China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 381 Ascension to the Throne (4k)

"What?! Someone fainted?!"

Backstage, Qian Jiang, who was responsible for controlling the overall situation of the concert, was very satisfied after seeing this effective performance. However, after receiving a call from his subordinates, his brows instantly furrowed and his expression suddenly became solemn——

Depend on! Did something really happen to someone? !

"How many were injured? Is it serious? What's the specific situation?"

Although it is said that because of the large number of people, he does have drivers on standby outside the site to prevent accidents and send them directly to the hospital for the fastest treatment.

But if a major accident occurs, this concert will still have a certain impact on Zhouyi and Warner, and those competitors will not let go of this opportunity with real evidence.

"Only one fainted. He was a man named Wei Yuncong, a young man in his twenties. He has woken up now and his body is fine."

The subordinate's answer made Qian Jiang feel relieved - it's okay, it's okay.

"Are you sure it's just him, right?"

"Yes, we are with him now."

"Okay, that's okay. In this way, you can settle him first and observe him more to avoid any accidents. I will notify Ayi after Ayi's concert is over and ask him to go over and visit."

After giving a simple instruction, Qian Jiang hung up the phone and immediately found his confidants and arranged: "Go find a few people, pretend to be paparazzi and patients, and wait for A Yi to follow me to the hospital to visit this person and secretly take photos. ——

“Remember, it must be a candid shot, the picture must be blurry, don’t be steady like a professional, and the photo must not be high-definition. The candid shot must look like a candid shot, as clear as a fucking promotional photo. No one but die-hard fans will believe it.

"What I want is the kind of paradoxical feeling that can arouse people's imagination and discussion, do you understand?"

Thinking of the series of "accidental encounters" and "candid photos" that Chen Zeshan arranged for Zhang Huimei, whose album sales were sluggish, Qian Jiang emphasized it again for fear that his subordinates would be dependent on him. .

Chen Zeshan did this on purpose, in order to stir up discussion for Zhang Huimei, cause a war of words between fans and passersby, and increase attention to the singer. Zhou Yi doesn't need it now.

"Yes, yes, but will the impact be a little bad?"

The confidant was hesitant: "If this is revealed in the future, it may have a certain impact on A Yi's reputation."

"It doesn't matter. If I'm found out, I'll take the blame and bear all the responsibilities."

Qian Jiang was not worried.

As a professional manager, if something goes wrong at the concert, then naturally he has to consider whether he can use it to generate a wave of popularity as long as there is no problem. Coincidentally, there is exactly one man in the world music scene who has reached the pinnacle of marketing in this area for reference——

Michael Jackson, the current world's number one pop star.

As long as you follow Michael Jackson's path, not many people will notice this aspect at all. The cases are all here.

News like "How many fans fainted from excitement at Michael Jackson's XX concert XX" were not uncommon during his peak period. Combined with his excellent hard power, his popularity and influence in his global career spread. It has a certain positive effect.

In fact, there are many top singers who have fans pass out due to excitement or various reasons during their concerts. However, only Michael Jackson’s news is spread all over the world. Even in China, where Michael is not particularly popular, Some people in the country have obtained relevant materials to build momentum for it.

Marketing is a normal thing for the superstar. Qian Jiang, who was born in Hong Kong, sees it clearly than anyone else. Not to mention the Hong Kong Philharmonic in the past, if you look at the international world, there is no singer in the world's music scene who has become the King of Pop without any marketing at all.

There will be none.

Now that this good material was delivered to his door, since nothing happened, there was no reason for him to give up.

You Michael Jackson can do it, why can't my Zhou Yi do it?

"I understand, I'll make arrangements."

The confidant lowered his head and glanced at the time on his watch. It would be a good idea to arrange for the "paparazzi" to go to the hospital for emergency treatment in advance. Going in advance would not be too abrupt.

On the stage, after performing "Back to Back Hug", Elva Hsiao laughed so wildly after being put down by Zhou Yi: "Zhou Yi, why don't you just change the name of this concert and just treat it as my concert."

"It's not impossible. You can name it. I'll accept it as long as the reward is enough."

Zhou Yi, who was all smiles, also finished his last speech before leaving the stage. After a few words, he temporarily handed over the stage to Elva Hsiao.

He has to step off the stage to change clothes.

