China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 209 Just copy the Book of Changes

"As the general manager of the company, you actually have to rely on me, the boss, to do your work for you. Just tell me that you have failed as a general manager."

In the private kitchen box, after Wang Xiaojing left, Zhou Yi looked at Chen Hao with a smile, who had solemnly put away the key points of the contract negotiation, making her who was cheering her up a second ago roll her eyes spiritually: "Yes. Yes, you are the boss, you have the final say."

"What do you mean I am the boss and I have the final say? Isn't this the fact?"

"Other than you, I am the only one left in the company, so..."

Chen Hao, who stuffed his notepad back into his bag, stood up from his chair, leaned over in front of the man, looked into his eyes for a few seconds, then curved his eyebrows and said with a smile without showing his teeth: "Is there a possibility? You, the boss, also have the responsibilities of a salesperson part-time?"

From such a close distance, Zhou Yi could even vaguely feel the breathing of the woman coming towards him.

On the delicate face without makeup, you can see the short hair that seems to be emitting light under the light, swaying slightly with the sound of breathing.

It was the first time that Zhou Yi saw Chen Hao make such an action to him. Zhou Yi raised his eyebrows unconsciously. Not only did he not dodge his eyes at all, but he looked at his old friend who had known him for many years with great interest: "Okay, acting. After becoming a heartthrob once, you have learned the essence. Is this what it means to be a good actor?"

"That is."

Chen Hao seemed to be very satisfied with his performance: "Why don't you give me some reaction? I'm a heartthrob."

"Yes, yes, Miss Heartthrob, I am fascinated by you."

Zhou Yi grabbed the chest of his shirt with one hand, and his exaggerated acting skills made Chen Hao laugh out loud: "I'm going to the toilet, please wait for me."

Zhou Yi, who was sitting on the chair and stretching his waist comfortably, made an OK gesture towards her. Then Chen Hao put down his bag and left the box——

After entering the bathroom, the composure on Chen Hao's face suddenly disappeared, and he took several deep breaths in succession.

The faint scent of aromatherapy placed by the store in the bathroom made her subconsciously raise her hands in front of the luxurious sink and patted her cheeks in front of herself in the mirror until she finally exhaled heavily: "Huh..."

The fast-beating heart in her chest made her ears keep ringing with "thumping" sounds. After starring in the role of Heartthrob, the director's wife personally explained the plot of Heartthrob to her, which gave her some insights.

Turning on the faucet, with the cold water flowing from his palms, he looked up at himself in the mirror for only three seconds, and a self-satisfied smile appeared at the corner of Chen Hao's mouth.

Not long ago, Zhou Yina in the box raised her index finger to her lips and said to keep it secret, but her face was full of anger, and she wished that the words "Come and praise me" on the sign appeared in her mind again.

"What did you say? You are going to the Spring Festival Gala? How long have you been debuting? Is it true? Isn't the Spring Festival Gala famous for its qualifications?"

"Shh, keep it secret, keep it secret. I've only told you about this, you know what I mean."

The bad news is that Stefanie Sun, who is in the same company as him, seems to be going to the Spring Festival Gala according to the current rumors outside.

The good news is that Zhou Yi did not sing a duet with her on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

Especially the song "Wind-Blowed Summer".

The increasingly mysterious rumors about Warner Twins forced Chen Hao to pay attention to Stefanie Sun. After the new album released by Stefanie Sun two days ago came on the market, she immediately bought it and listened to it——

To be on the safe side, in case there was any version with added ingredients, she even bought two versions: the Taiwan version and the mainland version.

The good news is that, apart from the difference between simplified and traditional Chinese characters, these two versions do not include the Gemini private goods tidbits that Warner officials deliberately included to stimulate sales;

The bad news is that the song "Windswept Summer" is very sweet. Whether it’s lyrics, music, or MV images.

