China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 588 Infernal Affairs and August Troubles

August, Beidaihe Villa

The Cao family welcomed a guest, Liu Tianxian, who was causing a lot of trouble in "Three Kingdoms Guandu".

She came to Teacher Zeng for comfort...

How should I put it, since signing with Fanxing and debuting, Liu Tianxian has always spent his time surrounded by flowers and applause.

Although I have experienced some negative news, it was suppressed within a certain range. Although it cannot be said that it has no impact, it is not painful or itchy.

Until this time, "Three Kingdoms·Guandu" once caused various problems in the past, and the overwhelming ridicule directly stunned Liu Tianxian.

After all, she is only 23 years old this year. Among ordinary people, she is just a college student who has just graduated.

She is different from Damimi. Although they are not that old, their experiences, circumstances, experiences and personalities are completely different.

Damimi's family background can only be said to be ordinary. She worked part-time as a model very early and became a model. Later, she signed a contract with Rong Xinda. Although she was valued by the Empress of the East Palace, she still followed the steps and practiced for two or three years before she was promoted to the top.

Coupled with her personality, good manners, social skills, and the fact that she has been suppressed by Liu Tianxian for so many years, Damimi's psychological endurance far exceeds that of Liu Tianxian.

In comparison, Liu Tianxian's career has been extremely smooth.

Growing up, my family didn't talk about being rich, but I never worried about finances. I went to the United States to study at a young age, and when I returned home, I had a wealthy godfather to pave the way for me, and my biological mother was around me every day.

Later, he fell into the eyes of Empress Xigong, and everything went smoothly.

Except for a few cameos and popular roles, the other works are almost tailor-made. In terms of movies alone, Damimi had several supporting roles before she got the female lead role in "Slam Dunk".

When Liu Tianxian starred in a movie for the first time, he followed Cao Xuan to hit Hollywood. The next few movies were either large-scale productions or tailor-made.

He became famous at a young age, and he was supported wherever he went. He also had a strong backer, able to block most of the right and wrong. Even his only sworn enemy, Damimi, always had the upper hand.

Liu Tianxian was so well protected by Fanxing that he hardly suffered any major setbacks.

It is precisely because of this that Liu Tianxian broke through the public opinion storm and ran to the teacher to relieve the pressure.

"Sissi, everyone will experience setbacks in life. Which actor has never acted in a bad movie, and which artist has never suffered a setback. You have to be strong. What doesn't kill you will make you stronger..."

Empress Xigong took her founding disciple and filled him with bowls of chicken soup.

Hu Jing was watching TV next to her, but her ears kept standing upright and she couldn't stop smiling.

As the proprietress and senior executive of the company, Hu Jing definitely supports Liu Tianxian and does not want him to collapse and let Fanxing lose a sign and a treasure trove.

But considering personal emotions, it is really difficult for the Empress of the East Palace to be unhappy.

Damimi has been suppressed by Liu Tianxian for so many years. She is holding her breath, and the Empress of the East Palace is also uncomfortable.

Especially when Zeng Li showed off to her that he was a good student intentionally or unintentionally from time to time, Hu Jing felt angry and itched her teeth.

Asking her to deal with Liu Tianxian, Hu Jing would not bully the big one with a small one, and even confessed to Damimi and Zhao Xiaodao.

The two parties in the East Palace are in head-to-head competition. They can quarrel and become strangers to each other, or they can have shady and shady behavior in the media and social media. They can even compete with real people in private, and she can pretend that she doesn't know about it.

But we must not use tricks, stumbling blocks, or behind-the-scenes tricks to harm others. This is a matter of bottom line principle.

However, Damimi and the others did not take action, but Liu Tianxian was unlucky and could not stop them from gloating.

If she wasn't still sensible, Hu Jing would have wanted to record a few pieces of audio and send it back to their group in the East Palace.

This is an unprecedented and major victory for the East Palace Party!

Even if it is Liu Tianxian's own fault, it is still worthy of celebration!

Cao Xuan came down from the second floor and looked at this scene. He couldn't laugh or cry. He pushed Hu Jing gently and whispered.

"If you restrain yourself a little, you won't be able to hold it anymore."