As a guest on the show, Elva Hsiao is not confused either. "The Most Familiar Stranger" and "Suddenly Thinking of You", two of her early masterpieces, and "Prague Square" and "Give Me a Reason to Forget" are two of her latest album songs. The medley of hit singles perfectly took over the gap period when Zhou Yi was not on stage, and provided an emotional cooling transition for the fans at the concert as the concert came to an end.

He even made a cameo appearance as the host after the skewering ended——

"To be honest, when I first met Zhou Yi in Taiwan Province, I really didn't expect that he would be as powerful as he is now. The only thought in my mind when I saw this man was - wow, this man looks good. So tall and handsome.”

Holding the microphone tightly in one hand, Elva Hsiao publicly told the public for the first time how she and Zhou Yi met in the dance studio. It may be to show off, or it may be just a memory, but the rising smile at the corner of her mouth cannot be suppressed. Can't fool anyone at all.

The first acquaintance between the little queen and Zhou Yi started with screams in the dance practice room.

Some CP fans in the audience had pink bubbles in their eyes.

It was also at this time that everyone became aware of the time when Zhou Yi received systematic professional dance training for the first time.

"When I first started practicing dancing, many people said that I was a genius and that I had great dancing skills and that I was just like God. But in my opinion, Zhou Yi is actually the genius. "

When talking about this man's learning ability, Elva Hsiao sighed: "Sometimes I wonder if people who study well are so capable of understanding. You never know where the upper limit of his talent is. This is the scariest thing."

Putting aside completely quantifiable indicators such as songwriting and songwriting, voice and physical talent are truly visible to the naked eye, as long as you are not blind.

The smoothness of the dance of "Yeah" alone is almost comparable to that of Michael Jackson in Elva Hsiao's eyes.

"In my heart, there is actually a clear threshold for various standards. For a singer like me who combines singing and dancing, Zhou Yi is the one with the most talent among the singers I have come into contact with so far. one."

Elva Hsiao made no secret of her praise of Zhou Yi, even if saying so might make some people dislike her.

But, so what.

As the leader of Zhou Yi's Kua Kua theology, under the watchful eyes of 80,000 people, a proud smile appeared on her lips: "Just like what many media called him during the World Cup before, I have no doubt that Zhou Yi is The next King of Pop!”

? ? ? ?

The audience, who almost didn't react to Elva Hsiao's unique way of complimenting people, had no time to speak. The next second, as his words fell, a majestic and oppressive horn sound suddenly sounded in the venue!

——? !

Everyone was startled by the sudden loud horn sound!


The next second, shocking scenes of burning flames were displayed on all the big screens at the scene!

The flames flickered on and off along with the unhurried and majestic sound of the trumpet.



“Dong dong dong!!!”

All the lights in the 80,000-person stadium dimmed in an instant. Along with the sound of the horn, the sound of the big drum was like hitting the hearts of all the fans present, shaking their livers——

Elva Hsiao, who was originally just a guest host, had walked to the right side of the stage at some point, holding drumsticks in both hands and beating the drum head continuously in accordance with the rhythm.

From gentle at the beginning to rapid, Elva Hsiao's drum beat became faster and faster. The members of the Twelve Women's Band, who had appeared before, collectively took their places, looming in the darkness before the lights came on - until Elva Hsiao fell as if It’s the final hammer signal!

The chilling aura of thousands of troops accompanied the pipa playing. The light that shrouded Elva Hsiao immediately shifted to the female pipa player after she stopped playing. She was dressed in red with rust-gold patterns, sitting dignifiedly. On a mahogany chair.

The trampling of iron hooves, the killing of war;

On the big screen, the bright red flame special effects are accompanied by the wanton sound effects and the pipa complement each other perfectly.

This pipa sound is very short, obviously only a few dozen seconds. With the continuation of the horns and war drums in front, it seems to give people the illusion that they have experienced a massive war.

In the final stage of the pipa sound, the strong murderous intention suddenly turned down - followed by a burst of cheerful flute sound.

The victorious army returned to the court, and the army of kings who unified the six kingdoms carried the banner of Qin. Everyone's face was filled with pride and pride - they had unified the divided land of China, and countless people were imagining the beautiful future. The prosperous times.

The people were singing and dancing, the soldiers were smiling, and the cheerful flute represented their mood at the moment.

The next moment, the melodious erhu sound replaced the cheerful flute.

The joyful mood was also swept away, and only the back of the king could be seen still sitting on the throne - after ending the troubled times and the endless war, and looking forward to the future, the soldiers began to discuss their merits. It was a reward, but those dead people could never see this scene again.

