"Elvis, I hope Elvis can spare our rat country, I have already captured the three Fufu rats you asked for by Elvis! In the future, our rat country is willing to bow down and pay tribute every year. The

Rat King trembled and came to the petty cat and spoke respectfully.

And ordered to send the three Confucian rats to the petty cat.

The Rat King didn't dare to look at Xia Changge at all.

He was really worried that Xia Changge could kill him with just one look!

Timid as a rat is the most appropriate way to describe the rat king.

"Old thing, count you interesting!"

The petty cat did not pay attention to the old guy of the rat king, but set his sights on Fufu Mouse, the guy who repeatedly spoiled his good deeds.

"Fufu Mouse, how do you feel now?!"

The petty cat took the posture of a victor and spoke condescendingly to the Fufu rat.

"Petty cat, if you don't rely on him, you are not an opponent of our rat country at all!"

The Confucian Rat replied unconvinced.

They know very well the strength of the petty cat, if there is no Xia Changge, the possibility that the petty cat wants to destroy the rat country is very small.

"So what? The winner is the king, the loser is the curse, this is an eternal truth, you, as a rat country army master, but you can't even see through this, it's really foolish! The

thief cat replied with a hint of yin and yang strange at this time.

Obviously, the thief cat is paired with the intelligent mouse of the rat country.

The words of the thief cat left the Confucian rat speechless.

Indeed, the winner is the king and the defeated is the curse, there is nothing to say, it is just an excuse.

"Fufu rat, King Ben appreciates your ability, you are really a talent under the hands of this old thing, how about you turn to King Ben?!"

This sentence of the petty cat made Xia Changge and the thief cat a little unexpected.

Fufu rat made the petty cat so embarrassed before, and the petty cat can actually accept Fufu rat for his use regardless of previous suspicions?

Xia Changge didn't feel anything, but the thief and cat didn't feel right.

How can the ability of Fufu rat thief cat not be clear, if he really let the petty cat take Fufu rat under his command, he may have to fall out of favor.

The thief cat hurriedly suggested: "Great King, Fufu rat is tricky, let's kill it early!" "

The rebel leader of Fufu Rat is a disadvantage, and in the eyes of the thief cat, even if he surrenders, he is definitely in the cat camp and the heart is in the rat.

The petty cat did not speak, but just looked at Fufu Mouse.

Fufu Rat was very spineless and said proudly: "Petty cat, even if I die, I won't do anything for the cat!" "

At this moment, Fufu Rat already has the intention of seeking death.

The petty cat sighed and waved his hand.

Fufu rats are like this, and petty cats can only be fulfilled.

Fufu rat is a pig's foot, and Xia Changge naturally can't give up such a big piece of fat.

Directly punched the Fufu rat and flew to the wall of the capital of the Rat Country.

"Snap", blood and flesh blurred.

It's like a little mouse being run over by a big truck and becoming a meatloaf.

[Kill the male protagonist of childhood animation, reward nightmare points 300]

Pig's feet are pig's feet, and the value is different.

300 nightmare points, directly making Xia Changge's cumulative nightmare points now reach 2100.

There are so many things that can be purchased.

For example, the power of the black marshal can make Xia Changge directly become the king of thunder and lightning.

But now... Xia Changge has more pursuits.

The Rat King was directly frightened and lay on the ground.

If it weren't for the fact that his mental endurance was relatively strong, he would have fainted a long time ago.

For a slap to death, Xia Changge did not have too many feelings.

First, when he was a child, he watched this anime on the side of the cat country.

Secondly...... Rats are overwhelmingly harmful.

Although the rat seems to be more industrious in this anime, what can happen in the future?

Kill it, kill it, Xia Changge is only for a few, he will not exterminate them all.

"What about you!"

Xia Changge's means made the petty cat and the thief cat dare not speak.

At this moment, the stage has all been reduced to the place where Xia Changge performs.

Xia Changge set his sights on the Confucian rat and the Yi Yi mouse.

The rat-killing thing has been done, and the next step can be a little more appeased.

"I... I..." The

Confucian rat was originally also a witty rat who talked and laughed and strategized.

But now... The Confucian rats no longer knew what to do.

Choosing death? But the way Fufu Rat and Xiangxiang Rat died made him dare not imagine it.

Choosing to surrender? The temperament of the Confucian rat made it impossible for him to do that.

In other words, other "monarchs", seeing the Confucian rat hesitate, will definitely increase their firepower to persuade.

But Xia Changge is not that kind of person, he doesn't need to do that!

The next moment, there was another "pop", and next to the Fufu rat on the city wall, there was an extra brother.

Xia Changge is also a good person, knowing that Fufu Rat may be lonely when he goes down alone, so he said to send his good brother over with him.

Xia Changge really...

[Kill important supporting characters in childhood animations and get 100 nightmare points]

When the rat king saw this scene, he was directly frightened and fainted.

In this way, this guy may not live for a few days because of today's incident.

"Mighty mouse, what about you!"

Xia Changge set his eyes on another mouse with a head and a face.

"I... I give up!

Yi Yi Rat was also completely afraid, and finally chose to surrender.

"Well, that's nice, wise move!"

Xia Changge chose to spare this little mouse a mouse's life.

"Wake him up and let him take out all the treasures of the Rat Country."

Now Xia Changge is not much interested in money.

Treasures and so on.

After all, there are still too many diamonds in Xia Chang's singers who have not been taken off.

But as a winner, he must receive a small amount of welfare symbolically.

The petty cat did so immediately.

After the rat king woke up, he also honestly acted according to Xia Changge's order.

"Petty cat, in the future, if you enslave these little mice, you can't go too far, so as not to cause resistance, I won't help you too many times!"

Xia Changge made a roll call.

The petty cat naturally agreed honestly.

"Petty cat, this seat comes from another world, you can call it the human world, in our human world, you cat race... There is also a not low status, many humans serve your cat race very well, good food and drink, petty cats, do you want to go to the human world? I will find you a good home.

Xia Changge began to talk about business.

Petty cats are indeed curious about another world.

But here, he's a king!

It is obviously unrealistic for him to give up the throne and go to another world.

"Giant, my people still need me, so say..."

replied the petty cat cautiously.

"Don't worry, I won't force you, in the future, you will farm well, encourage fertility, so that those who want to enjoy the blessings of the human world can sign up, including the little mouse, I will give you some seeds after a while, seeds that can increase your food yield, so that you can harvest more!"

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