Hu Jing was a little embarrassed and pointed at the "New Dream of Red Mansions" on TV to show her respect.

"I only laughed while watching TV. Don't make random associations, or I'll sue you for slander."

"This "New Dream of Red Mansions" is shot like a ghost movie, it's not funny at all."

In the first half of this year, there were three New Four Classic Movies at once, namely the Zhejiang Province version of "Journey to the West", "New Three Kingdoms" directed by Gao Xixi, and Li Shaohong's version of "New Dream of Red Mansions".

Among the three TV series, "Journey to the West" probably received the least attention even though it was co-premiered on four major TV stations.

This drama has also received some criticism, mainly because many plots have been greatly adapted. Some people think it is humane and even Buddhist, while some people are particularly resistant to this approach.

I think the drama is not nonsense and the adaptation is not random fabrication. These people need to apologize...

Cao Xuan has not watched this drama very much, but he roughly knows the plot, which is that Sun Wukong, the Bull Demon King and the Bone Demon are sworn sworn brothers.

Putting everything else aside for now, Cao Xuan strongly suspected that the actor was involved in the scene, because the actor was the famous Han Xiaoyao.

"New Three Kingdoms" is the most famous. Although it has various shortcomings, its statistics and influence are good, and its reputation is the best among the three TV series.

At the same time, because "Three Kingdoms·Red Cliff" and "Three Kingdoms·Guandu" have not been online for a long time, the relevant role actors have been pulled out and compared over and over again.

Some people have benefited from this, such as Yu Rongguang's Guan Yu. Although many people feel that he is too arrogant and looks like the boss of the world. He is not as good as Lu Shuming. Although he is also arrogant, he has a heroic spirit in his bones.

However, if compared to the old and restrained Basson in "Three Kingdoms·Guandu", many people still gave Yu Rongguang approval.

Some people took the blame for this. For example, Chen Jianbin, who played Cao Cao, was compared with Bao Guoan and Fa Ge.

The one set by Cao Cao in "New Three Kingdoms" was originally more controversial, so naturally he couldn't compete with the last two.

Lu Yi was also severely beaten by Jiao Enjun in major media. On the contrary, Huang Weide, who played Zhou Yu, was not affected at all. He was too little famous and had not many roles, so he was not even qualified for comparison.

As for "A Dream of Red Mansions", its reputation is not that bad.

The costumes are easy, the female characters have a lot of money, their makeup and temperament are like those of a brothel, and the selection of several characters is far inferior to the old version of "Dream of Red Mansions", especially Lin Daiyu.

Needless to say, the style of the soundtrack is extremely scary and horrifying. It is nicknamed "A Dream in a Mansion" and even children would not dare to watch it alone at night.

Li Shaohong even claimed that he had never seen the original work of "A Dream of Red Mansions". It was a big joke for a director who made a TV series about "Red Mansions" to say that he had never seen "A Dream of Red Mansions".

The Internet was trashed, and none of the red experts who always loved to join in the fun came forward.

The filming was so bad that there is no need to mention it.

"I read online that Jia Yuanchun in "The New Dream of Red Mansions" has special... characteristics, so I specifically looked for this episode to watch. It's really funny."

Hu Jing explained that what she was watching was not TV but CDs, so she rewinded to prove her innocence.

So when Jia Yuanchun appeared, Cao Xuan, who had not studied "The New Dream of Red Mansions" much, was shocked.

It's not that he has a bad mouth, this must be Jia Yuanchun, not Jia Yuanchun, who looks like a giant monkey, and he looks very old. He is with the two sisters next to Mrs. Wang.

"Everyone on the Internet said that no wonder the emperor wanted to destroy the Jia family. He had a grudge for a long time."

Hu Jing's words made everyone present laugh, and Cao Xuan also vaguely agreed.

If he were the emperor, he probably wouldn't want to see the Jia family. Putting aside whether he is ugly or not, the key is that he is too old. Are he looking for a wife or a mother?

Tang Yan played Wang Xifeng in "A Dream of Red Mansions", but Zeng Li got some inside information from her.

The original director of this drama was not Li Shaohong, and a huge audition was held.

As a result, the film crew randomly arranged the characters and the plot was all kinds of weird and weird. The original director became impatient and just left the film. Li Shaohong, who was on top, also shot randomly.

