China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 489 I also learned Cantonese

Warner's official blog account was flooded with messages requesting Zhou Yi to hold a concert in the United States, which made the public relations department very busy.

Smith Wilton, editor of the Washington Evening Star, even described the explosion as a miracle——

This is no longer a miracle, this is God’s head being caught in the door and smoking...

He did not hesitate to praise Zhou Yi at all, and even opened a special column to praise Zhou Yi's music adaptability——

"Spike, a musical explorer across borders."

"First of all, I have to say that I am not a fan of Spike. But I have to admit that this guy conquered me. He pushed me to the ground and knocked me out repeatedly, over and over again.

"To be honest, I admire him.

"In my opinion, Spike is not only a talented musician who is good at creating pop music, but also a musician who is good at film soundtracks. He is a music explorer who can use the language of music to break cultural boundaries and transcend national boundaries. !

"The song "He's a Pirate" undoubtedly demonstrates his diversity and profound artistic attainments in music creation. It not only perfectly integrates traditional orchestral music and modern electronic sound effects, but also uses a rhythm full of adventure and passion. The melody gives the movie unique musical charm and dramatic tension.

“I’m sure this song will definitely become an indispensable classic in many people’s hearts.

"God, I have to say, I'm already jealous of Spike..."

Riding on the popular trend of "Pirates of the Caribbean", Warner and Disney joined forces and launched non-stop marketing efforts. Zhou Yi, who had been silent since returning to the United States before, began to frequently appear on the front pages of major media.

And this time, he's not even in the United States.

MGM executives were dumbfounded.

Earlier, they became the first victims of Zhou Yi's "gold words" because of the bomb-hit movie "Bulletproof Monk". Before the release of "Pirates of the Caribbean" in which Zhou Yi participated, they were eager to watch the excitement. thought.

In the end, who would have thought that they would actually become this lively gangster.

The reason is that the bad Disney re-interpreted what Zhou Yi said at the time. One said that "Bulletproof Monk" was losing blood, and the other said that "Pirates of the Caribbean" was a hit.

This is a very normal behavior in the marketing world. The MGM executives who had no way to refute could only hold their noses and lie flat and let the ridicule go. It’s just that the faction that brought Zhou Runfa in the first place was directly pushed to the edge of the board of directors...

Apple executives, who also signed a contract with Zhou Yi, almost smiled.

After Jobs successfully signed a share contract and an iPod endorsement contract with Zhou Yi, the iTunes music store made a new round of design specifically for Zhou Yi - for this reason, it even postponed the release of the music store originally scheduled for the end of April. The plan was changed to the end of July.

This is done firstly to express attention, and secondly to leave enough time for publicity;

If you finally catch a big fish, you will definitely have to publicize it to death.

Third, it is also to use the influence of Zhouyi to push the new generation of iPod to the market.

Now, Zhou Yi, relying on the popularity of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie during the global promotion period, can at least have a year of non-stop appearances around the world.


Big win!

What a win!

When the domestic entertainment media captured the news, which to them was considered a science fiction drama, most of the practitioners were in disbelief——

Although he is not in the United States, his legend is still circulating in the United States.

They don't even have to think about how to praise Zhou Yi. They only need to translate and polish the reports on how Zhou Yi was praised by domestic newspapers in the United States, and then publish it.

"The Influence of Zhouyi!" 》

"The movie theme song has received rave reviews, Zhou Yi conquers the world again!" 》

"Pirate March, Zhouyi's whimsical ideas!" 》

"Once again selected as one of the top ten music geniuses in the world - Zhou Yi! 》

"The man who changed the landscape of Asian music - Zhou Yi!" 》

"In a recent interview in the United States, the famous British singer Craig David believed that Zhou Yi was the most talented musician he had ever seen, and called him the master of Asian music who could single-handedly change the world of Asian pop music. The direction in the music scene..."

Different from the lack of quality of "Heroes" at the beginning, this time "Pirates of the Caribbean" was a hit in the two major premiere locations in the United States and Canada, which undoubtedly added another gold to Zhou Yi's qualifications——

This is a large-budget movie with a total expenditure of about US$130-140 million after including various miscellaneous expenses.

Looking around the world, only a giant like Disney can afford to spend so much money to test the waters.

A large number of media reporters flocked to Tianhe, Guangzhou, in order to interview Zhou Yi at this moment.

"Well, how should I put it, I don't have any thoughts."

Friday, July 18th.

Zhou Yi, who had completed the last rehearsal before the concert, was interviewed by the media outside Tianhe Stadium. His indifferent attitude was somewhat like, well... A man who is full does not know that a man who is hungry is hungry?

"It's nothing new. I'm used to it."

Zhou Yi, who was holding a pile of microphones in his hands, shrugged: "To use the Cantonese I learned, it's just like a pigeon."


Listen, is this human language? !

Of course, there are also people who have captured Hua Dian——

"Zhou Yi, do you speak Cantonese?"

"Don't look at me like that, I also learned Cantonese specifically."

"Did you learn it from Fan Bingbin? Or Asa?"

Zhou Yi glanced at the reporter who was obviously trying to cause trouble: "What does this have to do with you?"


After the short interview, Zhou Yi left, and he left openly and openly with Cheng Hao, who walked out of the Tianhe Stadium. Before leaving, he waved to the reporters, as if he was afraid that they would not be able to take pictures.

Many people didn't even have time to glare at the colleague who was trying to stir up trouble, before they were shocked by the sudden appearance of Cheng Hao in Tianhe——

Damn it!


If we were to choose one of the most popular actresses in China since the beginning of the year, it would undoubtedly be Cheng Hao, the heartthrob in "Pink Lady".

With the finale breaking the ratings record, the moment the premiere of "Pink Girl" ended, the follow-up was directly served on all major local satellite channels at the same time. Various satellite TV stations broadcast it in turn, and the charm of the heartthrob has also entered the small screens of thousands of households.

But Cheng Hao has already withdrawn from the circle, which created a somewhat mysterious atmosphere for her.

"Hiss... that's not right. Cheng Hao has been showing up earlier and later. If he appears here at this time, could he be the mysterious guest at Zhou Yi's Guangzhou concert?"

The reporters looked at each other, then immediately picked up their cell phones to notify their bosses.

It is said that the heartthrob who has withdrawn from the entertainment industry is about to appear at the Zhouyi Concert. Together with the "Li Bai Heartthrob" on-screen couple that has become popular with the frequent reruns of the TV series, what are they going to do at the Zhouyi Concert?

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