China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 146 Music is with me, Cao Xuan is irreplaceable

In June, the filming of "The Swordsman" entered the advanced stage, and Cao Xuan approached Zhang Beard again.

Zhang Bearded thought that he wanted to change the script, so he turned around and wanted to run away.

Since the filming of "The Swordsman", Cao Xuan used the trick of boiling a frog in warm water and tortured Zhang Dabeard a lot.

Not only did he change it himself, but the leading actors such as Wei Zi and Xu Qing were also influenced. If there was any unreasonable plot, they would ask Zhang Dabeard to change the script.

It’s not like Zhang Dabeard has never resisted. The lawsuit even reached the leaders of CCTV.

As a result, the leader called Cao Xuan and asked Cao Xuan. Cao Xuan chatted with the leader for more than an hour and was stunned to convince the leader who was a martial arts fan.

The most outrageous thing is that Cao Xuan also found Jin Yong to endorse him. With this original author and leader as his backer, Zhang Jizhong was punished to death by Cao Xuan.

Now, when he saw Cao Xuan, he had a headache. He was so angry that he said harsh words many times, saying that he would shave off his beard if he cooperated with Cao Xuan in the future.

Because of his flag, Cao Xuan felt that if he had the opportunity in the future, he would pay a penny not to make a cameo. He also wanted to see what Lao Zhang would look like with his beard shaved off.

But whether or not to shave will be discussed later. This time Cao Xuan really didn’t come to Lao Zhang to change the script, but to ask for leave to receive the award.

CCTV—MTV Music Festival.

It is a music awards ceremony organized by CCTV and MTV, the world's largest music television network. Relying on these two major platforms, it once became the top spot in mainland music awards at its peak.

However, like other awards, it started to get messed up after a few sessions, and the two organizers also had some disagreements. It was suspended for several sessions. Although it was later renewed, its influence was greatly weakened.

But now, this award is still quite important. The main reason is that everyone is selling CCTV's face. When the big names in the music industry gather together, they will be ranked first.

This year is the second one. Last year, there was already one. Cao Xuan nominated [Mainland’s Most Popular Male Singer] and [Mainland’s Most Promising Artist of the Year]. The former lost to Liu Huan and won the latter.

Cao Xuan originally didn't plan to go this year. After all, the filming of "The Swordsman" was heavy.

However, the person in charge of the award ceremony eagerly expected Cao Xuan to be present, and even used connections within CCTV to contact Cao Xuan, and took the initiative to hint that Cao Xuan would win the award when he came.

Cao Xuan even won the Golden Song King, and he really didn't care about this music festival, but CCTV had to give him face, so he agreed to the matter.

Zhang Dabeard also knew about this. He originally didn't want to let him go, but his superiors made a special call. In desperation, he had no choice but to approve the leave.

Time was tight, so Cao Xuan took a car to Jinling to catch a plane. When he returned to the capital, he went to try on dresses as arranged by Jiang Yue.

The dress was sponsored. Cao Xuan didn't attend many award ceremonies. Things are rare and expensive. Coupled with Cao Xuan's current popularity, several clothing sponsors almost fought over him.

Later, Cao Xuan chose a black casual suit from Baleno, which included a shirt, top, pants, and leather shoes, plus a Cartier men's watch.

There is no reason. He thinks it looks good and these two companies pay more.

Baleno gave a sponsorship fee of 100,000 yuan, and Cartier did not give any money, but the watch worth 20,000 US dollars that Cao Xuan was carrying was given away for free.

Otherwise, this group of people would want Cao Xuan to endorse a watch for them for free. Cao Xuan planned to give the watch to his father later.

Speaking of which, Cao Xuan currently has a lot of endorsement deals, but most of them are for products such as food and beverages, household appliances, clothing and watches, and he has never been able to negotiate for endorsements.

Watches are okay. After all, because of the product, the demand for spokespersons is not high, and those who can afford spokespersons are usually famous watches, so the choice of spokespersons is very careful.