Even without Fu Hua Dao and A Dream of Ghost Mansion, this TV series was a failure from the moment of casting.

Lin Daiyu found a plump actor, and Xue Baochai, who really should be plump, found a thin one.

All the actors are looking for new actors. Maybe they want to imitate the old version of "Dream of Red Mansions", but they also don't want to join the drama. The original intention may be good, but the painting cannot be an anti-dog.

The old version of "Dream of Red Mansions" brought all the actors together for training for several months, and then they trained while filming, which lasted three years.

Not only do the actors have the right image and temperament, they are all proficient in the original work and understand the characters thoroughly. In addition, they also have etiquette training, learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to develop their manners, cultivate their sentiments and temperament, and they are also constantly honing their acting skills during this period.

In comparison, the newcomers who are familiar with the original "A Dream of Red Mansions" are probably the best among them, and many of them have no acting training at all.

At any time, the business capabilities of professional actors who have received professional training or have a lot of experience are not on the same level as those of pure amateurs.

Unless it's a performance that fits the character very well.

But if the characters such as Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai, who are obsessed with countless readers, can be played in their true colors, Boss Cao will be the first to snatch them.

However, this group of people is not without good prospects, so Cao Xuan secretly poked Hu Jing.

"You can pay attention to that Xue Baochai, and the adult Jia Baoyu can give it a try if she has the chance."

It's not that Cao Xuan is partial, but the Donggong Party is at a disadvantage in every aspect, so much so that the Empress of the East Palace can't help but secretly rejoice at Liu Tianxian's misfortune, which shows how frustrated she is.

So Boss Cao also secretly played a trick on her, so that the East Palace Party could not be suppressed too miserably.

"These two newcomers are from Rong Xinda. It's not a good idea to poach them."

Hu Jing was a little embarrassed. She had dug Yang Mi from Rong Xinda back then, so she couldn't just catch a sheep.

But she just sighed, and then immediately took Cao Xuan to discuss how to poach someone.

Damimi is so popular right now, Rong Xinda is almost going crazy with greed. They will not consider that Damimi relies on Fanxing's resources to become popular, they will only think that they have let go of a rising star.

With this lesson in mind, Rong Xinda was on guard against Fanxing, so how could he let Hu Jing poach him again?

Cao Xuan was confident: "You don't need to do anything, they will run away on their own within two years."

There are many reasons for Rong Xinda's inability to retain people, such as lack of resources, unfair treatment of artists, and very average treatment.

But no matter what the reason is, many artists choose to leave, and many of their careers have improved after leaving. There is even a Rong Xinda meme that "the contract will be terminated", which has verified the failure of Rong Xinda's operation and management.

Now, Rong Xinda's first brother Chen Kun officially announced his departure from Rong Xinda not long ago and chose to join Huayi.

The first sister, Tang Yan, who has just taken over, is hooking up with Tang Ren and Huanrui, and her attitude of running away with a bucket is no longer concealed.

Wherever a company like this needs poaching, within two or three years, the artists themselves will have to make trouble, and Fanxing will just throw an olive branch and immediately take it into his pocket.

"Just keep an eye on these two. It will be a supplement later. Right now, the main thing is to train Zhao Liying. Once she is promoted, it will not be too late to think about a new person."

Cao Xuan felt that Hu Jing did not pay enough attention to Zhao Xiaodao, so he reminded her specifically.

If this card is played well, it is not inferior to Damimi. Maybe the dark horse can counterattack and become the main force against Liu Tianxian.

"Yes, I have to think about Li Ying's new drama."

Hu Jing nodded repeatedly. Now that Yang Xue has retreated to the second line, Damimi has become a leader. In most cases, she does not need to worry about it. The person in the East Palace Party who deserves her most attention now is Zhao Xiaodao.

Cao Xuan was very satisfied when he saw that the Empress of the East Palace was enlightened.

In his opinion, those of the Empress of the West Palace are of little use and treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

After all, Liu Tianxian was still too smooth. Da Mi Mi didn't put enough pressure on her, and then she supported Zhao Xiao Dao. Two people involved him and her. She felt the pressure and urgency, and her mentality was naturally tempered.

