China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 240 I don’t approve of you not being on the throne of hell

Because Sohu has the exclusive right to report on the Internet, when Sohu reporters at the scene sent the photos back and took the lead in live broadcasting pictures and texts on the corresponding section, Jay Chou, who screamed, suddenly became a target of public criticism on the Internet. .

In other words, except for the fans of Sun Yanzi and Zhou Yi, all other fans of the actresses who had scandals with Zhou Yi all came after hearing the news——

The instantaneous traffic volume almost brought the audio-visual entertainment sector to a standstill.

Fans of Jay Chou who were originally squatting on Sohu and happily eating melon with their idols were also confused——

"No, isn't this a joke? What are you talking about?"

"That's right. Besides, Stefanie went directly to the stage to play and sing solo. Why are you so excited here? Aren't your idols still sitting in the audience watching? The emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is?"

It was already late in the evening when Sohu's graphic live broadcast started. Because it was Friday, a large number of student parties who were preparing to spend the weekend and young office workers who had just entered the workplace were free when the celebration party began.

Jay Chou's die-hard fans happen to be concentrated in this group.

Originally, when Sohu announced that it would conduct a full live broadcast with pictures and text, they just wanted to see if the idol's mental state, which was recently involved in the scandal of being sold, had recovered.

The results are not good now. The idol's mental state is very impressive, and the fans' mental state is very poor.

"Do you know that messing with mandarin duck music is a very bad thing!"

"Elva was with Zhou Yi before he debuted. At that time, Lingbo Paigu Girl was not even considered a Gemini star."

"Chen Zeshan is marketing Gemini stars to Zhou Yi every day, but he doesn't even look at Stefanie Sun, who hasn't even filmed a MV of kissing Zhou Yi.

"We, Bingbing, have already kissed Zhou Yi until forever in the song "Love Me or Him", right? Aren't we close enough to film like this?"

"Didn't Zhou Yi say that his Cantonese was taught to him by Ah Sa?"


During Zhou Yi's previous scandals, no male star who had a close relationship with Zhou Yi had ever come out to "take sides". Jay Chou was the first one.

Some CP fans of other female celebrities have really broken their defenses now.

"Stop, stop, I said stop. Jay Chou said this most likely because of the effect of the program. After all, today is Zhou Yi's birthday. As far as I know, the artists in Taiwan are very bold and unrestrained when it comes to the effect of the program. It’s all there.”

"Gemini fans are ecstatic! Jay Chou, you did a great job! Go buy a copy of "Fantasy" to support you!"


Even Sohu itself didn't expect that just after signing Zhouyi, it would be given a traffic gift to itself after it was changed hands.

The new traffic coming from the Book of Changes made everyone in the Sohu website department laugh from ear to ear, and they all began to flatter Zhang Chaoyang, the boss who is not in the company now——

It has to be Mr. Zhang, who has a vicious vision and is wise and decisive!

Mr. Zhang is awesome!

NetEase Ding Lei, who was busy with the infighting on the board of directors, stopped for a moment to look at Sohu's opening of champagne. When he realized that it was Zhou Yi who had bought the company's shares, he turned around and continued his infighting with the board of directors.

Sina, on the other hand, ended its internal strife six months ago and kicked out founder Wang Zhidong. After several months of adjustments, Sina has apparently stabilized its internal affairs.

But it is precisely because of this reason that Jiang Fengnian and Wu Zheng, the current chairman of the board of directors of Sina, really hate Zhang Chaoyang with their teeth this time——

Damn it, the price given by Zhang Chaoyang is stuck on the newly stabilized Sina fiscal budget red line. There's a mole! There must be a Sohu insider in the company!

For an Internet company like them that started as a portal website, huge new traffic and topicality are the lifeblood of the company.

Sina never expected that Sohu's signing would be so immediate.

But there is no way. After acquiring 29% of the equity of Sunshine Media Group founded by the famous host Yang Lan and Wu Zheng in September this year by combining 4.6 million newly issued shares for US$8 million, Sina really has no money to follow Sohu. of cash.

In the Internet winter, the budget red line set by the board of directors must not be touched.

"Mr. Jiang, do you want to try to dig up Stefanie Sun? I think Stefanie Sun has not signed. Since she is called one of Warner's twin stars by the outside world, the news about her will definitely attract attention. Moreover, after we signed Stefanie Sun, Can catch up with the popularity of Zhouyi."

