China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 514: Gravedigger of the European and American Record Era?

"He is a favorite and an outcast; he is pursued and he is banished."

If I were to use one sentence to describe most people's first impression of this song, it would definitely be this sentence that has nothing to do with the artistic conception of the song - from the special feature of CCTV5's "World Football" column at its peak in 2007 : "Bei Shadow".

With its superb copywriting and the emotional tone of the narration, the song "Because Of You", which served as BGM, became famous instantly. This song also made its debut in the domestic circle for the first time, thus completing the song's popularity in the country. The last shortcoming on the global explosion map is China.

Although Kelly Clarkson herself has not reaped many dividends from the Chinese market.

After all, when this song became a hit, China's music market had been completely conquered by Internet piracy, and most of the audience only listened to the music of European and American singers and did not recognize them. Unfortunately, Kelly Clarkson is in this unknown category. Although her song became popular, she did not gain any popularity in China, and she did not receive any sponsorship from advertisers.

But Elva Hsiao doesn’t have this trouble.

She is now one of the most popular female singers in Greater China. Domestic audiences are very familiar with her and will not lose this market.

As for how popular it will be abroad, it all depends on how hard EMI is willing to put it.

With him at the forefront, this song also has his name on it. Once the test shows results, at least Elva Hsiao will be able to get EMI's resource push in the next two English album cycles.

However, this time may be a bit long.

“However, you have no roots in the United States, and you don’t have any rides to help you make a name for yourself.

"According to the traditional habits in Europe and the United States, if you want to release an EP, you have to spend at least one to two years singing in the United States offline and online to make a name for yourself. In other words, in the future, you will Your popularity in China may decline due to not showing up for a long time, so you have to be mentally prepared for this.”

Even with his recommendation, it only helped Elva Hsiao omit some early publicity steps and gave her a starting publicity topic.

Like Tao Zhe, there has been basically no news in China since he went to the United States and started to perform in the United States. Even the news that "Black Willow" suffered unfair treatment at the Golden Melody Awards not many reporters were willing to bring out the news.

"I understand this. I was born to work hard. What else can I do?"

Elva Hsiao put her feet on the man's thighs and swayed from side to side. Hearing this, she couldn't help but sigh up to the sky. But when she thought of Zhou Yi's family history in Europe and the United States, she couldn't help but glance at him: "Looking back now, when you traveled to Europe and the United States, It was really bad luck.

"Are you really some kind of Ziweixing? If you don't believe in Feng Shui, you will make me believe it."

But according to the normal process, no matter how talented Zhou Yi is if he wants to break into the United States, he has to go offline to play songs honestly, but the result is good for him——

Chenglong's peak Hollywood film "Rush Hour 2" was overtaken by him. This was a movie that almost made it into the top ten at the global box office that year. Its gold content and communication intensity were directly maxed out, which helped Zhou Yi save a lot of effort in singing songs and laid the first batch of fan base;

In 2002, there was a direct conflict between the Japanese and Korean Football Associations during the World Cup. He, a singer from a third country, got the best of him. He showed his face at the closing ceremony and let the whole world know about the popular song. He sang the World Cup song and it was famous all over the world.

After that, Zhou Yi's popularity and song singing abroad were recognized. Immediately after the closing ceremony of the World Cup, the English College naturally received huge attention. It became an instant hit with the aftermath of the World Cup, saving a lot of money. Offline running time.

Sometimes I really don’t blame the Hong Kong media for saying the slogan “Purple Stars from the Sky” so smoothly. It’s really because Zhou Yi was riding the right horse at the right time, place, and people.

"You think I believe in Feng Shui, feudal superstition is not allowed - hiss!" Zhou Yi rolled his eyes at her, but his body trembled subconsciously, and then he lowered his eyes and glanced at the woman's mischievous feet.

A wicked smile appeared on Elva Hsiao's lips: "Who said before that money jumps from the left eye?"

"Then was then, and the present is now."

Zhou Yi, who was slumped on the sofa, tilted his head and pillowed it on the sofa cushion, humming incessantly.

"Yes, yes, you are awesome and everything you said is right."

Elva Hsiao chuckled: "Let them have the headache of scheduling, I don't care. Most likely, they will release the Chinese album as soon as possible, and then go directly to the United States to start playing at the end of the year."

This year she also has a Chinese album, which was born out of differences in musical concepts between her and the company - "Falling in Love".

There is no other reason, just because there are a lot of advertising songs in this album. It can basically be regarded as an overly commercial album. In essence, it is not much different from the collections of the older generation of kings and queens in the past. Use Elva Hsiao's fame to sell money.

Of course, Elva Hsiao's album is better in terms of appearance, after all, there are also a lot of new songs.

Of course, as an overly commercial album, the title songs of "Falling in Love" are the two songs Zhou Yi gave out when Yao Qian came over to invite the singer - "Compromise" and "Rewind".

Among them, "Rewind" is the first hit.

These two songs are also the backing songs for the album "Falling in Love", replacing the two songs "Unworthy" and "Magic" written by Lin Xi to express the end of love - from love to compromise, to Finally it seems that love cannot come back.

No matter how you look at it, these two songs are better than Lin Xi's stupid song with lyrics.

"But what do you mean when you say that this song "Because of You" will be written based on my personal experience? It will be about the emotional problems between you and me?"

Because of the song of the same name in Zhouyi No. 1 Middle School, Elva Hsiao subconsciously thought of those popular R\u0026B love songs in foreign markets.

In fact, the R\u0026B love songs that have been touted by many domestic guava fans in later generations actually have the reputation of R\u0026B guava in foreign countries-wide coverage and proliferation of love and love.

