China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 500 My little cat is definitely not a good person

Ning Hao was actually reluctant to come at first.

People know their own business. The news that he almost fought with Jiang Wen on the set was not groundless.

But he had no choice but to come.

His mind wanted to refuse, but his body was honest.

Jiang Wen had no interest in the Golden Melody Awards, and even less in Taiwan's connections, but that didn't mean he had any choice.

He was penniless, and he was counting on Lala to invest in his own movie.

What if, what if he met a big shot who was willing to believe in him?

If it didn't work, it would be okay if he could meet someone who was willing to appreciate him and help recommend him.

It was precisely because of this that the director of "In the Name of the Father" was really a business card for him at the moment, and he really needed it.

He wanted to find Zhou Yi again, but he was busy every day, and he couldn't just call him and say, buddy, give me a chance, invest a few million in me, I want to make a movie.

A phone number of Zhou Yi's level is very precious to him.

Now Zhou Yi is still willing to keep his number. Ning Hao understands that it should be a kind of compensation for the fact that Jiang Wen robbed him of his position as director. After all, Zhou Yi is really a good person. He also quarreled with Jiang Wen in the crew.

But this kind of compensation will end after one use.

He is unwilling to use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

Thinking of this, Ning Hao couldn't help but glance at the man who was surrounded by people like the moon surrounded by stars...

A real man should be like this!

"Thank you very much, Zhou Yi."

Akina Nakamori, who came to talk in person to show her sincerity, did not encounter the embarrassment in her plan filing. The man who was said to be the prince of Warner treated her like a spring breeze, and was also very considerate and did not mention what Warner had done to her before.

However, just from the first impression, she felt that this man was a bit like that dead scumbag Kondo Masahiko.

Of course, it's not about personality, but the degree of philandering.

The difference is that Kondo Masahiko knows how to restrain himself and pretend, but this prince seems to have no sense of restraint. He accepts everyone and has received a lot of slips and room cards.

Some are models, some want to be singers, and some are music producers.

He can even discuss with the short-haired woman next to him who has a better figure, which makes the woman roll her eyes, like a cat with its fur blown up.

"You're welcome, win-win cooperation."

Facing Akina Nakamori's poor Chinese, Zhou Yi, who can feel the sincerity, greeted her politely.

This former original singer is obviously rushing to pack up, and it can only be said that she is really anxious, and even wants to buy his English songs.

"Does she still have so much money? Didn't she say that she was cheated of a lot of money? Her family went bankrupt and she bought a house for a scumbag, and the house is depreciating rapidly."

Sun Yanzi, wearing a light white shoulder-length evening dress, held a champagne in one hand and nudged the man with her elbow, curious.

"How should I put it? Fortunately, the building she sold was sold before the Japanese bubble economy burst." Zhou Yi was quite emotional.

If she had sold it a little later, I'm afraid that Akina Nakamori would not be playing with a knife, but would have jumped off the building directly, and she would not be saved.

"Tsk, she is also a poor person." Watching the elegant back of the woman leaving, Sun Yanzi felt a little bit of a broken dream about this person she had heard of when she was a girl.

"So, don't get emotional and marry a scumbag, there will be no good results."

Zhou Yi took a sip of wine and raised his hand with a smile. The goblet touched the rim of the cup in her hand, making a crisp "ding-dong" sound: "I have the right to say this, scumbags are not good people."

"Why do I hear your words seem a bit thorny? Why, do you think someone has humiliated your goddess in your youth?" Sun Yanzi's face remained unchanged, and he pointed his lips in the direction where the woman left.

"You're overthinking. She wasn't in my youth. Instead, there was another Japanese actress."

"Iijima Ai?"

"Get lost. Her name is Izumi Sakai."

Zhou Yi rolled his eyes.

This female hooligan doesn't even consider the occasion when she drives. She's getting more and more in need of discipline. Fortunately, many people in this area have consciously chosen to avoid this area because of the cooperation intention just discussed.

"I don't know her, but I've heard a little bit about her."

Sun Yanzi looked up and took a sip of champagne without comment. His tongue brushed across the corner of his lips. He watched Zhou Yi walk a few steps away and then was approached by others to talk. He stood there in a trance, not knowing what he was thinking.

When the dinner, which was mainly for socializing, ended, people from various small circles gathered in groups of three or two - some played cards, some played mahjong;

some went out to play, some went out to have a proper midnight snack.

After all, you really can't eat too much at a banquet. If you don't eat something to fill your stomach, you'll be hungry at night.

