China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 510: The Emperor of Asian Music Conquers Tokyo

Chapter 510 Asia's Music Emperor Conquers Tokyo

"Welcome, Zhou Yi, Yan Zi, I'm Chen Luyu."

"Nice to meet you, Sister Chen."

"Hello, Sister Chen."

In Studio 1 of the Taiwan Building of Phoenix Chinese Channel, Zhou Yi met this overly thin big-headed girl.

It turns out that people who look very thin in front of the camera will only be thinner in reality.

In Zhou Yi's eyes, Chen Luyu is really close to a paper man. He can't accept this kind of aesthetic, and can only say respect and blessing.

"It's really not easy to interview you two now."

Chen Luyu, who didn't know Zhou Yi's psychological activities, smiled and teased: "If it wasn't for the schedule, I really want to invite you two to "Luyu Youyue" together."

The twins' albums are released at different times. Sun Yanzi is currently just finishing the work, and it can be released in mid-September at the latest. And Zhou Yi's new album, including the time for shooting the MV, will be released around November at the latest.

This means that Sun Yanzi will be the first one to appear on the "Lu Yu You Yue" program.

"It's okay, Sister Chen, you can treat today's interview as "Lu Yu You Yue", we will definitely cooperate." Zhou Yi sat down under the guidance of the staff and crossed his legs comfortably, while Sun Yanzi politely thanked the visitor.

After keeping the attitudes and small movements of the two in mind, Chen Luyu also started his work today-

"Before the interview begins, let me congratulate both of you for your ideal results in this year's Golden Melody Awards. And... Yanzi, I'm actually very curious why you said that. Is Zhou Yi privately dissatisfied with your teaching authority?"

"That's too much. He is simply a thorny student."

When talking about the past before his debut, Sun Yanzi's eyebrows bent unconsciously, and a diamond-like smile climbed up the corners of his mouth. He even subconsciously moved his body towards Zhou Yi: "Many people know that I lost to him in the Taiwan Golden Melody Newcomer Award.

"Now, every time I want to correct him, he will use this matter to anger me. "

Zhou Yi's eyes were full of smiles as he stroked his lips with his right index finger. When he looked at him indignantly and said that he at least had a Singapore Newcomer Award, he couldn't help but add: "I always felt that the Singapore Golden Melody Newcomer Award that I lacked was taken away by you through favors."

Sun Yanzi rolled his eyes at him, and said with a strong sense of justice: "Just tell me whether I also have a newcomer award."

"Speaking of this, I remember that Yanzi seemed to have shown Zhou Yi's trophy in a VCR before? Or in Zhou Yi's home?"

Suddenly, Chen Luyu asked a question that made Sun Yanzi's mind clear instantly: "In that VCR, it seems that you seem to be very familiar with his home. ”

It was a short VCR from the Super Interview. In the video, Sun Yanzi jumped like a deer in the forest, but there was no sign of getting lost in Zhou Yi's house, no sense of strangeness, and he could even accurately avoid the unique design derivatives in the corner to avoid being stabbed.

Sun Yanzi smiled: "At that time, we both left our hometowns and were unfamiliar with the company, so we often had meals and recorded songs together to keep each other warm. I remember that there were reporters who took pictures of me going in and out of his house or him going in and out of my house. "

"Meet the parents. My parents came to Taiwan with great difficulty just to witness my first Golden Melody Award. As a result, my dad went fishing and shrimping with her dad, and the Taiwanese reporters said that it was to discuss marriage. "

Zhou Yi on the side also added a sentence,

It's just that the tone, posture and even the word habits of the two people seem to have an unusual similarity.

The two people who became winners at the Golden Melody Awards this year took this opportunity to open up and talk about their origins with the Golden Melody Awards.

"I am actually more curious about a question, Zhou Yi, what do you think of those online comments that say you don't understand the ways of the world and that one person has taken so many trophies?" Chen Luyu also talked about the core of this storm.

"My evaluation is mentally retarded."


Is this word ok?

The instinct of the hosting style almost made Chen Luyu repeat this word, but fortunately, she was still rational and stopped halfway and swallowed the last word.

Zhou Yi spread his hands: "The emotions of netizens are often irrational. The result of the network cable will only turn into a simple quarrel of opposing positions and a trash can for venting negative emotions. So I never pay too much attention to online public opinion, it is meaningless to me.

"Here I would also like to advise those who like to vent their anger online and curse their whole family. What you should do most is to go out more and see the beautiful mountains and rivers of our motherland instead of staying in front of the computer screen and cursing people."

Finally, Zhou Yi added: "Especially when he curses me."


Wow, this guy has always been so brave?

After interviewing so many people, from Western big names to Eastern big names, Chen Luyu thinks she is well-informed, but this is the first time she has seen someone as straightforward as Zhou Yi.

It is not unreasonable for Taiwan to be wary of him, otherwise he might say something shocking with this mouth.

The main reason is that Zhou Yi's Taiwanese fans really listen to him.

"Okay, then the last question, Zhou Yi, what do you think about Miyuki Nakajima rewriting and adapting your song "Ride on the Back of the Silver Dragon"? We all know that you will be invited to Japan by Fuji TV soon. This song The song happens to be the theme song of their hit drama.

"Many people on the Internet sneered at her adaptation, thinking it destroyed the perseverance and inspiration of your original song, including many of your Japanese fans. They all thought so."

"It's okay, I think it's pretty good. Although I don't understand Japanese, she sang very well. She sang in completely different directions from Shaohan, and she sang with her own characteristics."

Zhou Yi, who has become accustomed to rebelling against Tiangang, commented on Miyuki Nakajima, a Japanese national treasure singer. Now that he has this qualification, no one will think there is any problem——

Including the Japanese themselves.

Phoenix TV's programs are also broadcast on partner TV stations in Japan.

The news that Zhou Yi commented on Miyuki Nakajima in this interview quickly spread throughout Japan through Phoenix TV's partners. In Japan, which pays attention to seniority, the young Zhou Yi's recognition of Miyuki Nakajima has now become a This gave many fans of the latter reason for joy——

Zhou Yijun has approved Miyuki Nakajima's cover, what other reason do you have to be here and there? !

The news that Zhouyi was about to fly from Taiwan to Japan also quickly aroused a huge response from the Japanese Zhouyi fan club——

The various support groups who had completed the customization of support club tokens and electronic billboard support early were gearing up and directly occupied most of Tokyo's outdoor electronic LED screens, outdoor advertising screens and shopping mall banner ads.

Especially in several core areas such as Chiyoda District, the image of Zhou Yi, a Chinese with his hands in his pockets and looking down at the world, has captured the attention of every Japanese——

"Asia's Music Emperor Conquers Tokyo!" 》

The moment Zhou Yi's plane took off, most of Japan's entertainment newspapers chose this unified title!

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