China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 492 Mr. Comic Stripper and Miss Charming

Crazy, screaming, cheering, everyone stood up!

When the entire Tianhe Stadium is filled with this atmosphere, even the slow, calm and tired people feel as if they have drunk four bottles of Red Bull and three cups of black coffee at this moment, and their spirits are extremely high——

Jumping and jumping, his voice was hoarse and the free magenta light sticks in his hands were connected into pieces. From a distance, the man and woman on the stage in ambiguous poses seem to be in a sea of ​​pink!

"Applause and thank you, heartthrob!"

Zhou Yi, who hugged the woman's waist and helped her return to her normal standing posture, put the microphone to her mouth, raised her left hand high and emphasized in an angry voice——

Fans on three stages welcomed the woman with the loudest volume since the beginning.

"Hello Cheng! Hello Cheng! Hello Cheng!"

"Book of Changes! Book of Changes! Book of Changes!"

For tonight's performance, Cheng Hao, who had permed her hair in the same curly style as the heartthrob in "Pink Lady", still had the bright rose in her mouth and kept waving her hands in all directions of the scene, responding to them cheers.

"Grass! Grass! Grass, grass, grass!!!"

In the audience, some fans were so excited that they couldn't help but cursed one after another. Some even picked up their latest mobile phones and took pictures——

Although pixels are very touching, at least this is the only way to leave a memorial at the moment.

A popular heartthrob across the country, Zhou Yi’s only on-screen couple since his debut;

With the drama "Pink Girl" alone, its status in the Zhouyi CP war has skyrocketed, and it is three points in the world with Sun Yanzi and Elva Hsiao. The speed of "coming from behind" is legendary.

"Good evening everyone~"

She smoothed her hair that was slightly spread out due to dancing in front of her forehead, and sat down in front of the piano while pacing. Cheng Hao's face was filled with intoxicating grace, and the slightly charming accent of the original drama in his mouth made him even more charming. Everyone at the scene was very worried——

Both men and women take it.

Zhou Yi, who was quite excited, directly announced the next song: "Then, "Li Bai" is for everyone."

As the lights dimmed, the fans who thought they were going to watch Cheng Hao play the piano gradually calmed down from the initial madness and sat down to take a breath.

The venue of 70,000 people was in high spirits, and the excitement of the crowds made their hearts beat faster.

Fortunately, the fainting patient who almost killed himself in Shanghai did not appear tonight.

However, those who had just sat down and even some people had not had time to sit down, heard the piano monologue of the children's song "Little Star" coming from the live speakers without any accompaniment -


Cheng Hao doesn't play very fast, just like a beginner learning to speak, one note after another -

"Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle - huh? No, I played it wrong. What are you playing?"

Zhou Yi, who seemed to have been brought into a pit, realized something was wrong as soon as he sang a sentence. He immediately turned sideways and looked at the woman sitting in front of the piano, his face full of disbelief: "Is this how you played "Li Bai"?"

"I can't play, I only play bass."

Cheng Hao teased with a smile on his face: "I thought you asked me to come here to play bass."

As she finished speaking, the big screen at the scene played the previous stage performance of Zhou Yi and Cheng Hao on the set of "Pink Girl"——

What she was holding happened to be the bass.

The evidence is solid!

Just when the fans under the stage were all wide-eyed and ready to see what was going on, the band on the scene suddenly played the prelude to "Li Bai".

The rhythmic drum intro immediately caught the ears of the fans who were caught off guard, and the 70,000 people who thought they were about to witness an accident at the concert came back to their senses.

"Most people want me to learn to see things from a secular perspective.

"I have seriously learned the worldly perspective, and I will be worldly until dawn~

“If you don’t understand a sentence of a foreign movie, the ending will be a joke~”

The smiling Zhou Yi finished the prelude skit and sang a song in a particularly brisk tone.

Cheng Hao, who smiled without showing his teeth, got rid of his initial unfamiliarity with the piano keys, played the piano and joined in the accompaniment——

"If I could do it all over again, I would learn from Li Bai

"Not so many people guessed whether things were good or bad thousands of years ago~"

When it came to the chorus, Zhou Yi sang directly in a higher key, and his excitement was visible to the naked eye. He even skipped to the band while singing, hooked his fingers at a guitar guy, and pointed at his guitar.

? ? ?

It was obvious that the guitar boy didn't want to give it to him. In the end, he was forced to give in due to the power of the sponsor's father. He reluctantly handed over the guitar as if he was handing over his girlfriend, singing "For Thousands of Years". Not so many people guess whether it is good or bad." Zhouyi.

Co-author: Thousands of years ago, you were a playboy who bullied men and dominated women, right?

Cheng Hao, who laughed out loud while playing the piano, added a bit of drama to the scene.

"Look how well-behaved, smart, obedient, and cunning I am~"

The appropriate lyrics and the scene of "bullying a man and dominating a woman" make people laugh.

"If I could do it all over again, I would choose Li Bai

"At least I can still write poems to express my feelings and amuse the girls~

"If I could do it all over again, I would choose Li Bai

“Creation can reach such a high level and be admired by so many people~~

"If I could do it again!"

With a flick of the microphone, Zhou Yi held the guitar and directly performed a Funk Solo, and this section is also the most essential part of the song "Li Bai"——

The casual rhythm was indescribable in words. Zhou Yi, who was shaking his head and body, even walked like a cuckold, as if he was drunk.

Cheng Hao in front of the piano couldn't even look at him anymore. She smiled and lowered her head, put her hands on her forehead and didn't look at him, but she couldn't help but open her fingers a little and glanced at him from the corner of her eyes.

Just as the fans were still immersed in the pink bubble of this screen couple, Zhou Yi, with a guitar slung across his body, came to Cheng Hao at a pace beyond everyone's expectations while singing, and stretched out his hand to her, with an invitation beyond words.

After pursing her lips without comment, Cheng Hao, who stretched out her hand several times but retracted it, finally put her right hand in the man's open palm. Her smiling appearance once again set off screams from the entire concert!


Zhou Yi, holding the woman's hand as if inviting her, took the lead and walked in front. Although there were only two people on the stage, he walked out with a firm feeling like Romeo and Juliet eloping——

Zhou Yi turned around and walked backwards with his back to the audience. He couldn't stop smiling between his eyebrows. His eyes were always looking directly at Cheng Hao who was facing him. He even raised her hand to let her do a Latin dance circle on the spot——

"If I could do it again, I would choose Li Bai

"Hundreds of years ago, Not many people guessed whether it was good or bad~

"If I could do it again, I would choose Li Bai

"At least I can still write poems to express my feelings and amuse girls~~~"

Zhou Yi, who was walking in circles, looked like a fake wine scene, and the girl who was amused by him couldn't stop her upturned mouth corners, just cooperating with him to make trouble on this stage with 70,000 people, with her eyes full of pampering--

It didn't look like acting.

Tonight, tonight at the Guangzhou Tianhe Stadium--

There were no twin stars, and no Elva Hsiao, but only Mr. Manga Man and Miss Charm.

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