"Yanzi, aren't you going to have supper with us?"

"I won't go, you guys have fun."

Facing Jay Chou's strange doubts, Sun Yanzi glanced at Zhou Yi who also happened to turn his eyes to himself, raised his hand to smooth the short hair on his forehead, smiled and waved his hand to refuse, turned around and took the elevator back to the hotel room.

For convenience, when the Golden Melody Awards officials arranged hotels, they basically placed them in batches on several floors of a hotel.

After taking a shower, Sun Yanzi, wrapped in a bathrobe, sat cross-legged on the sofa in the living room, with a dry towel covering her head, and the wet ends of her hair were still dripping.

The entertainment program on TV was still broadcasting Zhou Yi's achievements in the United States and... the news of how many beauties expressed their love to him.

The modeling industry in the United States is very developed.

After watching for a long time, Sun Yanzi's eyes gradually lost focus. When she looked up, she subconsciously bent her right leg and stepped on the sofa, with her wrist on her knee, sitting in a majestic manner.

"Ring, ring, ring!"

Sun Yanzi, who was wandering in the sky, was awakened by a ringing phone -

a call from her father.

"Hello, Dad?"

"How was the Golden Melody Award? Are you confident? Don't be nervous, this..."

As usual, Sun Yaohong, who cares about his daughter, calculated the time and called again to help her relieve the possible pressure in her heart.

He couldn't arrive at the Golden Melody Awards this year, so he could only cheer his daughter up in this way.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'm very open-minded."

Sun Yanzi, who had collected his thoughts, said cheerfully: "If I can get it, I'll take it. If I can't, I won't lose anything. I'll just consider it as a nomination."

"That's good. Oh, by the way, there's one more thing. You can talk to Zhou Yi. A professor I know said that there is a new cancer treatment method, but it's quite expensive at the moment. You can ask Zhou Yi if he wants to make an appointment for the Cheng couple. I can help."

When Sun's father said this, he was somewhat emotional: "This money should be more than before, but the effect will definitely be better. It depends on whether Zhou Yi is willing to continue to advance the payment."

When a disaster strikes, one can see the inherent strengths and weaknesses of a person's character.

Sun Yaohong, who has lived for most of his life, generally appreciates Zhou Yi.

You have to know that when he paid the medical expenses for the Cheng family without saying a word, he didn't have as much money as he does now.

Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. This directly saved a family, not to mention how many levels of pagodas there are.

"Okay, I'll tell him then."

Sun Yanzi, who didn't know Cheng Hao's wealth at the moment, nodded in agreement. He took a long breath and turned his head to look out the French window.

Her face was clearly reflected on the glass against the night sky.

"It is reported that Victoria's Secret intends to invite Zhou Yi to watch the show at the end of the year. Zhou Yi..."

On the TV screen, Zhou Yi, who was being interviewed on a TV program under Warner in the United States, was playing with the bracelet on his wrist. When the host wanted to go over to see what it was, Zhou Yi smiled and shook his head and chose to refuse: "No, no, no, I can't give it to you."

"Can't give it to me? Why?"

"No reason."

"Spike, I see you seem to have been wearing it since you came to the United States?"

"Yes, it can bring me good luck, I believe so."


On the sofa in the living room, Sun Yanzi, who noticed this scene, was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help muttering and cursing: "Bastard."

Ring ring ring!


"Please bring me a midnight snack. I'm starving. Thank you. Oh, by the way, I want grilled fish."

At the midnight snack stall, Zhou Yi, who was still chatting and laughing with Wang Lihong, Jay Chou, Luo Zhixiang, Fang Wenshan, Pan Weibo and others, paused his chewing after receiving her call.

When he packed it up and took it back, Sun Yanzi, who opened the door to greet him, took it with a smile and didn't mention paying at all.

"Eh? Pay."

"I owe you first. I don't have change."

Sun Yanzi hummed a song and took a bite of meat, saying nonchalantly.

Zhou Yi was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and laughed. With one hand on his waist, he raised his left hand to the door frame: "What do you mean? You're eating a free meal here, you have to consider whether you are my opponent."

"Tsk, I'm afraid of you."

With oil stains still on the corners of his mouth, Sun Yanzi made fists with both hands, and swung his right hand twice in the direction of the man, and his mouth automatically dubbed the sound of "rustling" of the wind breaking through the air--

"My little cat is definitely not a good guy, okay."

Zhou Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he closed his mouth, the tip of his tongue pressed against his teeth, and he slightly moved his neck twice, and laughed silently.

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