China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 114 The man with the most real spirit in the Chinese music scene

You can see it, but the lawsuit has already started, and the process of the matter has reached this point. Under the premise that Zhou Yi is unwilling to bow his head, this is destined to be a long tug of war.

No one would want to be easily labeled a "criminal" by Zhou Yi without receiving any benefits.

It's about their careers and their money.

"Go to the north! This guy named Qian Jiang should be thrown into the sea to feed the fish! Zhou Jianhui is a fucking talent. This kind of marketing method can actually pass. Isn't he afraid that Zhou Yi really has a problem?!"

The editor-in-chief of "Next Weekly", which had just entered the Baodao market, had not even started to get hot when he encountered something that could be called a "catastrophe". He couldn't help but cursed straight women in the newly decorated office. .

As a well-deserved giant in the Hong Kong entertainment market, "Next Weekly" also officially started preparing to enter the Baodao market in May this year, and first followed suit and spread some rumors about Zhouyi.

The "Apple Daily" owned by the same company even exaggerated many of Zhou Yi's so-called backgrounds, calling it a nose and an eye.

Founder Jimmy Lai was even prepared for Zhou Yi to sue him, in order to use Zhou Yi's unique identity and explosive fame to open up the business of Next Weekly and Apple Daily in Baodao. Fame is a good start.

The result is now good, the lawsuit has indeed started. But the only fly in the ointment is that Next Magazine is not the only media to be sued in court, it is just one of dozens of media.

The expected increase in popularity did not occur at all. Instead, Zhou Yi was used as a stepping stone by stepping on the reputation of Baodao. Thirty-seven media began to promote the new album "Jiangnan".

It is unbearable!

"Check for me the contact information of the people around him and even the people around him who is the target of the scandal. Forget about other fake news, I don't believe that Zhou Yi's scandal is all fake!

"No matter how much you want, I want genuine materials from Zhouyi!"

Almost at the same time, 37 newspapers and media including Next Weekly and Apple Daily made the same decision.

It's not unreasonable to make rumors out of nothing. Since there are so many scandals in Zhouyi, there are always some that are true. They don't believe that they can't dig out a few who started in chaos and then gave up.

"So far, we have sued 37 media outlets in Baodao, 14 media outlets in Xiangjiang, and 12 media outlets in the mainland."

May 31, Mainland, Imperial Capital, Warner Wheatfield Building, Zhou Yi's Lounge.

Qianjianghui reported with a slightly excited tone: "Now the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and the three places are shocked by our behavior, especially those on Baodao. Before you, no one filed lawsuits with the media, but they came one by one, and started the trouble. The momentum is not that great.

"You are the only person in the history of the domestic entertainment industry who has sued so many media outlets at once. This is a first for the entertainment industry. Your current level of discussion is even higher than last year when you destroyed the Baodao music scene.

"The most important thing is that because you chose to be stubborn and not reconcile, the rumors surrounding you in the past have been completely dispelled in the public's mind.

"Because what you did made them feel that you were confident, which also showed that the news was completely false.

"Also, among the young people, your popularity has exploded because you have not bowed your head and chosen to confront all the rumor-mongering media."

This kind of drama of "one person against the whole world" is a perfect way to hit the G-spot in the hearts of a large number of middle school teenagers who love to dream of heroes and young people who want to challenge authority.

To put it bluntly, with Zhou Yi's current momentum among the younger generation, if he died on the same day of the release of his second album "Jiangnan", he would be directly promoted to the altar and never come down.

Especially in Treasure Island.

As the first place to put pressure on Zhou Yi and treat him unfairly, Zhou Yi fans in Baodao were already dissatisfied. Now that they saw Zhou Yi fighting against the rumor-mongering media so hard, their love for their idol suddenly deepened.

What kind of weaklings are you fans of? Look at our Zhou Yi, he is a strong man who is not afraid of power and will not bow down!

He is worthy of being the first person in Chinese popular hip-hop. What he focuses on is reality and what he plays is real!

Idols are tough, but fans are proud of them

Even Xie Tingfeng's fans, no matter how tough they are, have to admit that Zhou Yi is indeed not the kind of person who says one thing and does another.

