China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 642 Thief Cao, you are worthy of it!

The global release time of "Avengers" is not uniform. Asia, Australia, and North America are the same, Europe is a few days later, and South America and Europe are not much different.

Therefore, shortly after Cao Xuan attended the premiere of "Avengers", the film was released in China.

Li Ruiyang, a native of Binshi, went to college in Quancheng, and is one of the rare die-hard Marvel fans in China.

As mentioned before, although "Iron Man" had been released in mainland China as early as 2008, the later "Iron Man 2" even scored a high box office of 200 million+.

But the popularity is more about the "Iron Man" IP itself and has little to do with Marvel.

Otherwise, "Captain America" ​​and "Thor" would not be collectively ignored. If it weren't for the latter, with the popularity of Cao Xuan's cameo and joining Marvel, it would be difficult to break the 100 million yuan mark.

Therefore, so far, there are not many real Marvel fans in China. They are more fans of the two popular heroes Iron Man and Hawkeye (Cao Xuan).

Even in the original time and space, it was only after "The Avengers" that the Marvel Universe was fully launched in China and continued to attract a large number of fans.

Not only its own benefits, but also related "peripherals" are also popular.

For example, at Station B, there are many uploaders who specialize in American comics. Some of them have over a million followers. There are also online articles. American comics are also a relatively popular genre. If the author is of decent quality, it is not difficult to produce high-quality products.

However, before the release of "Avengers" in 2012, the number of die-hard Marvel fans is indeed small, and a large part of it is because "Hawkeye" has just entered the circle.

But Li Ruiyang got into the trap because of "X-Men" when he was in high school. At that time, the first part of "Iron Man" had not yet been released.

I dare not say that they are the earliest batch of Marvel fans in China, but they are also relatively early. Even further back, they may be fans of "Spider-Man" or international students.

The Internet at the beginning of the century was not like later generations. You could search for information casually, and there were ready-made popular science videos. Many things didn’t even have entries. You had to rely on yourself and your friends to find out. It was a struggle to get some materials.

Li Ruiyang's English is not good and he doesn't know how to extract information. He just follows the big guys and shouts "come on", he is as humble as a lackey.

It wasn't until "Iron Man" became popular, the popularity of Marvel in China increased, and the Internet platform became increasingly developed, Li Ruiyang felt better.

However, it is precisely because of this that he started to completely switch to Marvel from his original fan of "X-Men" and American comics.

His favorite Marvel actors or characters are-

Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) and Cao Xuan (Hawkeye).

Taking into account the bonus of compatriots of nationality, Cao Xuan may have to move to the front row, surpassing Wolverine.

As for surpassing Iron Man, it may be a bit dangerous, because Li Ruiyang is a complete mecha controller, and at the same time, Iron Man's setting is also more favored by him.

Regardless of the halo of being a genius and rich man, Tony Stark is just an ordinary person. "Mutant" superheroes such as Hawkeye and Wolverine are not as easy to replace as Iron Man.

Li Ruiyang likes Marvel for no other reason than he thinks superheroes are very cool and he also has a dream of being a Superman.

As for the few superheroes that have been released so far, Thor is a god, widows are women, mutants need to bring their own genes, the Hawkeye setting requires hard work and practice, and the Hulk is mentally ill and does not have such big pants.

Those who can make ordinary people become normal superheroes at once may be Iron Man, Captain America and Spider-Man.

Although Captain America's super serum is a good thing, its combat power is relatively weak.

After all, the US team's 50/50 attributes have not been shown yet. Everyone dislikes this setting of developing human body limits + super fighting skills.

The rewards in the online system are all ranked at the bottom. Together with the T-virus in "Resident Evil", it is basically one of the must-have novice gifts for some protagonists at the beginning.

In comparison, Cao Xuan's Eagle Eye is much better than Captain America. Not only does he have super fighting skills and super physical fitness, he also has long-range attack and weapon modification capabilities. The key is the buff of [Innate Qi], which directly opens up his combat power. hang.

If Captain America's ability is D-level, Hawkeye is at least C+, and that's not counting the potential of "Innate Power" for the time being.

The abilities of Iron Man and Spider-Man are more likeable. Just one of them can fly (the building reverberates back and forth), and they can kill the American team in an instant.

Regardless of other aspects of the character, Iron Man's cool mecha, functional diversity, and high growth potential also allow him to defeat Spider-Man and become the superhero that is easiest for many people to adopt and most willing to become.

High-looking mecha VS striped tights

Others don’t know, but Li Ruiyang voted with his feet and would definitely vote for Iron Man first.

Li Ruiyang's good friend and roommate Yu Hu was dragged into the Marvel trap by him.

Not counting Tartar, the popularity of "Hawkeye" has indeed made many people willing to watch other Marvel movies, and those who are interested will fall into the trap.

