China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 157 Advance Changes

On August 20, 2001, the Hong Kong entertainment industry suffered an earthquake——

People in the entertainment industry headed by Chen Daoming, Zhang Guoli, Wang Gang, Zhou Yi and others jointly issued a formal statement, expressing criticism and dissatisfaction with Chow Yun-fat's previous remarks that discriminated against Zhou Yi in Hong Kong.

At the same time, in this statement, they made their first formal and public appeal to raise the issue of discrimination against mainland artists. It is also the first time that a long-standing problem in this industry has been brought to light.

After this statement was officially released, a large number of merchants who were still waiting to see gave up the idea of ​​continuing to contact Chow Yun-fat, even though Chow Yun-fat had repeatedly lowered the required quotation.

This is a result that most people in the Hong Kong entertainment industry never expected.

They all thought that this matter would have ended when Zhou Yi returned to the mainland. However, they did not expect that after Zhou Yi returned to the mainland, he gave them another big one——

But they still have no way to refute.

Various joint venture films and even singers' resources in the project development stage have been affected. Mainland artists have tried to use this shareholder style to claim the benefits and status they deserve, and have succeeded again and again.

Emperor is the first person in the Hong Kong entertainment industry to slip on his knees.

As the current number one capital in Hong Kong, no one knows what this statement means better than Yang Shoucheng.

Fortunately, Xie Tingfeng, who is under Emperor's banner, is already competing with Zhou Yi. Although there is competition, it is basically a healthy competition. A charity football match also gave Xie Tingfeng a "hard-working" and "athletic genius" persona, which also set off Zhou Yi's deity.

The newly popular Twins even followed the company's requirements to support one of the twins before their debut, and it continues to this day, which can be regarded as a vote of approval.

Chow Yun-fat, who has always been arrogant and domineering, didn't just kick the iron plate this time.

Under pressure from many parties, Chow Yun-fat finally couldn't resist, lowered his head, and held a press conference to apologize to Zhou Yi, Zhang Ziyi and other mainland artists who were exposed to have discriminated against him.

Fan Bingbin, who became famous again with "Young Master Bao Qingtian 2", was stunned because of her friendly relationship with Zhou Yichuan. She defeated Cecilia Cheung in the competition and won the heroine position in the co-production "Hedong Lion's Roar".

"In Chen Shufen's words, I just caught up. Originally I could only compete for the female supporting role, but because of this joint statement, the attitude of the mainland sponsors in the co-production has also become tougher."

After receiving the good news, Fan Bingbin immediately called Zhou Yi to express her congratulations: "Since the male lead of this film has already been chosen by Louis Koo, I have chosen the female lead. It can be regarded as a first-rate gift from the Hong Kong circle to the mainland entertainment circle." express."

"It's a good thing, I'm going to be prosperous, and I'll be the heroine of a movie. Cecilia Cheung just acted as the heroine in the movie "Romantic Sakura" with Aaron Kwok, and now the role was snatched by you in the blink of an eye."

Warner, in the recording studio, Zhou Yi, who had completed the EP song recording, smiled and congratulated.

"It makes sense for the Hong Kong media to say that you are prosperous. When the outside crew of "Super Interview" come to me to interview you, they will definitely say a few more nice things about you and treat you to dinner when they return to the imperial capital!" At this moment, Fan Bingbin felt endless motivation. After hurriedly hanging up the phone, she once again devoted herself to the promotion work of "Youngster Bao Qingtian 2".

"It's really hard work."

Looking at the lighted up mobile phone screen, Zhou Yiyi clicked his tongue on the back of the chair and sighed.

Compared with Fan Bingbin, a hard-working lady like Fan Bingbin who wishes she could work non-stop for 360 days out of the 365 days a year, he feels somewhat ashamed of himself.

But when I think about the money in the bank card and the real estate certificate that has been issued, my feeling of shame suddenly goes out of my mind.

If you were working hard every day before you were reborn, and you will still be working hard every day after you were reborn, then wouldn’t your rebirth be in vain?

After following her to the mainland, Stefanie Sun was finally arrested by Chen Zeshan and sent to run publicity. She tried to imitate him every day but failed to learn the essence. For this reason, she would call him every now and then to complain -

Because he has to shoot a music video, he has no time to help him out for the time being.

Thanks to his background at Peking University, Peking University readily agreed to Zhou Yi's idea of ​​returning to school for filming as it was now the last stage of summer vacation.

This is more or less a form of propaganda in a different direction.

Especially when Tsinghua University next door is about to produce two original singers——

One was Lu Gengxu, who had met Zhou Yi at the Chinese Song Charts, and the other was a man named Li Jian.

"The company they signed with is Xiyangyang Culture in the Mainland. Because they were from Tsinghua University, the first original album they are preparing to release also attracted a lot of people's attention."

On the way to Peking University to shoot the MV for "Those Years", Qian Jiang told Zhou Yi some of the information he had collected: "After all, there was Gao Xiaosong before Tsinghua University. Although he had not finished reading the book, he often regarded himself as a Tsinghua person. .

"And you have been shining brightly since last year. Xiyangyang Culture has seized on this and is preparing to turn this Shuimu Nianhua group into a prestigious school singer that can compete with you."

"Where does this joyful culture come from?"

Zhou Yi, who was no stranger to the name Li Jian, focused on Xi Yangyang, which almost made Qian Jiang not get stuck on the spot after collecting a lot of Shuimunianhua's personal information:

"Well, it claims to be the most powerful record company in the mainland."

Qian Jiang's expression immediately became strange: "But..."

Zhouyi understood it instantly.

Bragging, who can't do that?

He was also a ppt master.

Peking University.

Because it was during the holiday, Lin Yichen, who was standing in the empty campus waiting for Zhou Yi with the MV crew, looked around curiously, comparing her school to her own.

After communicating with the director, her agent Zhou Meiyu came back. Seeing her wandering eyes, he immediately patted her arm: "Be serious, don't get distracted, read the script carefully, and leave a good impression on others."

"Don't worry, Sister Yu, I almost know the script by heart."

Ariel Ariel patted her chest and promised.

During these days in the imperial capital, she had put in 1.2 million percent of her efforts to seize this opportunity, just shy of becoming the heroine of "Those Years".

Zhou Yi's achievements are now obvious to all, and I don't know how many colleagues are envious of her for getting this opportunity.

The only pity is that because Zhou Yi has been busy, she has never had the opportunity to meet him before. However, she sees Zhou Yi's big news in the newspaper every now and then.

Previously, he signed a statement with Chen Daoming, Zhang Guoli and others, which together caused an earthquake in the Hong Kong entertainment industry and made Chow Yun-fat lose face;

Later, Rolling Stone's newly popular female singer Liang Jingru publicly talked about her competition with Zhou Yi in Taiwan last year on the live stage of the mainland variety show "Happy Camp", which aroused the curiosity of many mainland audiences.

What's more, the good people also added Liang Jingru to Zhou Yi's scandal targets.

Why does Liang Jingru have a partner or not? Zhou Yi's scandal target does not need to care about these details. The former competitor is now captured by Zhou Yi. This is the news that the public likes to hear!

ps: Yangjian!

There are two chapters left, around 12:30~

Getting up late is a yes

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