China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 232 Learn, there is no end to learning

"If this were in Japan, would I be given the title of Immortal who asks for leave?"

Zhou Yi, who was reading the newspaper from Washington with great interest and subconsciously rubbing his chin with his right index finger, said with great interest.

Stefanie Sun on the side moved her head over curiously, and the tip of her swaying hair brushed the side of the man's cheek, making him feel itchy——

"Is this an exaggeration? Where is that place in Washington? Are there really so many people who resigned after listening to your song?"

Stefanie Sun, whose native language is English, had no pressure to read an English newspaper. After discovering that the title of this newspaper was a newspaper with a reputation that she had never heard of before, she couldn't help but fall into suspicion.

If it weren't for Qian Jiang taking the initiative to use it as evidence to prove the authenticity of his words, she would have almost thought that this was the draft that Warner bought himself——

First, go to a local Washington tabloid to create a topic. After a few days of reporting, you can then transfer it to a major newspaper. The main focus is on a step-by-step approach to increase the sense of reality.

"Why not?"

Regarding the woman's doubts, Zhou Yi gave her a sideways glance: "Do you look down on me, a fairy who asks for leave? Do you need me to help you recall it?"

The threat was palpable.

Stefanie Sun, who straightened her back and was about to be tough, suddenly noticed Zhou Jianhui and Chen Zeshan who were still in the office, and immediately closed her mouth angrily and started to act like an ostrich——

Although it is a well-known fact within Warner that she tried her best to be lazy, it has not been mentioned publicly yet.

This was in front of Zhou Jianhui and Chen Zeshan, the top and second-in-commands of Warner, and she would be a little embarrassed if Zhou Yi broke the window paper without being smart.

Not everyone is Zhou Yi and has a face as thick as a city wall.


Zhou Jianhui, who regarded the two py transactions as invisible, coughed: "This is actually not a common example, just an exception.

"According to the company's investigation, John's resignation was purely caused by other factors, and your song just coincided with the moment when he had an emotional outburst.

"There are also five other people who have been in the newspaper. In fact, they all have long-standing grievances with the company."

Pointing to the numbers reported in the newspaper, Zhou Jianhui said: "But this is a point that can be exploited. It depends on whether you are interested in promoting it in this direction."

Chen Zeshan on the side hurriedly took over the conversation: "Jianhui is right, Ayi. This is actually a hot spot that is very easy to hype, which will greatly help your single's popularity and Billboard rankings."

"What you need to worry about is whether hyping up asking for leave or resigning will cause some people there to be dissatisfied and reject you. After all, things are not peaceful there right now, and it is a sensitive time."

Zhou Jianhui, who secretly frowned at Chen Zeshan's enthusiasm, glanced at him, and then told him about the rejection he might encounter.

Unlike Chen Zeshan, who is keen on cutting things off first and paying little attention to the consequences, Zhou Jianhui prefers to obtain the artist's consent before making relevant marketing plans.

"What are you afraid of? I agree."

After Qianjiang promptly presented the marketing plan that Warner had written in advance based on this incident, Zhou Yi chose to agree: "But there is something that needs to be changed.

"After the publicity builds momentum, the company can get a few more groups of people to request songs, and then report on them..."

As a Chinese singer, if your songs want to go abroad, in addition to the indispensable quality, publicity is also extremely important.

In marketing, "a success story" is often the source of widespread discussion——

When the single was first released in Japan, Warner (Japan), after discussions with Warner (China), chose the two stories of "A Rarely Encountered Beautiful Man in XX" and "Star Within Star Within Star" to complete the interpretation of Zhouyi The image positioning and publicity have achieved extremely good results.

The exaggerated tone and story quickly allowed Zhou Yi to gain a foothold in the Japanese market. His extremely good looks and excellent song quality successfully converted purchases after Japanese music fans were attracted by the story.