As the most anticipated duo among non-duo singers, Zhou Yi once again contributed two masterpieces to Stefanie Sun's new album: the pop rock "Your Smile" and the sweet duet song "Wind-Blowed Summer" 》.

As the first hit, "Your Smile" was sent to the radio station in advance to chart. After its initial climbing period, its popularity overtook Jay Chou and Coco Lee's "Dao Ma Dan" and Zhou Huajian's "Have You Ever"? A Song Reminds You of Me", Jacky Cheung's "If This Is Not Love" and all the songs from Faye Wong's album of the same name.

Three days before the album was released, it successfully held the number one spot on all major karaoke stations, and gradually opened up with the second-place "Daomadan" on the charts that best reflect the popularity of the public, such as the radio demand rate and the number of karaoke requests. difference.

Although "Dao Ma Dan" is also very popular, in terms of popular popularity, "Your Smile" has become an unstoppable trend.

"Wind-Blowed Summer" debuted on all radio and KTV charts on October 22, the day after the album "Kite" was released.

Even in terms of searches for singer names on Baidu in Mainland China, Zhou Yi and Stefanie Sun are tied together, far ahead of the second-placed Zhou Chuanxiong and the third-placed Jay Chou, firmly welding the number one throne to their butts.

"Your Smile" leads the other songs by a cliff.

The attentive Chen Hao even discovered one thing——

That is, in the MV of the song "Kite" of the same name of Stefanie Sun's album, the kite that is meant to be home actually became the token of "togetherness" between Stefanie Sun and Zhou Yi in "Wind-Blowed Summer".

In the last section of the CD version of this album, Warner also released a tidbit: Stefanie Sun, who came back from jumping around on the set, bared her big teeth and happily went to the props teacher and asked if she could take the kite home.

Although Stefanie Sun, who was facing the camera, was asked why she wanted to take the kite home, she just raised her scissor hands, tilted her head and winked, saying that she missed flying a kite for a long time.

But Chen Hao, who is that person? Why don’t you, Stefanie Sun, have to bring a kite back from the set to say that I miss you?

As someone who had often brought something from Zhou Yi as a souvenir, Chen Hao immediately smelled something similar.

In fact, it's not just her.

When the song was released in its entirety along with the album, basically 50% of Stefanie Sun fans and Zhou Yi fans were either scolding or scolding, but they were still disappointed and chose to pay.

In this era when there are no hot searches, Zhou Yi and Stefanie Sun have single-handedly taken over the front pages of major newspapers and weeklies in Taiwan and the Mainland since the day their album was released. The only thing that can compare with them is "Yi Yi" in Hong Kong. "Philippine Love" and "Fengfei Love Broken".

On October 26, Warner officially announced the first sales and three-day sales of Stefanie Sun's new album "Kite": 180,000 on the first day in Taiwan, 90,000 on the first day in the Mainland, and 70,000 on the first day in Hong Kong;

In Taiwan, there were more than 270,000 people in three days, in mainland China, there were more than 120,000 people, and in Hong Kong, there were more than 90,000 people in three days.

The domestic sales of genuine copies in three days officially exceeded 500,000, which not only directly broke Stefanie Sun's original sales record, but also directly refreshed the three-day album sales record of a female singer in the Chinese music scene!

In comparison, Faye Wong's 130,000 and Coco Lee's 100,000 were already scores worthy of popping champagne, but in front of Stefanie Sun, they were as fragile as a baby with no power to fight back——

At this moment, not only Coco Lee and Faye Wong, but all fans of the Hong Kong and Taiwan diva were silent!

"There has never been a girl in her twenties who can sing like her!"

This sentence was originally a promotional slogan of Warner before Stefanie Sun's first album of the same name was released. Now, relying on the popularity of her third album, it has been republished by media reporters and given a huge and bold title!

Several major record channels in Taiwan even gave another figure that is terrifying for the music industry——

"Based on the sales feedback and purchase volume of major record sales channels in Taiwan, in this year's declining record market, only two companies, Warner Music and Alpha Music, are making a profit.