Compared with Li Ruiyang, Yu Hu's favorite hero is Hawkeye, not only because of the role played by Cao Xuan, but also because of his handsome fighting style. He holds the bow and shoots where he points, with a kind of coldness and elegance.

And there are many Chinese elements in Hawkeye, which makes him more identifiable than other heroes.

Of course, there is another very important element, which is because Hawkeye’s CP is the widowed sister.

An LSP like Yu Hu has no resistance to beauties.

Some people will hate their favorite actress CP, but because Yu Hu also likes Cao Xuan, he loves Wu Jiwu and consumes [Yingwu] emotional line every day.

The two of them grabbed movie tickets at, skipped half of class in the afternoon, and took the bus to watch "The Avengers" at the Star Cinema in the city.

After several years of development, has become the number one community for film and television information and rating discussions in China. Its popularity and influence are currently catching up with Tianya, and it is expected to surpass it in a short period of time.

However, after it exceeds the limit, it is estimated that it will also reach the saturation period. After all, the website is positioned here, and its upper limit is far lower than that of Weibo, Tieba and other platforms.

Of course, is not sitting still. It is currently deeply involved in the ticketing business and has launched large-scale cooperation with theaters such as Fanxing, China Film, New Film Alliance, and Magic City United.

In addition to movies, has also contracted the ticketing business for offline performances such as Deyun Club, Renyi, Happy Twist, celebrity concerts, and concerts. It has even recently extended its tentacles to the sports circle, contacting the online services of the Chinese Super League and CBA. Ticketing.

Of course, the above is just the icing on the cake, the most important thing is to bring the Penguins into the game.

In 2011, officially accepted US$20 million in financing from Penguin and sold 25% of its shares, making Penguin the company’s second largest shareholder.

The biggest benefit of Penguin's investment is that has access to Penguin's traffic pool, and website entrances quickly appeared on QQ, WeChat and other websites and apps.

To buy tickets, go to!

This slogan was also spread wildly on Penguin-related platforms and advertisements, completely establishing the reputation of Ticketing.

Currently, ranks first in online ticketing business on the entire network. The only threat is [Taopiaopiao], which is backed by Alibaba. As for other companies such as Douban and Meituan, they will basically be beaten.

Mastering online ticketing is a great supplement and benefit to Star Movies and Star Cinemas.

In particular, Fanxing Cinema Chain has launched certain ticket replenishment activities with Time Network, and various publicity has also been given priority, which has greatly boosted the cinema chain's business.

It can be said that despite the crazy expansion of Wanda Cinemas in the past two years, Fanxing has never been left behind. Although there are theaters with strong strength, Time Network also has a lot of credit.

Now Wanda Cinema is preparing to accept Alibaba's capital injection. The two parties will carry out in-depth cooperation. The follow-up of Time Network/Fangxing will face a very severe test.

However, with sufficient market share and the support of Fanxing and Penguin, still has a good chance of winning, or at least maintaining a tie for victory.


Li Ruiyang and Yu Hu discussed the trailer along the way.

There are two versions of the trailer for "Avengers". The first version is a bit messy. You can probably see a few people fighting aliens. The other latest version is a civil war between several heroes, including Thor fighting Iron Man and Hawkeye fighting the United States. Team.

Although according to the routine, the two sides do not necessarily turn against each other, there is still a discussion about who is more powerful.

Li Ruiyang insisted on Iron Man and Thor, while Yu Hu felt that Hulk and Thor were the most powerful, followed by Hawkeye.

"Iron Man can fly and can suppress enemies at high altitudes."

"Hawkeye is a long-range attack, just wait to be shot at a short distance. With the power shown in the last movie, Iron Man can directly break through armor, and his crispy armor will kill him, let alone the Hulk, pinch It’s like he’s squeezing a chick.”

"It's useless no matter how squishy you are if you can't catch him. At Iron Man's speed, the Hulk can only watch, and Hawkeye may not be able to hit him."

"It doesn't matter if you miss a hundred times. If you catch it once, you will die."


The more the two of them talked, the more lively they became. If they weren't still thinking about watching a movie, they might have made an appointment to talk and the conversation would turn into a physical fight.

Because of the traffic jam, when I arrived at the theater, there were only a few minutes left, so I quickly picked up my tickets and went in. Fortunately, the movie had just started.

The book continues from the above, and it begins with Loki coming to snatch the Cosmic Cube, and after all the hard work, he uses the Mind Scepter to control Hawkeye.

As a big fan of Hawkeye, Yu Hu was very dissatisfied: "What the hell? Isn't this a forced plot kill? Why is it being controlled? Isn't this smearing Hawkeye?"

Li Ruiyang was not happy either. Although he liked Iron Man more, he also liked Hawkeye.

