China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 194 He has work today

Warner helped Stefanie Sun rent a very simple apartment with four bedrooms and two living rooms in the imperial capital. The area was visually estimated to be about 160 square meters. The overall decoration style was similar to the apartment that Warner helped Zhou Yi rent in Taiwan, both of which were Nordic style.

In other words, what he copied was the futuristic Nordic style he wore in Taiwan.

Zhou Yi even saw some small furniture that had appeared in her music video, such as a spherical sofa and the like.

"You're not so poor, are you? All the money you got is going to Warner? How much of your share is this being deducted from you?"

Since he had been busy filming "Harper's Bazaar" and running promotions to stabilize the ranking of "Gangnam", this was the first time Zhou Yi came to Stefanie Sun's house after she moved out of the hotel.

As soon as he came in, he opened his eyes twice in a row.

"What do you know? If I don't take these things, Chen Zeshan will end up selling them second-hand or giving them away."

Wearing a beige short-sleeved shirt and blue jeans, Stefanie Sun stepped barefoot on the floor and said confidently: "Then I might as well buy it cheaply. They are all very useful."

"What about that kite?"

Zhou Yi nodded towards the framed picture hanging on the wall of the living room.

"Can't you just look up when you feel homesick?"

Stefanie Sun, who brought Zhou Yi a glass of water, noticed the opaque bag he had been carrying on his left hand and asked curiously: "What is this?"


"Don't talk about knocking me down."

"Mid-Autumn Festival gift."


The look on Stefanie Sun's face was visibly stunned. Seeing this, Zhou Yi smiled and took out a gift box from the opaque plastic bag: "I don't know how you count the Mid-Autumn Festival in Singapore. But today is indeed the Mid-Autumn Festival here in China, it just overlaps with the first day of National Day.

"If it's sent at the wrong time, just pretend you didn't see it."

Seeing Stefanie Sun stretching out her hands to take it with a look of surprise, Zhou Yi continued: "Or, you can just think of this as a gift from me when I come to visit you.

"The rules in my hometown are that you can't be empty-handed when visiting your home."

"Then what should I say? According to the saying in your hometown, say thank you or wish you a happy National Day? Happy Mid-Autumn Festival?" Stefanie Sun's mood after the accident was visibly happy: "Do I need a gift in return?"

"Just don't poison me."

"Then I can't tell. If I don't tell you, I'll give you some poison that won't open your mouth." Stefanie Sun, who put the mooncake gift box aside with both hands, was about to take the opaque white bag Zhou Yi put on the table. , but after taking over, the falling feeling that suddenly fell into her palm made her almost let go——

? !

Why is it so heavy? !


Anything else?

"What's this?"

"Majia pomelo is a specialty from Shangrao. Many of our people give this as gifts during New Years and holidays. You may have never tasted it." Leaning on the back of the sofa, she watched Stefanie Sun almost get fucked by the two Majia pomelo because she didn't know it. Zhou Yi smiled brightly after taking action.

"You guys have to give so many things when you come to our house?"

Stefanie Sun, who took the two majia pomelo out of the bag, slapped her forehead with a somewhat incredulous tone.

"Just get used to it. What's for lunch today?"

Zhou Yi, who didn't treat him as an outsider at all, curiously sat on the pink spherical rounded sofa, raised his head and asked, "I haven't even eaten breakfast, I'm starving to death."

"...Uh, fried pork with chili pepper?"

Stefanie Sun, who was still looking at Ma Jiayou curiously, blinked and asked tentatively: "Some special Chinese food that has been improved by us in Singapore, is that okay?"

"You know how to do this? Then why don't I smell the pepper?"

Surprising the sensitivity of spicy eaters, Zhou Yi looked suspicious.

"This hasn't started yet, haha. You sit down first and watch TV. I'll go to the kitchen to cook first." Stefanie Sun, who was striving to prove herself, directly thrust the TV remote control into the man's hand and ran back barefoot. In the bedroom, after three to five seconds, he trotted all the way to the kitchen on a pair of pink rabbit fur mops——

When passing by the living room, he smiled at Zhou Yi who was sitting on the sofa, and then closed the kitchen door.


What are you laughing at?

Zhou Yi, who was stunned by Stefanie Sun's smile before entering the kitchen, didn't know why.

However, his attention was immediately attracted by the sound coming from the TV——

"You may not know that our Jie Lun is actually a very shy big boy. Before he went on the show, he asked me, Teacher He, if I could sing more and talk less..."

Under the Hunan TV logo, the replay of Happy Camp is exactly what Jay Chou looked like when he appeared on "Happy Camp" for the first time——

It's still the familiar peaked cap, and it's still the familiar eight-stick stick that can't hit three stuffy farts. It's all thanks to He Jiong's mouth to control the field.

Zhou Yi was stunned and laughed.

When singing "Indian Old Turtle Dove", the lyrics of this song are actually the most words Jay Chou said on "Happy Camp". Can you believe it?

If he were He Jiong, he might have collapsed long ago.

Thanks to He Jiong who had been vaccinated against him a long time ago and systematically prepared topics to enliven the atmosphere for Jay Chou in advance, he barely avoided a cold start.

"Well Jie Lun, the outside world is saying that the relationship between you and Zhou Yi is very good, saying that you two are biweekly and so on. Is the relationship between the two of you really as good as the outside rumors say?"

"Well, it's actually okay. How should I put it, if Zhou Yi and I really want to settle things down, they should be regarded as a fateful friendship."

When talking about Zhouyi, Jay Chou's face finally showed the brightest smile since recording the show: "We knew each other before we debuted, and at that time there was Stefanie Sun who had also not debuted.

"We also had barbecue together, but Zhou Yi's barbecue skills are really bad, but his egg fried rice is really delicious."

Sitting in Stefanie Sun's home, Zhou Yi, who was watching the pot coming from the sky, was originally fascinated, but he was stunned when he heard this.

What do you mean?

What does it mean that my grilling skills are really bad?

Isn’t it enough if the thing is familiar?

"Of course it doesn't just have to be done!"

In the closed kitchen, Stefanie Sun was busy arranging the things on the stove. Chen Zeshan's tone of voice on the phone sounded somewhat helpless——

"Stefanie, why don't you just heat it up in the microwave? I think it's too difficult for you to re-fry the fish."

"No, he can cook, he will definitely be able to tell."

Looking at the exquisite dishes that were already cold on the stove, Stefanie tilted her head and clamped her cell phone between her hands, and began to handle the most difficult piece of fried fish.

"But you have to do this until the end of the year."

"It's okay. Isn't it a holiday today? Neither he nor I work."

"Who told you that Zhou Yi didn't have work today? He has a full work schedule today. I don't even know why Qian Jiang let him out..."

On the other end of the phone, Chen Zeshan's chatter made Stefanie Sun suddenly startled.

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