China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 461 Five consecutive peerless, on par with legends (9th update!)

"Holy shit, shit, shit!"

"Zhou Yi, are you a bit inappropriate?!"

"How come Microsoft is on it?!"

"50 cents, is he hinting at something???"


Not only Japan, but also all the night owls on the Internet in China, South Korea and other countries are in trouble at this moment.

Microsoft, a global giant in the technology industry, has almost dominated the ecological niche since its win system entered the domestic market. Although Microsoft still has a few rivals in office software, this does not prevent this company from becoming the most well-known foreign giant in the country.

The highly targeted endorsement fees are inevitably reminiscent of Zhou Yi's PPT that pioneered global press conferences.

"Your mother! Is she really the god of PPT???"

"This is too stupid, brother, Zhou Yi really wants to cooperate with Microsoft? The joke has come true???"

"Microsoft understands the popularity. Zhou Yi's current popularity is so explosive in the United States, and many people in Europe are paying attention, because many media are reporting on it, and it seems that it also involves the former president of Sony for racial discrimination."

"Zhou Yi is having an affair with the ex-president's mistress, so it's normal for him to get involved."

"Don't just read half of the news. People are getting divorced and you still hold on to them?"

"Didn't they all break up? Now it's the blonde girl with big boobs, her name is Scarlett."

"Michael Jackson is off the court and taking sides, can anyone tell me who this is?"

"Fuck the King of Pop in the World!"


This bombshell directly caused netizens in the Far East to lose sleep all night, and Europe and the United States, separated by the Pacific Ocean, also turned upside down——

Anyone from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Germany and other countries who surfed the Internet or read the news was extremely shocked by Microsoft's decision to cooperate with Zhou Yi.

As the other party involved, 50 Cents was so angry that his eyes darkened, and he almost raised his gun to challenge Zhou Yi and Bill Gates.

Fuck God Jesus Mary!

Isn't this pure bullying? !

Eminem and Dr. Dre teamed up to drag him back——

"Hey! Calm down! Calm down Curtis! This is Microsoft, this is Microsoft! Do you want to kill yourself by being shot eight times?!"

Eminem, the usually irritable boy, turned into a calm boy at this moment. He pressed down on 50 Cent's bulging muscle arms and kept shouting in a low voice: "Think about your luxury car! Your mansion and your woman!"

"Shut up! You're standing and talking without hurting your back! How can I get along with you in the future?!" 50 Cent didn't listen at all and forcefully shook off Eminem, who was relatively thin compared to him.

"Eminem is right. Since Microsoft dares to announce this, it means they have passed the risk assessment."

Dr. Dre, with a calmer voice, stated the pros and cons: "You have already died once. I think you should know the feeling of death better than anyone. Are you really going to give up those tickets?"


Fifty Cent, who was so angry that his temples were pounding, fell into silence.

"You could sue Microsoft for infringement of your image rights, but I think the company would definitely avoid that option by re-depicting it. The only thing you can do is sue, let Microsoft see you, and eventually settle out of court. Way to get some money from Microsoft.

"I think Microsoft should have already prepared it. As long as you persist, the money will be sent to you."

As a shrewd businessman, Dr. Dre can almost say that he immediately thought of the most likely solution for Microsoft.

This is the optimal solution.

50 Cent fell into a long silence.

He fell into silence, but the American music scene did not fall into silence, and the world music scene did not fall into silence.

As a well-known global giant, Microsoft's authorization to engage in this kind of public welfare combination is much stronger than any record companies fighting each other. The implication contained in this means that Microsoft should be on Zhou Yi's side for the time being.

At least during the three-year contract period.

"Microsoft's PPT has only been launched for a year, and its market share is not high enough. They need a breakthrough point to completely promote this software and make everyone realize how multifaceted and powerful this software is.

"Obviously, Spike got this surprising ticket with his PPT technology, which should be said to be the only one in the world.

"I have to say, this man is simply terrifyingly powerful. He even knows how to make flowers out of PPT better than the developers..."

The readership is mainly people in the political, economic, educational and medical fields, financial tycoons and managers, as well as investors in the stock market. The Wall Street Journal, which is subscribed by hundreds of corporate managers in the United States, has reported on its own page for the first time. The possible impact of this cooperation between Zhouyi and Microsoft.

Especially for Microsoft.

The new PPT has become an excellent partner for Zhou Yi himself, and he became famous after that press conference.

The American record companies that had been trying to stop Zhou Yi were now completely desperate.

One, two, and three people were slumped at their desks, looking at the Wall Street Journal, their eyes losing their sparkle.


Something is wrong!

There's a fucking cheat! ! !

In this world, the people who can provide the highest popularity are always the fun people and passers-by.

Microsoft's fate directly attracted the attention of people who had not paid much attention to this area before. When they heard the song - hey, I have listened to (bought) this album before.

Kuangliu, a huge musician, even took a 50-cent bite as a buffoon, allowing his single to rise rapidly on the radio rankings.

Madonna and other older queens completely lost hope of catching up. Including 50 Cent, Eminem, and Dr. Dre, a total of ten people were beaten to pieces by Zhou Yi alone!

On May 13, 2003, when the new Billboard rankings were announced, the entire American music scene was forced to remain silent——

Under Warner's deliberate arrangement to hit the charts, "We Are Young" strongly topped the list with the attitude of "we will be old if we don't go crazy".

Five crowns in one specialty! Five in a row!

At the same time, Zhouyi's album "Forever Young" also once again broke the sales record of foreign singers in the United States in the past 20 years with sales of more than 7 million copies in North America!

It can almost be said that in just two and a half months, the album’s sales potential in the domestic market in the United States in the next few years has been squeezed out by endless news and popularity.

On the 14th, faced with this ironclad fact, the New York Times rarely used a front-page headline to report this matter——

"Chinese Music Superstars Shine to the Top of the U.S. Billboard: A Gorgeous Peak in Making History"

“This is a jaw-dropping achievement!

"A singer, a singer from China shines on the international stage!

"Spike, with his outstanding talent and musical charm, not only conquered the US Billboard singles chart, but also won five consecutive number one singles! Michael Jackson's speech now seems more like a sympathy."

The Washington Post used the title "Along with the King of Pop" to describe the achievements of Zhou Yi's album——

"In the history of Billboard over the past few decades, there has been one and only one man to achieve five No. 1 hits with a single, and that was Michael Jackson's album "Bad" released in 1987.

"Since then, no singer, not even Michael Jackson himself, has come close to this achievement in the entire 16 years so far.

"But now, Spike, this lion from China has broken this 16-year-old record at the age of 22!"

"USA Today" even used colorful photos and headlines to depict Zhou Yi kicking open the door to the legendary palace of bulletin boards——

"Five championships in one specialty, equal to the legend!" 》

“The story that spanned a year has come full circle at this moment, and former Sony president Tommy Mottola has become the biggest villain hiding behind the scenes in this Warner story——

“Michael Jackson accused him, Mariah Carey accused him, and Spike suspected of accusing him.

“He took it all on his own.

"50 Cent and Eminem became his stepping stones along with other music legends -

“Never bow your head, always hold your head up proudly and look around.

“Even though I encountered racial discrimination, even though I was suppressed during the first album, only one song from the album that should have had multiple number one hits was able to achieve the number one hit.

"Zhou Yi also used the rock spirit promoted by his second album to tell us - never give up the pursuit and desire for freedom and equality.

"Because we are young!

"Because we are still young!

“Spike’s album is destined to go down in pop history forever!

"He is already the youngest legend!"

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