China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 184 [Nan Ren and Bei Cao] unite for the first time and become the King of Asia

December 20, Taiwan Provincial Stadium

After more than a year, Cao Xuan appeared in this stadium again, and tens of thousands of fans once again fell into carnival because of him.

This time, Cao Xuan still invited several supporting guests, starting with Sun Yanzi, who is now a popular fried chicken.

As Cao Xuan's "junior sister" and Warner's highly recommended newcomer, Sun Yanzi won the quota for Cao Xuan's three concerts, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia.

If they hadn't known about Warner, everyone would have thought that there was another Queen's wife...

However, with Cao Xuan performing three shows in a row, scandals are bound to happen. Cao Xuan also asked Sun Yanzi to be mentally prepared.

In addition to Sun Yanzi, there are also Dada, the latest rock band signed by Warner in the mainland, and Sun Nan, who hopes to make a name for himself in Taiwan.

These three are all singers from Warner, and Cao Xuan found three more himself, Zhou Chuanxiong, Guangliang and Ren Xianqi.

The first two are both singers that Cao Xuan has picked up. Guangliang is not bad, and the "Muji" group with Pinguan is also very famous in Taiwan.

Zhou Chuanxiong, whose stage name is Xiaogang, no longer has "Twilight", and his development has been a bit tepid.

This time, Cao Xuan invited them to assist him on the grounds of appreciating their talents, and he praised the two of them in front of the media.

Among the many singers in Taiwan, these are the two singers that Cao Xuan praised the most, apart from Ren Xianqi, Jay Chou and Zhang Yu.

Junior sister Sun Yanzi has to go to the back...

Taiwanese media prefixed Guangliang and Zhou Chuanxiong with the noun "Cao Xuan both said yes" and gave them a lot of space. They also followed up with variety shows, inviting them to share their concert experiences, and their personal exposure soared.

As for the remaining Ren Xianqi, not to mention, although Cao Xuan is now in the spotlight, Brother Xiaoqi is still one of the most popular singers in the music industry.

[Nanren Beicao] Although the internal competition has weakened, it is still the well-deserved overlord in terms of the entire Chinese language.

One of the big selling points of Cao Xuan's Taiwanese concert this time is that [Nan Ren and Bei Cao] reunited for the first time.

In fact, the two had a chance to get together before this.

In 1999, Ren Xianqi held a concert in Beijing and invited Cao Xuan. Cao Xuan also agreed to be a supporting guest, but later he was too busy and failed to appear. He only recorded a VCR and played it on the big screen.

Warner has always wanted to use this as a selling point for this concert, but Cao Xuan let others go last time and was really embarrassed to invite Xiao Qi with a shameful face.

Later, it was Brother Xiaoqi who took the initiative to hear that Cao Xuan was holding a concert in Taiwan and asked if he wanted to help, which led to the first integration of [South Ren Bei Cao].

When he met Brother Xiaoqi this time, Cao Xuan even expressed his apology and gratitude in person. He remembered this favor in his heart.

And that night, Cao Xuan + Ren Xianqi not surprisingly became the biggest climax of the concert.

When Cao Xuan finished singing "Jiangnan", Ren Xianqi appeared on the stage, which immediately caused an exclamation.

Cao Xuan took a guitar, and Ren Xianqi also carried a guitar. The two of them were on the left and right of the stage, smiling and singing "Spray Blossoms" in a brisk tone.

“La la. la.

La. la. la.

I want you to accompany me and watch the turtle swimming in the water

Slowly lie down on the beach and count the waves.


All the fans at the scene immediately fell into madness, and the media did not show any mercy, taking pictures, and afterwards called the two of them in the same frame as the "Union of the Century."

Starting from the popularity of "Heart Too Soft" by Ren Xianqi at the end of 1996, Cao Xuan released his first single in mid-1997, the peak battle in 1998, Ren Xianqi consolidated his popularity in 1999, and Cao Xuan became the king with his second album.

This year, Cao Xuan became a god with his third album, and Ren Xianqi released two albums in a row, with a double success on the sales charts.

In the past four years, [Nan Ren Bei Cao] cannot say that they have dominated the Chinese music scene, but they are definitely the most powerful "group" in the music scene.

Success has become a legend in the Chinese music scene like "Tan Zhang Zhengba" and "Four Heavenly Kings".

As the two most brilliant kings in the late 1990s and early 1990s, they reunited for the first time in 2000, the year at the turn of the century.

It seems that the four kings of the 1990s were on the same stage, which is of great historical significance.

Perhaps a few years later, countless netizens will sigh with emotion when watching this video on the Internet and lamenting the years of the music industry written by [Nan Ren and Bei Cao]...

That night, Cao Xuan and Ren Xianqi sang two songs together, in addition to "Blowing Waves" and "Love Has to Be Unavoidable". Brother Xiaoqi sang "Heart Is Too Soft" alone.

All fans of [Nan Ren Bei Cao] are completely satisfied.

That's right, the two of them have fans, not just the two of them, but also the Four Heavenly Kings. Either they are the kind of "dudan" that everyone likes, or they just like them as a group.

Compared to more than 95% of Wei fans, their number is very small, but they do exist, and they are most happy to see this scene.

Even Wei fans who don't like Cao Xuan/Ren Xianqi rarely pour cold water on this critical moment.

Everyone agreed to a truce for a few days. When their hands felt itchy, they went to attack Xie Feng's fans.

Xie Feng fans:? ? ?