Originally, when it entered the U.S. market this time, Warner was planning to let Zhou Yi ride on the fame of Jackie Chan and "Rush Hour 2" to tell stories everywhere. After all, the kind of promotion Zhou Yi used in the Japanese market would not work in the United States.

As a result, something like this happened just after the beginning...

It would be rude not to take advantage of it.

After Zhou Yi nodded, Warner Records quickly demonstrated its advantages as an international giant——

On December 5, the New York Daily News, an American "vulgar" newspaper founded in 1919, took the lead in reporting this bizarre incident at length.

As one of the most prestigious newspapers in the United States that started out as gossip entertainment, its national circulation has stabilized in the top ten so far, making it the largest popular newspaper in the United States——

"The Magician from the East single-handedly caused a wave of resignations!" 》

In this land where vitality and everything are booming, people who are still burdened with various loans at the end of the year and dare not resign are attracted by the word "resignation" in the title almost immediately.

On December 7, USA Today, the only full-color daily newspaper in the United States, published a full-length photo of Zhou Yi holding the trophy on the stage on the front page, with the text: "Performers from the East, playing the music before Christmas" Rest movement! 》

On the 10th, one of the most important newspapers in New York, the New York Post, which is famous for its gossip and sensationalism, followed up and published in the front and back pages of the Washington Star-News that a foreigner came to the United States to "fool" people. Bizarre stories of taking leave and resigning.

Since many people have suffered from unemployment after 9/11, when they see the word "resignation" in a lot of newspapers at the end of the year, no matter whether it is good or bad, they will at least give it a hug. ——

The name "Spike Zhou" and his English single, which is said to be able to make people ask for leave or leave their jobs, immediately took advantage of this opportunity to spread quickly in the United States——

"What song is so awesome bro?"

"I don't know. Anyway, the newspaper said that someone resigned after hearing this."

"Let's listen to the radio..."

Similar words continue to emerge in various family communities in the United States. On the 11th, many American newspapers collectively reported on a performance art——

"In order to make his boss think about leaving his job, a man in San Francisco ordered this song to listen to his boss while they were out together. In the end, his boss successfully resigned and he was able to take over..."

Is this abstract?

This is very abstract.

But no normal person would have such an idea in their mind, let alone believe it.

But it happened that such an extremely abstract performance art quickly evolved into a carnival for fun people with the help of Warner.

"I'll sing "The lazy song" to you, wish you a smooth life and leave your job soon."

Don’t worry about whether it’s true or not, just order it first and then talk about it.

What’s even more interesting is that when people ask for it, it will be played to the public. He is not the only one who listens to it, and he wants to play it all over the world.

Record companies such as Sony and Universal, which are always paying attention to Warner's actions, were dumbfounded.

Is this a promotional song?

In today's bustling American music scene, the only way to promote songs is through programs, radio stations, outdoor advertising, music festivals, and all kinds of scandals, scoldings and fights.

Zhou Yi is a newcomer. He doesn't go on shows or radio stations to promote it. He is new to the industry and no one criticizes him. Because he is not famous, even if he is a celebrity, it is not news.

At first, Sony and other company executives thought it was a joke, but it turned out that something wasn't quite right.

What kind of novel publicity method is this?

Tying a song to resignation or taking leave? ? ?

I don’t know if Americans nowadays are most taboo about losing their jobs, not to mention it’s still the end of the year, so don’t make money to celebrate the New Year——


Wait a minute, no, unemployment and resignation are the most taboo?

"Assign people from the PR and Propaganda Departments to break down the case and learn from it, and then look back to see if Wang Leehom and Coco Lee can learn from it, especially Wang Leehom. He is originally an American and has the ability to create independently."

The head of Sony (China) looked at the report in hand with a complicated expression.

There are many people who resigned after listening to this song in New York Editing Washington, and there are many people who resigned after listening to the song In Washington Editing New York. You are lying to both parties!

The damn news about resignations were not made up by Warner to lie. He stood on his head and ate shit!

Zhou Jianhui, you deserve to die! ! !

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