Shooting Crossfire in the last movie "Eagle Eye" gave him a lot of pleasure, but now he got it all at once.

"Calm down, calm down, Loki is a god, and that scepter is pretty awesome. It's not a loss. Besides, this is just the beginning, so don't be in a hurry."

There was an old man next to him who heard what the two said. He seemed to be an old fan and he spoke to comfort them.

After all, they were in a movie theater, so Li Ruiyang and Li Ruiyang didn't say much, concentrating on the plot behind them.

The plot of "Avengers" is very simple. To sum up, it is probably that Loki controls Hawkeye, steals the Cube, and prepares to release aliens to attack the earth. Because of the difficulty between Loki and Hawkeye, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s own power cannot Block, only the superhero team Avengers can be formed.

However, this group of superheroes are all rebellious people and are not convinced by each other.

In addition, Loki pretended to be caught, but actually used the psychic scepter to interfere with everyone's emotions, causing everyone to become more hostile and chaotic, even causing the Hulk to lose control.

At this time, Hawkeye, who cooperated with Loki, led a team to sneak attack on the flying aircraft carrier of SHIELD headquarters.

The first big climax of the whole movie comes.

For domestic audiences, they are definitely attracted to Cao Xuan. Regardless of whether they like Iron Man or Captain America, the one with the highest priority must be Hawkeye.

In most of the previous movies, except for a fight scene at the beginning, Hawkeye didn't do much, which made some viewers who came to Cao Xuan a little disappointed.

They felt cheated!

Even if Cao Xuan participates in this kind of Hollywood group portrait movie, he will inevitably end up as a walk-on, which makes people feel suffocated.

But the sneak attack on the flying aircraft carrier made everyone realize that they had been slapped in the face.

The desire to rise is suppressed first, and the play is too smooth. This is not a supporting role, and it almost takes the whole show.

First, a tracking arrow shot through Iron Man, and they shot and blasted each other in the air. Then they fought vigorously with Captain America. In the last three battles, they fought Thor, which made the powerful Thor suffer a little.

"Fuck, that's awesome."

There were exclamations one after another in the theater, which shows the response to this scene. No one expected that there would be such a wheel battle.

One thing to say is that the fighting power in the "Hawkeye" movie is not weak, and the fighting style is also very handsome, but except for the final big move, the overall performance is not as violent and eye-catching as Thor and Iron Man, and it belongs to the human category that everyone understands.

Even Marvel admits that the movie "Hawkeye" is more like an action movie than a superhero movie.

So even though many people argue, in most people's subconscious mind, Hawkeye's combat effectiveness is still weak in the Avengers.

Even though he has the ultimate move of "Innate Qi", after all, he has not faced several other heroes, and no one knows how to measure combat power.

But now that there is a wheel battle, everyone knows it.

The long-range attack can give Iron Man a hard blow, forcing the opponent to dare not get close. His fighting physique is not inferior to that of Captain America, and he can even make Thor look embarrassed.

The actual lethality may not be the strongest, but in terms of comprehensive combat capability, it is definitely one of the best among the Avengers. It has almost no shortcomings and can use different tactics to fight the enemy.

It can be said that in this scene, Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man acted as ladders, which directly demonstrated the strength of Hawkeye to all viewers.

It also made all domestic audiences hooked.

"Hawkeye" is also pretty cool, but the reputations of Taskmaster and Crossfire are too weak, so there's no one more shocking than Iron Man.

The scene where Hawkeye shot an arrow through the shield of Iron Man's mecha made even Li Ruiyang, a die-hard Iron Man fan, shout that he was awesome.

There are too few special effects blockbusters in China. Even Cao Xuan makes action movies in Hollywood, so the country is particularly eager for this kind of superhero theme that is born out of reality, so when they see a Chinese superhero killing like crazy, the audience will I feel very special in my heart.

After the wheel battle, Hawkeye was slightly exhausted, but his combat power was still overwhelming. Thor was unable to defeat him, and finally Black Widow arrived.

Hawkeye, who had been fighting fiercely with Iron Man and the others, met Black Widow and began to struggle with mind control. He repeatedly let go, and was finally knocked unconscious by Black Widow.

In the control room, Hawkeye frowned and fought for control with the Mind Scepter, his face showing pain and he couldn't help but scream.

Black Widow looked at him with concern and distress, and kept speaking encouragement, and finally kissed Hawkeye gently, finally helping him wake up.

This can be regarded as one of the few emotional lines in the entire movie, but it’s just a superficial taste without too much emphasis.

But even this made many viewers cry and howl, looking angrily and a little enviously at Cao Xuan being kissed by the widowed sister on the screen.

Thief Cao, as expected of you!

This one has fewer words, I’ll make it up tomorrow

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