, retention is a scourge, will make the pure green grassland world become dirty.

Xia Changge told the gray wolf about his plan, and the gray wolf's eyes immediately lit up.

"yes, why didn't I think of it!"

Beautiful sheep, as the name suggests, loves beauty very much.

She has high requirements for cosmetics and often buys some luxury goods.

As for where the money came from, it may probably be sent by the boiling sheep.

Xia Changge's plan is to set up a situation for Meiyang and Sheep!

Ask Big Big Wolf to hire another small animal, and then send a poster to the beautiful sheep, saying that he has beautiful cosmetics from other places.

It is impossible for beautiful sheep not to be fooled.

"But I don't have that much money!"

Big Big Wolf quickly got into trouble.

Xia Changge: "??? "

Are you kidding, no money?!

Seeing the serious look of the gray wolf, Xia Changge may have understood, his family may not really have so much money? ?

After thinking about it, Xia Changge suddenly thought that there was a Versailles rabbit in the Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf TV series.

That rabbit has an island in his house, and it's full of diamonds and gems!

I don't know if this plot has happened?

"Have you ever caught a rabbit before, and after being embarrassed by the beautiful sheep, followed the rabbit to an island?"

Xia Changge asked.

Big Big Wolf shook his head repeatedly: "No, what rabbit?" Since

the gray wolf said so, then Xia Changge was relieved.

"You follow my plan and install camera equipment in the port of the green grassland first..." Xia

Changge could only solve the problem of money first.

In fact, Xia Changge was also thinking that if he arrived at that diamond island and took dozens of diamonds back to his original world, he would also eat and drink well, right?

For his own reasons, Xia Changge is also very attentive to this matter.

"That's it, tomorrow you follow me to play a scene!"

In the end, after a day of monitoring, Xia Changge locked the target.

Is the green grassland big? It's still quite big.

But there are really not too many animals inside, which may be the reason why they have not been spent, otherwise the grassland would not be managed with only one bag.

Having determined the goal, Xia Changge felt that he could make a fortune!

The gray wolf didn't know why Xia Changge was looking for this rabbit, but he still honestly agreed to Xia Changge and was ready to cooperate with Xia Changge's plan.

The next day, seeing that Xia Changge and the gray wolf finally went out, the red wolf thought that he was going to catch the sheep and breathed a sigh of relief.

In normal times, if the gray wolf does not go out to catch sheep for a day, the red wolf will be served in a pan.

However, after a cow and horse-sized Xia Changge came to the house, the red wolf tolerated it a little.

"If you can't catch the little fat sheep, I won't make you so comfortable!"

In order to eat sheep, the red wolf can be described as already crazy.


Diamond (called diamond because of money) The little white rabbit rowed his boat to the shore of the green grassland as usual, ready to find some fresh melons, fruits and grass.

Not long after leaving, the gray wolf that had been preparing for a long time had already extended its wolf paws to it!

The diamond white rabbit ran desperately, and was finally caught by the gray wolf.

Fortunately, at this time of great crisis, Xia Changge tripped the gray wolf with a rope and rescued the little white rabbit.

The diamond white rabbit looked at the gray wolf rolling down the hillside, came to Xia Changge, and said gratefully to Xia Changge: "Thank you for saving me, according to the rules of my clan, I must thank you!" "

Familiar words, make Xia Changge excited, really this little rabbit!

"It's a pity that I'm poor, so I can only invite you to my house for a meal!"

Little Rabbit's next sentence made Xia Changge completely collapse.

An island, full of diamonds, you tell me it's poorer?

This is also too Versailles!

In order to punish these Versailles pretenders, Xia Changge decided to rob all the wealth of this little rabbit!

"This... Well, then I will be respectful and obey!

Xia Changge was worried that he would let his wealth fly away after saying a little prevarication, so he cheekily agreed.

Immediately, Xia Changge followed the little rabbit onto its boat.

"From a long distance, I smell the filthy stench of wealth!"

Xia Changge took a deep breath, with a look of enjoyment, and his heart was indeed nobly contemptuous of money.

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