Two watches came to Cao Xuan, but the price they gave was too low. The bargain price was less than 1 million a year.

This price is unacceptable to Cao Xuan. As I said before, Cao Xuan now has to consider his personal business value.

He can even endorse for free, but never at a low price.

After contacting Cartier this time, Cao Xuan wondered if he could take the opportunity to get a famous watch endorsement.

However, Cartier specializes in women's watches and is not lacking in popularity, so the possibility of spending money to hire him as a spokesperson is not high.

Watch endorsements are inappropriate, but men’s clothing endorsements are undecided because the winner has not yet been decided.

No way, it's too popular.

As the new generation of Chinese-speaking king, Cao Xuan is definitely at the forefront of the younger generation of actors in mainland China. With his good looks and good image, he is simply a favorite among men's clothing brands.

Therefore, major men's clothing brands launched a fierce competition to win over Cao Xuan.

Currently, there are three companies that charge more than 4 million in endorsement fees in a single year. Baleno, Septwolves and Rimba are basically mid-range brands, and the latter two are domestic products.

It is not that there are no first-tier foreign brands, but the bids are low and Cao Xuan looks down on them.

Some celebrities would rather buy a foreign luxury brand with a low endorsement fee, open the door to the fashion industry, or even go global. Cao Xuan has neither this habit nor the idea.

When he accepts endorsements, he only has one requirement: more money and good quality.

As for the fashion magazine brand, to put it bluntly, if you give him 10 million in endorsement fees now, in a few years he will be able to buy the magazine directly and be on the cover every day.

As for going global, Cao Xuan is not without options. He doesn't have to cut prices to lick those brands.

Mid-range brands like Septwolves are quite good. They have less trouble, more money, and they can support domestic products.

That is to say, Hongxing Erke was just established in June this year and has no money for endorsements. Otherwise, Cao Xuan can selectively reduce part of the endorsement fees.

Of the three men's clothing brands, Cao Xuan prefers Seven Wolves, but Baleno is the most enthusiastic.

Cao Xuan just picked out a dress, and the person in charge from the capital actually came over to say hello in person.

Not long after, Mr. Chen, the boss of Baleno, called and asked Cao Xuan what he thought of the dress. If there were any requests, Baleno would fully cooperate.

Cao Xuan was somewhat flattered. The last merchant who was so enthusiastic was Mr. Zong, the spokesperson of Wahaha Corporation.

However, someone wanted Cao Xuan to lower his endorsement fee, but Cao Xuan ignored him and instead raised the price according to the market price.

2 million in the first year and 2.5 million in the second year.

It’s not okay if you don’t mention it, whether you should earn it or not, my daughter will think of herself as a fool later...

Cao Xuan's approach made Mr. Zong a little unhappy, and he would probably not renew the contract next year. Cao Xuan didn't care. The beverage market was too big, and each of those merchants was more willing to spend money.

Coca-Cola had approached him before, but Cao Xuan personally was a PepsiCo fan, but Coca-Cola had to give him a lot, so Cao Xuan could not switch sides.


After picking out the dress, the awards ceremony was the next day. Cao Xuan didn't have a female companion, so he wanted to go with Liu Huan.

Liu Huanli ignored him. Now that Cao Xuan is so popular, anyone who walks on the red carpet with him will be treated as cannon fodder.

After all, he is also a big figure in the music industry. It would be very shameful if he and Cao Xuan were killed together.

Liu Huan didn't have the courage to team up with Cao Xuan, let alone the others. Pu Shu was loyal and didn't care about these false claims, but he wanted to come and accompany Cao Xuan.

However, Cao Xuan felt disgusted when he saw the short girl who was always beside him, so he still chose to walk on the red carpet by himself.

Frankly speaking, the lineup of this music festival is quite impressive, including many big names from Mainland China including Cao Xuan, Liu Huan, Na Ying, Mao Ning, and Sun Yue.