After the short erhu sound, the last sound of pipa seemed to be the arrival of the prosperous times——

Crisp, beautiful, like the sound of nature.

It was at this time that the pipa, which originally had a murderous aura, joined in again, but suppressed the spread of murderous intent during the performance, as if it was a song of prosperity played for civil and military officials in a magnificent palace where singing and dancing were flourishing!

Bamboo flute, erhu, and even Elva Hsiao’s drum.

They are added one after another, but there is no sense of confusion at all. It is cheerful and harmonious, just like listening to a hymn——

That is a hymn that Chinese people can almost relate to as soon as they hear it!

In this day and age, the treatment of ancient Chinese musical instruments in the domestic pop music market cannot be said to be uninterested, but at least it can be said to be better than nothing.

Especially for many young people, most of them have little interest in these ancient musical instruments. They think that these are things that can only be heard by the older generation who sing Peking Opera, or can only listen to them by watching some ancient costume martial arts dramas. s things.

Especially the erhu, the deepest impression this thing gave them was that a bowl was placed under the overpass to beg for food.

But the arrangement of Zhouyi's concert surprised them——

Is this still the pipa and guzheng they are familiar with?

Why is it so...popular?

And the Qin on the big screen, is he Qin Shihuang?

The Qin Dynasty destroyed the six kingdoms, the same chariots and writings followed the same track, creating an era of great unification in China, and he recognized himself as the first emperor - this is something written in history textbooks and folklore that lingers.

After the image hints given by the big screen, the images with the changing concept of the music are naturally easily accepted by many people. This is the sense of cultural identity - no need for too much explanation, just a picture , people can automatically associate with relevant history.

"It sounds very good. It's different from the ones I heard before."

"When did Zhou Yi learn to play these instruments?"

"Did he forget the songs "Hua Tian Cuo" and "Dongfeng Po" from the beginning?"


The audience in the audience was whispering, and many people were affected by the sound of the music. For a moment, they just felt indescribably comfortable——

Until the next second, with Elva Hsiao’s last drum beat, the lights in the entire venue went dark again!

Suddenly, the majestic horn sound sounded again. But this time, the big screen is no longer about various wars and prosperous times, but has transformed into modern times——

To be precise, it is Zhouyi's English album that has reached the top of the charts in various countries around the world.

The single "Yeah" topped the music charts in 18 European and American countries;

The single "Baby" topped the music charts in more than 30 countries around the world except the United States and China!

The single "Wavin' Flag" has been broadcast in more than 200 countries and regions around the world, and he was the first person in Asia to perform publicly at the closing ceremony of the World Cup!

The album "The Attitude Show" has sold more than 22 million copies worldwide so far! It has won the weekly sales championship for more than three weeks in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, France and other countries!

In South Korea, it even showed a crushing trend, directly becoming the annual sales king, overpowering many Korean singers to reach the top spot, which continues to this day!

The Japanese next door were so convinced that they put up the slogan "China's Music Emperor"!

As if a unified emperor had ascended the throne, amidst the solemn sound of the trumpet, this time, Zhou Yi, who was truly sitting on the throne, dressed in black clothes, slowly rose from the center of the stage——

His sharp and domineering eyes are as majestic as a patrolling emperor!

At this moment, the trumpet sounds again!

At this second, the drums play again!

Amidst the cheers of the fans in the audience, the pipa, erhu and guzheng competed to show off their skills!


"Zhou Yi is awesome!"

"Damn it, why does this music really feel like an emperor ascending the throne?!!!"

I don’t know who shouted this, but the whole audience almost reached a consensus in just tens of seconds!

Most fans are blind, especially those who can still come to watch the concert. Amidst the waves of screams and cheers, the sound of the trumpet sounded like the emperor's coronation ceremony in movies and TV series.

Even more excited fans pulled up their clothes with both hands, leaned back and shouted Zhou Yi's name. Many female fans were so excited that they were speechless.

"Seeing that there is no Xiaowei, this is the music emperor mentioned in Japan!

"Emperor of Music!!!"

There was a young man who was very excited, but his howl, which was so excited that it could be called a broken voice, could not be heard and could only be heard by those around him.

Many people looked at this young man with strange movements and embarrassing slogans in great surprise...

Dude, even if the Japanese brag about the music emperor, are you serious about it?

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