If this happened to Damimi, she would never behave in such a low-key manner. She might even wonder if she could transform into black and red and create a wave of hype.

Maybe you can say that such people are shameless, but in fact they have to be shameless in order to have a long and stable career in the entertainment industry.

Zeng Li has always stayed in the ivory tower, educating students in the same way as in school. Even if he knows some social rules, he is not willing to instill them into students easily.

Cao Xuan even felt that Liu Tianxian should not come to Zeng Li for comfort at this time, but should learn from Xiaopang, a teacher, how to become an artist.

If Liu Tianxian can make up for the "shortcomings" in his character, he will be truly invincible.

But then again, if she really made up for her character and was as unscrupulous as Damimi, but threw away her biggest advantage, she wouldn't be Liu Tianxian.

"Okay, don't be wronged. You will reap what you sow. You have to finish the path you choose on your knees. The key is to remember the lesson and be careful when choosing dramas in the future."

Cao Xuan cooperated with Zeng Li and persuaded her a few times, one pretending to be red and the other pretending to be innocent, finally making her accept the reality.

Making a bad movie is not the end of the world. Once the limelight is over, you can come up with good works and you can restore your reputation.

During the meal, Liu Tianxian competed specifically with the mutton, and also made some insinuations about Damimi's follow-up works.

It seems that the reason why he broke through the defense this time, aside from his first major setback, was that he also received a "friendly greeting" from Damimi in private and was probably stimulated.

In the past, Liu Tianxian had a very high profile towards Damimi, but this time he suffered a big loss and actually began to secretly investigate the enemy's situation.

Teacher Zeng deliberately avoided Hu Jing and secretly gave the students advice. Cao Xuan overheard and found out that the plan was very simple, just two words——

Tang Yan!

Boss Cao called him a good guy, and Empress Xigong also turned bad, and even started playing Infernal Affairs.

He said that although Zeng Li had a good temper, Tang Yan was not involved with the Donggong Party. He still treated her as one of his own and helped contact resources. Daqing was really an undercover agent.

Currently, Tang Yan is Da Mi Mi's best friend. Although she is far from talking about everything, she probably won't hide some non-core secrets from her.

If Liu Tianxian can win her over through his friendship with his old classmates, he won't have to worry about information about Damimi.

Hearing Zeng Li talk about Tang Yan, Liu Tianxian was also a little surprised. She had always regarded the latter as a traitor, but she didn't expect that she was a hero who endured humiliation and endured heavy burdens. Liu Tianxian was a little touched.

Being in the enemy camp, I have to try my best to please the man named Yang, which is very painful for Tangtang...

If Cao Xuan knew her thoughts, he could only comment that she was too naive.

Damimi asked Tang Yan to be her best friend just to disgust Liu Tianxian, and Liu Tianxian could get information about Damimi from her.

And Tang Yan is not stupid. As an undercover agent, she can use the resources and exposure of both parties. She can have both sides when she plays well, but she can also be the best friend of one party if she doesn't play well.

"Tsk, tsk."

Cao Xuan could already foresee that Tang Yan would confess to one of Yang and Liu in the future.

"Don't come to me, I'm afraid XX will misunderstand you."


Liu Tianxian stayed in Qin City for three days before leaving. As a result, within a week of her departure, Damimi came to visit her Sister Jing and her unborn nephew/niece, carrying large and small bags.

Regardless of whether he was trying to compete with Liu Tianxian or trying to show off his face in front of the boss and his wife, at least he had the right attitude.

However, she was not as free as Liu Tianxian. She only stayed for one afternoon and then hurried to Hengdian to participate in the filming of "The God of Wealth Inn".

As soon as they left, Cao Xuan hadn't calmed down for two days when Liu Yan called.

She was interceding for the fat little black man, who got into trouble.

Only then did Cao Xuan know that the famous Deyun August Storm had begun.

The cause of the incident is very simple. A reporter from a Beijing TV station went to secretly photograph a fat little black man. He even broke into someone's home without a certificate.

There was a conflict between the two parties, and one of the apprentices of the little black fat man beat someone up.

So far, there is nothing to say. Although the reporter did something wrong, the nature of the beating was even worse.