In Hong Kong, King Guo and Sammi Cheng, as well as the little king Xie Feng and the leader of Jade Girl Zhang Baizhi, needless to say more about the first two, and the latter two are currently the most popular newcomers in Hong Kong.

Taiwan Province's lineup is slightly inferior, but Wang Lihong, Li Wen, Tao Zhe, Zhang Yu and others are also present. Basically, they are all singers who performed well last year.

In fact, there should still be Zhang Huimei, but she was just banned in May, so she no longer has a role.

When walking on the red carpet, Cao Xuan was behind and made a special observation. Hong Kong and Taiwan artists were obviously slightly more popular than mainland artists.

However, Cao Xuan was a special case. When he appeared on the stage, the hundreds of fans present went crazy. The cheers were deafening, and more than 20 of his fans shouted slogans of support.

"Music is with me, Cao Xuan is irreplaceable!"

Cao Xuan, who was standing on the red carpet and waving, almost staggered. Isn't this the slogan of Xie Feng fans?

Dog author, are you human?

I copied the masterpiece, and now I don’t miss the words of encouragement, so I can just leave Xie Feng to pick it up by myself, right?


The deafening cheers from the fans made Yu Quan, who had just walked down the red carpet, very envious.

They released their famous album "The Most Beautiful" last year and gained a certain degree of fame, but they are still juniors in the music world. They walked on the red carpet just now, and only a few people recognized them. The atmosphere when they appeared with Cao Xuan was heaven and earth.

"When did we become so popular?"

Chen Liangliang's tone was sour. The two of them are the same age as Cao Xuan. Now that Cao Xuangui is the king, they can only be regarded as newcomers. They can only come to receive the award by being nominated for the combination award.

Hu · 10 Whys · Haiquan has a good attitude: "Work hard, even if the two of us can't become the most popular singers in the Chinese music world, then we can become the most popular group."

As soon as Cao Xuan left the red carpet, he saw the two brothers cheering for each other and said hello.


"Hello, Teacher Cao."

They murmured in private, but they were still very excited to see Cao Xuan, the popular king.

Chen Liangliang shook hands with Cao Xuan vigorously: "Teacher Cao, we both really like your "Running". The fan club even bought the copyright to sing it before."

Cao Xuan: "......"

He suspected that the two people were mocking him, but he couldn't find any evidence.

However, Cao Xuan had met many creditors and had already developed his psychological quality. He had a serious chat with the two of them and exchanged contact information with each other.

Later, when Cao Xuan planned to hold a concert in the capital, he invited these two to be guests and support him, which was considered compensation.

Not only Yu Quan, but also other people whose songs were copied by Cao Xuan, he planned to help if he had the chance.

But others can say that Xie Feng, who was pinched the most by him, really doesn't know what to do. Is it possible to tell him to stay away from Zhang Baizhi in the future?

Cao Xuan glanced at Xie Feng, who was chatting and laughing with Zhang Baizhi not far away, and shook his head. He had better not wade into this muddy water...

At the award ceremony, Cao Xuan was quite at home. Guo Tianwang and Sammi Cheng were both from Warner Bros. Mainland singers, except Naying, were not easy to deal with and they were all friends.

Wang Lihong and Tao Zhe from Taiwan are not familiar with each other, but Zhang Yu has been a close friend for a long time. Although it was their first meeting, they still had a good time chatting with them.

In the evening, the awards ceremony began, and it was still the old habit of mainland music awards—pork sharing.

The awards were divided into three sections: Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Province. Except for a few award presenters, the rest did not return empty-handed.

Cao Xuan won two awards by himself, [Mainland's Most Popular Male Singer] and [Mainland Music Contribution Award], which is already a record.

Holding two trophies in his hands, Cao Xuan delivered his acceptance speech: "Thank you CCTV, thank you MTV..."

The next day, "China Youth Daily" put a photo of Cao Xuan holding two trophies and delivering an acceptance speech on the front page.

"Winning consecutive awards during the awards season, Cao Xuan has become a new force in the Chinese music scene"

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