China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 395: Teenagers have their own teenage madness

Under the heavy rhythm, everyone, whether they understood it or not, could not help but sway their bodies at this moment - some were shaking their legs, some were waving, and some were simply going crazy. Shake your head.

The dazzling bright red line lights are flashing crazily along with the fierce guitar and drums, and the hot rock atmosphere gradually rises to the highest point, especially when the climax of the chorus comes——

“I don’t care who you are, who is yours, I am mine!

"Let your heart beat and feel alive!"

When he sang this, Zhou Yi subconsciously lowered his left hand to his chest, and pressed the air several times as if performing cardiac resuscitation. Wherever he looked, the screams were rising along with the instrumental music!

“I will be happy whether I am standing, sitting, lying down or lying down!

"Let the music move, move, move, move, move, move almost deafen you!

“Don’t worry about it, don’t wait, don’t be unhappy!

“Don’t listen to slow songs when you are sad!!!”

After roaring with all his strength and dragging out a long note that made the audience feel numb, behind Zhou Yi, Aqin and Zhan Wenting, who were responsible for guitar and bass, could almost be said to have completely played -

An interlude that can be called a god-level performance was so intimate that the bodies of the three of them, including Chen Jianning, who was in charge of the drum kit, kept swaying to the dynamic rhythm.

Zhou Yi, who also had an electric guitar hanging on his body, joined in immediately. The sound of the guitar swept out like a raging sea wave, rushing towards the audience in waves, conquering their ears.

Many people even got completely excited during this instrumental interlude, and the entire venue was transformed into a carnival scene by the excitement——

This is one of the charms of pop rock. The appeal of live music is often many times greater than that of CDs.

Although no one would admit that songs such as "Sad People Don't Listen to Slow Songs" were a so-called rock song in the 1980s, but this is the beginning of the 21st century, 2002.

Pop rock, a genre spurned by many rock music lovers, has long been born. After such a long period of development, pop rock that combines popular attributes has begun to shine in the commercial market.

Although many people are unwilling to admit it, in China, the so-called pop rock whose popularity accounts for 80% or even more than 90% of the entire song is often better at feeding singers, companies, and companies commercially. Feed the market.

However, in this era where the Lingdian Band has also been criticized as "rock traitors" and "not rock at all", Zhou Yi, who has never claimed to be a rock singer, often attracts less criticism when he sings such pop rock songs than ballads. He was criticized a lot by the hip-hop circles and underground hip-hop circles.

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Yi, who has no psychological baggage, sang more openly when singing this song - he did not dance, but held a guitar and fascinated the young audience in the venue. !

His free and unrestrained voice is like a god-given treasure, and it has become his unique magic weapon in conquering the hearts of the audience.

When the song ended and Zhou Yi and Fei'er's band bowed to the audience to express their gratitude, thunderous applause and cheers erupted from the audience!

"Book of Changes! Book of Changes!"


The place that had been chilled out because of Sun Nan and Shen Shengxun was now completely heated up. Many people shouted Zhou Yi's name at the top of their lungs, and the screams in the hot place continued.

Li Yinxin, who followed the crowd, also joined the torrent of shouting. When she shouted Zhou Yi's name at the top of her lungs, she felt an inexplicable feeling of relief after venting - it felt like she was smashing things at home without any scruples. Something like crushing instant noodles over and over again, very relaxing.

On the hosting platform on the left side of the stage, the two Chinese and Korean hosts wanted to speak several times to continue the flow of the party, but they were interrupted by continuous screams, which made them somewhat dumbfounded.

Fortunately, the show was not live but recorded, otherwise it would have delayed the performance and caused performance accidents.

"Thank you Mr. Zhou Yi for the wonderful performance. Next, Mr. Zhou Yi will have a new song that will be officially sung on this important stage. Let's wait and see." The Korean female host introduced Zhou Yi's new song. He spoke a lot of Korean words.

Then, the Chinese host standing next to him took over the conversation and began to announce: "Yes, that's right, then let us welcome Zhou Yi to bring his latest work to the audience and friends in front of the TV. ——

"The song "Young China" written by Mr. Liang Qichao, composed and sung by Zhou Yi."

Liang Qichao is a name that will be familiar to any Chinese who has studied a little bit of history in school. His masterpiece "Young China" is somewhat of a supermodel for the entertainment industry.

As the host finished speaking, the lights in the venue darkened again——

Suddenly, red light bloomed on the dark stage again, shrouding Zhou Yi, who had abandoned the electric guitar, in warm colors.

A screen behind him began to scroll and play the lyrics, and also released the information of the entire song——

"Young China"

Lyricist: Liang Qichao

Composer: Zhouyi

Arranger: Zhou Yi

Vocals: Zhouyi

Off the stage, the Chinese personnel who saw this scene immediately sat upright and corrected their attitude. Their eyes were fixed on the screen behind Zhou Yi that was huge enough for everyone in the venue to see clearly, and stared at the lyrics on it.

Especially Sun Nan, who released the song "Five-Star Red Flag" in 1995. His short-lived career as a mainland star started with this song.

However, what no one expected was that when the melodious prelude of "Young China" had just begun and people thought he was about to speak, the loud and childish voices of children instantly attracted everyone's attention——

"A young man's wisdom will bring wisdom to the country; a young man's wealth will make his country rich."

"Strong youth will make the country strong; free youth will make the country free!"

Voices full of vitality gathered together to form a torrent of vocal music that hit the eardrums of the older generation present. Zhou Yi also raised the microphone, his tone changed to a soft tone, and followed the child's voice——

"The red sun rises, its path shines brightly

"The river flows out and flows into the ocean~"

It is exactly what Mr. Liang Qichao wrote in the past, without any changes, but the faces of the knowledgeable people in the audience became more and more serious.

"The dragon is lurking in the abyss, its scales and claws are flying

"The tiger roars in the valley, and all the beasts are in panic~~"

At this moment, Zhou Yi, who was standing in the center of the stage as if he was standing still, looked like a child without ADHD compared to the previous song. His eyes were extremely clear——

In other words, he, who is well-dressed, is one of the Chinese boys mentioned in the song.

"Young people have their own teenage madness! The body is like mountains and rivers and the spine is straight!!"

Clear and translucent high notes rose from the ground. Zhou Yi, who was upright, no longer sang in a roaring rock style. Instead, when he sang this chorus, he raised his finger and pointed at his chest——

"The lyrics of this song... really suit him."

Han Hong in the audience couldn't help sighing, feeling somewhat envious in her heart.

With so many Chinese people present, only Zhou Yi could give her such a sense of déjà vu.

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