If it were Cao Xuan, the first step would be to deal with the reporter privately, and the second step would be to publicly apologize, show an attitude of admitting his mistake, and try to minimize the impact of the matter.

Maybe this approach is a bit cowardly, but it is indeed the most mature operation. Put the matter down first. If you are really not angry, you can go back and talk things over slowly.

In the end, the little fat guy didn't do anything, and the incident was allowed to ferment, which also gave other reporters and columns a handle.

As of now, there is actually still room for maneuver. After all, reporters also have their own reasons for being wronged. Currently, there are still suspicions of false injuries and rhythm. It is completely possible to expose reporters' routines while selling misfortunes.

To be honest, that reporter is full of loopholes and is too easy to deal with. Coupled with the little black fat guy’s national character, he can fight a beautiful counterattack with public opinion.

As a result, the little black fat man himself made a lot of nonsense in small theaters and on the Internet, destroying a good hand.

He said that his apprentice was a hero for beating people, but he was actually breaking the law.

More importantly, the little fat man pointed his finger at Jingcheng Terrace.

In addition, this guy has already offended the Qu Xie, and at least half of the people in the mainstream cross talk world want to kill him.

Let's put it this way, if the Little Black Fatty thing were postponed ten years later, even if he was not labeled as a bad artist, his various future resources would have to be cut in half, and he would have to be idle for at least a few years.

Of course, things are not going well now. With the efforts of all parties, Deyunshe has been closed down for rectification, and all video books have been removed from the shelves. It looks like a little black fat man is about to get cold.

Various live shows and related people have drawn a clear line, and the disciple and his partner directly announced their withdrawal.

At this time, the little black fat man finally panicked and lost his temper. He was going to ask Cao Xuan, the most important person he knew, for help. He was afraid that he couldn't ask for help, so he asked Liu Yan to explain.

Liu Yan has a very good relationship with Xiao Hei Fatty, and she was one of the few artists who dared to speak out after the incident.

She didn't say that the little fat guy did the right thing, but she just questioned the reporter's behavior and believed that there was indeed a reason for it.

Cao Xuan was speechless at the fat black man's various tricks, but he really couldn't ignore them.

The other party was considered to be messing with Fan Xingxing, and it was true that the crime was not that serious. At most, he was just talking about it and did not make a principled mistake.

Cao Xuan did not speak for the fat little black man rashly, especially at Jingcheng Terrace.

He has a good relationship with Fatty Little Hei, and an even better relationship with Jingcheng TV Station.

Cao Xuan and Fanxing started their business back then and took advantage of the capital's talent. Of course, Jingcheng Taiwan also received many benefits. The two parties were mutually beneficial, cooperated closely, and had good personal relationships.

The more personal the relationship, the harder it is to persuade.

When Cao Xuan and Lu Tailang had a conflict, Liu Huohua interceded for the latter, but was treated coldly by Cao Xuan ever since.

In the same way, if Cao Xuan intercedes with Jingchengtai on behalf of the little black fat man, in other people's eyes, he will be siding with the little black fat man. Cao Xuan cannot do this.

Therefore, Cao Xuan did not plan to appear in public directly, but first gave guidance to the little black fat man behind the scenes.

The first is to apologize. Whether you hit someone or utter arrogant words, it means you are wrong. Show your attitude first.

Then explain everything clearly and as much as possible to weaken the negative impression.

Finally, in response to these incidents, we must comply with the requirements of the relevant departments, conduct comprehensive rectification and study, and ensure that they will never happen again.

After such an operation, we can gain the public's sympathy and understanding to the greatest extent. Fanxingxing Media will help wave the flag and cheer for the little black fat man to accumulate enough supporting public opinion.

Cao Xuan asked a few more people to come out to support him, saying that the crime was not serious, and that it would be fine if he knew his mistakes and could correct them, which was the final word.

After the matter was settled, the anger on the Jingcheng TV station was almost gone, and Cao Xuan personally came forward to serve the first drink and officially revealed this article.

It's not even necessary to serve the wine. Anyway, Cao Xuan is just helping the fat little black man get out of crisis, and he's not a nanny. He can stop when he achieves his goal.

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