[Nan Ren Bei Cao] satisfied countless fans and reporters. The other programs that night were also very good. The supporting guests worked very hard. Cao Xuan himself also performed well. The Taiwan Province Station Concert ended successfully.

However, the fans were not satisfied. After the concert, some fans gathered outside the stadium, hoping that Cao Xuan would appear again.

Cao Xuan entrusted staff to come forward to persuade and partially solved the problem, but some people were still stubborn.

Later, someone at Warner noticed something was wrong, and upon closer inspection, they found that most of the remaining die-hards were scalpers.

This group of people made a lot of money by selling tickets, so they wanted to make trouble for Cao Xuan to hold another show, and then they could make more money.

Scalpers took the lead in petitioning for the concert to be extended. This bizarre news made it to the front pages of many Taiwanese media and even spread to Hong Kong and the mainland.

But behind the strangeness, we can also see how popular Cao Xuan is in Taiwan Province. Even the scalpers are reluctant to let him go, let alone the fans.

What is the King of Superstars (leaning back)......

Time was tight for the last two concerts. After Cao Xuan treated the supporting guests to a meal as a thank you, he rushed to Singapore with Xiao Zhou, Sun Yanzi and others.


Singapore, located at the southernmost tip of the Malay Peninsula, is one of the smallest countries in the world. It is said to be a country, but in fact it is more like a city.

The country's population is less than 4 million, which is more than 2 million less than Xiangjiang during the same period, and even less than some prefecture-level cities in the mainland.

However, although there are few people and little land, its economic strength cannot be underestimated. It was once one of the Four Asian Tigers and an important financial, service, and shipping center in Asia. It has a certain influence in the Asian region.

In addition, Singapore is also the only country in the world besides China where the majority of the population is Chinese, with the proportion exceeding 70%.

At this stage, Singapore and China are relatively close. Hong Kong, Taiwan Province, and Singapore are even like one family, and visiting each other is like visiting relatives.

Therefore, Singapore is heavily influenced by Hong Kong and Taiwan. Many celebrities who became famous in Hong Kong and Taiwan have considerable influence in Singapore.

Although Cao Xuan is not an artist from Hong Kong and Taiwan, he could not stand up to the popularity of Hong Kong and Taiwan. Coupled with the help of Warner, he began to become famous in Singapore as early as 1999.

Last year, the second elder visited Singapore and gave two albums to local citizen Cao Xuan as gifts.

Later, I was surprised to find that Cao Xuan's album is not uncommon in Singapore, and can even be said to be a best-seller. This gift is a gift from the bottom of my heart.

After "Bright Stars" became a hit this year, it sold nearly 100,000 albums in Singapore in two months, ranking second among all albums in the same period.

At this stage, Cao Xuan cannot be said to be the most popular singer in Singapore, but he is definitely in the first echelon.

And as the influence of "Bright Stars" continues to ferment, Cao Xuan's reputation in Singapore and Asia has become more and more famous.

The King of Asia is no longer an exaggeration made by the media...

This time Cao Xuan came to Singapore and Malaysia to hold concerts. In addition to his own team, there was also a group of people accompanying him.

CCTV's "Zhengda Variety Show" column team sent a photography team to conduct a systematic filming of Cao Xuan's trip to Asia.

In fact, CCTV wanted to send people to the Taiwanese concert as early as the concert, but it was not approved by the Taiwan authorities and could only be moved to Singapore and Malaysia.

The reason why CCTV joined in the fun was because it took a fancy to Cao Xuan's influence in Asia and used him as a role model.

As China continues to come into contact with the WTO and aims to integrate with the world, the higher authorities are paying more and more attention to international influence.

Cheng Long, Jiuji Zhang, Li Lianjie, Gong Li and many other influential artists in Asia and even the "world" have all received special attention from above.

Among the above, several have immigrated. Cheng Long is a native of Xiangjiang, and the most popular are the new generation of mainland artists such as Cao Xuan and Jiuji Zhang.

Among them, Cao Xuan has the cleanest foundation.

Mainland China's No. 1 Brother, San Shang Spring Festival Gala, 50th Anniversary Singing, Music Association Member, Charity Pioneer, actively cooperates with all parties to promote, create Chinese style, and promote the main theme...

And it has a high degree of independence and will not be coerced by external capital. In the past few years, its words and deeds have been consistent with following the red flag.

Moreover, Cao Xuan is a talented artist who has succeeded in Asia on his own. He will have a high level of sustainability in the future and will not become famous for a while and then become popular.

So no matter how you look at it, Cao Xuan is the most suitable representative to be used as a typical representative for propaganda.

Although the above has not been finalized, CCTV has still made a tentative move. This "Zhengda Variety Show" feature film is an attempt. If the effect is good, it will start to build momentum for Cao Xuan in the future.

The king of Asia recognized by the country is hundreds of times more powerful than the self-proclaimed "King of Asia" by reporters.

Cao Xuan’s dream of being the vice-chairman of the Music Association may have to be fulfilled several years in advance...

December 28, the fourth to last day of the year 2000.

Cao Xuan held the third concert of his Asian tour at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, and the venue was packed with 22,000 people.

With several brilliant fireworks, Cao Xuan appeared on the stage in a slim suit, causing bursts of cheers from the fans in the audience.

It also announced that Cao Xuan officially upgraded from the domestic music scene, successfully entered Asia, and became the Asian King...

Today is Zeng Li’s birthday. Don’t you vote monthly?

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