He is real.

He doesn't hold back when something happens, he really goes for it!

"Based on this popularity, if you can achieve a considerable conversion rate, your second album may have extremely scary sales in the first week."

As the first singer in the history of the domestic entertainment industry to do this, Zhou Yi is currently receiving huge attention.

Looking at the bigger picture, what he is doing now is even challenging the unspoken rules that have always been abided by by default in this industry. Once successful, it is very likely to rectify the atmosphere of the entertainment industry.

The premise is that you don't overturn, if you really find out some black material that you can't turn over.

"How are the sales of Xie Tingfeng's new album?"

After listening to the report, Zhou Yi thought of his only sales rival in Asia this year. Zhou Yi rarely asked about the sales situation of the Hong Kong king's new album.

There is no way, this year Xie Tingfeng is at the highest point in his life. Not to mention its popularity, "Jade Butterfly", which has a reputation for music and has a lot of content, became a big hit, followed in October by a Mandarin album "Century Prophecy" which also became a big hit.

The album "Jade Butterfly", which focuses on the rock concept, has produced more than ten versions and has been sold to other countries, far ahead of other singers of the same era.

Although the singing popularity of the songs has not reached the level of his career masterpiece "Thank You for Your Love 1999", the sales volume is indeed good.

According to history, it was by relying on the sales of these two albums that he defeated many Japanese and Korean singers, and won the World Music Conference Asia's highest sales award for the first time next year, truly being crowned the King of Asia.

How to describe the gold content of this award.

Let's put it this way, this year's winner of this award is Japanese queen Ayumi Hamasaki, and the winner of the award in 2000 was Japan's strongest monster Hikaru Utada.

"The album "Jade Butterfly" was released on May 23, and within three days it achieved double platinum status in the Hong Kong market, with sales of 100,000 copies. Exactly one week to this day, the total sales in the mainland have exceeded 400,000."

Talking about Zhou Yi's current biggest rival in album sales, Qian Jiang's face also looked a little solemn: "His "Jade Butterfly" sold very well in the Cantonese region, and it has gained both reputation and connotation."


Zhou Yi was not too surprised when he heard this number. He has done everything he can do now, and he has tried his best to show his face in the big ticket warehouse of Baodao. How many sales can be converted in the end depends on God's will.

Actually, it’s not just Warner.

One week after the release of Xie Tingfeng's new album, a large number of media, which received great sales from his new album, turned their attention to Zhou Yi, who was deeply involved in a lawsuit.

As the only young singer in the Chinese music scene last year who could compete with Xie Tingfeng in terms of popularity and sales, the sales performance of Zhou Yi's new album is also their top priority.

Especially the King.

The performance of Zhou Yi's new album is the key to their desire to recreate the glory of "Tan Zhang Zhenghe".

And now, Xie Tingfeng has handed over his first report card of the year.

Because of Xie Tingfeng's horrific results, Warner even urgently suspended Zhou Yi's personal rest. Arrangements were made for him to go on promotional tours in Mainland China and Hong Kong in advance, which put an end to Zhou Yi's idea of ​​taking this opportunity to visit the crew of "Pink Girl".

On June 5, 2001, a song called "Jiangnan" was sent to the song libraries of major radio stations in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Baodao.

On June 6, amidst the hustle and bustle, Zhou Yi's second solo album "Jiangnan" was officially released!

ps: Some of the information is indeed vague, but I checked Xie’s information several times. Judging from the grammar and looking at the official award-winning video and related reports, it should be from Asia.

The person with the highest sales volume in Asia in 1999 was Utada Hikaru, so she won the award in 2000;

In 2000, Ayumi Hamasaki had the highest sales volume in Asia, so she won the award in 2001.

Xie had the highest sales volume in 2001, so he won the award in 2002.


ps2: I couldn't bear it after staying up all night yesterday, so I went to bed early today to adjust the update time of the underworld these days.

The update time will resume around 9:30 tomorrow.

There will be four updates tomorrow, starting at 9:30.

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