People with smart minds have already figured out a plan to save the country - Sohu will definitely not be able to spend a large sum of money to sign Stefanie Sun. NetEase and Ding Lei are about to go the same way as Sina founder Wang Zhidong and be kicked out. There is definitely no way to do this. thought.

Sina can obviously pick up the slack.

I just don’t know if Stefanie Sun will agree...


Jiang Fengnian, who felt that his suggestion was reasonable, seemed to have thought of something. He raised his eyes and looked at Wu Zheng, who was contemplating at the side: "Old Wu, do you want your wife to come forward and give it a try?"

Yang Lan, a former famous host of CCTV, is now the founder of Sunshine Culture, a well-known media company. A new high-end interview program launched this year, "Interviews with Yang Lan," interviews world celebrities in various fields and is deeply loved by the audience.

In addition, she is also one of the image ambassadors of the Olympic bid this year. In July, she also made a statement on behalf of the imperial capital in Moscow.

Regardless of her fame, status in the mainland entertainment circle, or even her relationship with CCTV, Yang Lan could easily walk into the CCTV building and meet Stefanie Sun, who was going to attend the Spring Festival Gala this year.

By then, with Yang Lan's eloquence, it shouldn't be difficult to sign Stefanie Sun over, right?


"It's not difficult, of course it's not difficult."

Inside the hotel.

Facing Zhou Jianhui's inquiry, Jiang Wen held red wine in his hand and said with a smile: "Although the outlines of the four song scripts written by Zhou Yi are nominally independent stories, when combined with the meaning of the lyrics and the outline of the MV, These four songs can actually be completely combined into a complete story.

"Of course, I don't want to film it. I just want to make a guest appearance in the MV for the first time and help him perfect some details as much as possible. When the time comes, Mr. Zhou, you should still ask for a director. I will never interfere, never."


I believe you!

Lu Chuan's "Looking for the Gun" was so famous that it almost made him cry.

For the sake of those MV directors who have had good cooperation with the company many times, Zhou Jianhui felt that it would be better to use an outside director for the four songs involving Jiang Wen in Zhou Yi's new album.

It's a one-time thing anyway. If this one-time director gets into trouble with Jiang Wen, it won't affect other MV directors who have worked with the company for many years.

With this in mind, after Zhou Jianhui ended his communication with Jiang Wen, he directly approached Qian Jiang and asked him to find a tool man with some directing experience to direct.

Considering that Jiang Wen would probably occupy the magpie's nest by then, Zhou Jianhui still generously added a little more money to his salary, which was considered to be an advance payment for mental damages to this tool-man director.

"Oh, by the way, where is Ayi?"

After explaining to Qian Jiang, Zhou Jianhui, who didn't see Zhou Yi's shadow, asked.

"I was having a fight with his friends about wiping cakes. I was afraid that if I were photographed outside and it would be spread out, I might be called a waste, so I arranged for them to go to the side hall alone."

Qian Jiang, who was very experienced in this area, pointed to the cake cream on his face that had not been wiped clean.

Meanwhile, the side hall.

Zhou Yi, whose fists were hard to beat with four, five, six, seven and eighty-nine hands, felt as if his face was covered with a thick layer of putty. He slumped down on the chair amidst the wild laughter of Stefanie Sun and others: "I won't play anymore, I won't play any more." , No fun, just hit me all."

"What do you mean, you are the birthday girl."

Stefanie Sun was also in a situation where cream was flying everywhere on her face: "Besides, I am training your reaction ability in advance. After your new album is released, what you will receive may be paint thrown by fans and thrown back. Rotten eggs."

"Then you can't run away. I came up with this idea based on your suggestion." Zhou Yi purred while wiping cream on his face, vowing to drag her into the water.

"Then I didn't ask you to write it so extreme."

Stefanie Sun, who was also a little tired, sat on the chair and wiped her hands, saying disdainfully: "You have to sit in the seat of the King of Hell."

She just wanted to be sweeter before going under the knife, but Zhou Yi was better and directly wrote it as having the surgery after the engagement.

The sweet "Dimples" is followed by an engagement MV "Today You Will Marry Me" that is as sweet as a marriage palace. The two love songs are duets. Even after she saw the lyrics, she couldn't help but imagine what she would be like after falling in love. Happy scene in the marriage hall.

As a result, Zhou Yi was not good, and directly followed the "You Will Marry Me Today", which is about to bring happiness, with the surgical "Fairy Tale".

Coupled with the heart-wrenching song "Mr. Lonely" that follows the fairy tale, the integrated Sword Man tetralogy made her dumbfounded.

Earthly world!

Three updates tomorrow!

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