“Among them, the album sales of Zhou Yi and Stefanie Sun alone are expected to account for 50% of Taiwan’s annual record market!

"The male and female grandson are well-deserved!"

The biggest boom in Taiwan's record sales market is one month after the release. Basically, 99% of the final sales of records can be estimated in three days or the first week.

Therefore, when Taiwan Rose Records and other major record channels jointly announced sales data to support Warner, the entire noisy Chinese music scene lost its voice!

Zhou Yi is not in the Taiwanese music scene, but the legend of his rule is still circulating in the Taiwanese music scene.

Sony Music, which had high hopes before the game, successively released Wang Leehom and Coco Lee, but they were all defeated by Zhou Yi and Stefanie Sun. Only Wu Zongxian's small company Afar Music and its artist Jay Chou relied on the extremely weird style of "Nunchaku" He found a new way and suddenly became the third person of the male Zhou's daughter's grandson!

"Southern Zhou Dynasty vs. Northern Zhou Dynasty, who is the contender for the throne of the new generation of male singers in the music world?" 》

Because Zhou Yi happened to be born in mainland China and Jay Chou happened to be born in Taiwan, the media, which had good intentions and was unwilling to accept it, proposed the title of North and South Fortnight based on geographical location for the first time——

Then he was sprayed bloody by Zhou Yi's fans, and some even went to the newspaper office offline to throw eggs.

Most Jay Chou fans are very sensible. After all, their boss has nothing now, and his life is saved by Zhou Yi. There is nothing to fight for.

And Elva Hsiao's fans who were still competing with Stefanie Sun for the first place were now silenced by Stefanie Sun's unparalleled third degree.

The two songs written by Zhou Yi for Elva Hsiao's junior college are already popular enough, and "The Title Song of Love" is even more popular. They are blameless. If they can't sell it, they can't sell it.

Not to mention that because of Yao Qian, Elva Hsiao, who was at the peak of her debut, has not even been nominated for a Taiwan Golden Melody Award because she did not sign up for the Golden Melody Award at all...

As the first woman to receive benefits from the Zhouyi chorus, Angela Chang's fans were eager to ask Zhouyi to invite love songs for her, but Fu Mao actually went to get resources for idol dramas for Angela Chang, and they wanted to sing and film at the same time...

Seeing the presence of F4 heroine Zhuyu in front of them, Angela Chang's fans endured it and waited until Angela Chang's idol drama was no longer popular before scolding Fu Mao to death.

Liang Jingru, who relies on the resources of Rolling Stone, is still living a life that has little to do with Zhou Yi. After all, Rolling Stone is currently promoting her.

Among the four people known as the four little queens of the new generation, Stefanie Sun took the lead in completing her ascension with her third major.

As a twin star, Zhou Yi has miraculously swept across Asia with his two EPs and one single. He is currently the only man in Asia who can compete with F4 in terms of popularity.

In a corner where no one is paying attention, Jolin Tsai, the former teenage killer who once won a lot of pages with her crying scene at a press conference, watched the market gradually forget about her, almost crying in a hurry.

Especially after market reputation gradually determined the quota for the so-called new generation of four queens, she was forced to call Chen Zeshan——

"Take it easy, take it easy. Just listen to me, Jolin."

Chen Zeshan was somewhat interesting and pointed out a clear path for her: "You can copy the Book of Changes according to Zhou Yi. Don't forget, you also have a good friend named Zhou Jielun. He is second only to Zhou Yi among male singers this year.

"We are speculating on Gemini stars. You can also look for Jay Chou to speculate on scandals. Don't be secretive like before. You also need to come up with a good-sounding gimmick. Cai Zhoulian or Zhou Cailian are not very good-sounding. You can speculate on English names.

"Jay Chou's name is Jay, and your name is Jolin. They both use the initials. Hyping "Double J Love" will be very memorable and catchy..."

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