There are no less flaws than there should be.

It's just that they can't hear that rubbish R\u0026B coming to China.

What can be introduced into China, become popular, and be recommended by singers from all walks of life will only be high-quality products that have been washed away by the waves.

"No, it's the biggest kind of popularity."

Zhou Yi shook his head and briefly described the song’s MV and its meaning to Elva Hsiao——

At the beginning of the MV, the heroine and her husband are arguing and doing chores at home. Then, the furious husband picked up the family photo they had taken together and prepared to smash it - at this moment, time stood still.

The quarrel between her husband and herself made the heroine suddenly recall her childhood experiences.

As a result, the scene switches to the past, as if time travels. The heroine travels back to a time when her parents often quarreled fiercely due to emotional discord, and met herself as a little girl at the time.

When I was a child, I was holding a doll in my arms, huddled in a corner, shivering, listening to my parents arguing, fighting, and smashing things outside the door, sobbing silently, and tears falling on the floor, wetting my feet.

However, when I was five or six years old, I no longer had the warmth of family or the love of my parents, and there was only endless coldness and darkness.

Then, the scene returned to reality - the heroine suddenly woke up from her memories. She stood there blankly staring at her husband and saw the photo frame in his hand.

Then, as if he had thought of something, he took the nearly smashed family photo from his husband's hand. Turning around, he happened to see his daughter hiding behind the door and peeking, and the still time returned to its original state at this time.

The husband, who thought that the heroine was coming to fight, was surprised to find that his wife burst into tears looking at the photo in the frame, walked up to the child, hugged her, and cried and said she was sorry;

In the end, the heroine and her husband, who calmly resolved the conflict, reconciled under the witness of their daughter, and the family was able to restore harmony.

"I will not make, The same mistakes that you did

"I will not let myself, Cause my heart so much misery

"I will not break, the way you did, you fell so hard..."

I won't make the same mistake you did, I won't let myself be filled with pain;

I won't suffer like you.

I have tasted all the pain and must not sink deeper...

All this is because of you, just because of you - because of you.

In line with the plot of the MV, this is a girl who lost the warmth of her family when she was a child. When she grows up, she expresses her past and sighs at herself who was ignored by her parents...

Elva Hsiao, who had been naughty before, didn't know when she stopped all her "provocations". She just sat on the sofa and stared blankly at the man who was telling her the main meaning of the lyrics. She didn't say anything for a long time.

"I won't make the same mistake again."

This is what she said yesterday, but now it has been written into the song by Zhou Yi, but it is so appropriate.

When she was five years old, her parents, who had been quarreling all year round, finally decided to divorce.

Her mother, who had to work outside the home to support her family, had no time to take care of her. She basically grew up under the strict management of her grandmother during her childhood.

As described in the Book of Changes——

Her heart has been full of pain and suffering since she was a child.

Even now, she occasionally has nightmares about quarrels, fights, and even throwing things between her parents.

It was a unique insecurity brought to her by her childhood. As a result, she lost her yearning for marriage and even became afraid of marriage.

And all this is just because of my father who is so stupid that he wants to go to the United States to pursue his dreams and freedom——

"because...because of you..."

Elva Hsiao, who returned to her senses after a long silence, had her lips trembling a little. This was due to the singer's excellent empathy ability and abundant emotions, which made her sympathize with the picture painted by Zhou Yi almost immediately -

In other words, Zhouyi recreated her childhood experience.

Feeling that the most shameful side of her heart was forcibly opened by Zhou Yi with a key, tears welled up in Elva Hsiao's eyes.

She sniffed hard twice, blinked and raised her head constantly, trying to prevent tears from falling from the corners of her eyes, but in the end it was all in vain——

When the bursting tears fell from both sides of her cheeks, leaving two conspicuous marks, Elva Hsiao bit her lower lip, grabbed the pillow in her hand, and threw it at Zhou Yi, who had stopped talking at some point!

"Son of a bitch, bastard, bastard..."

Hsiao Yaxuan, who pressed her whole body directly on Zhou Yi and cursed wildly, showed a side that had never been shown to outsiders, not even in front of her mother and younger brother. However, the scolding voice became weaker and weaker, and the pause in crying became more and more weak. Getting longer and longer...

"Why don't you just write love songs? You have to write this kind of song to make me cry. Doesn't it look good when I cry? Don't you know why I hid in Japan? I told you a long time ago, You're crying because of makeup, you bastard..."

Weak curses and uncontrollable sobs coexisted. At the end of the curse, Elva Hsiao seemed to have lost all the strength in her body. She curled up directly on the man's body, sobbing against his chest, and her tears soaked him floral shirt.

Zhou Yi, who allowed Elva Hsiao to express all the words and complaints that she had been holding in her heart for the past few days, put her arms around her shoulders, rested her chin on her forehead, and patted her back gently.

"Since your dad has been interviewed publicly and said that you have to thank him, then you should use this song to thank him properly."

When the storm calmed down, Zhou Yi lowered his head slightly and looked at the woman in his arms, smiled slightly, and said under her gaze: "I am not afraid of criticism, and no one in Warner can control me."


Zhou Yi was the only one who said this to her since her father's shocking and shameless remarks broke out.

Others, including her mother and teacher Yao Qian, advised her to take the overall situation into consideration and not to ruin her image as a singer because of impulse.

So, she fled the Vikings and fled Taiwan.

"You scumbag." Looking at each other, Xiao Yaxuan first asked a question "viciously", and then without waiting for Zhou Yi to speak, he raised his head and faced him——

Stopped his mouth with practical actions.

Facts have proved that even if the air conditioner is turned on, Tokyo is still a bit hot in early August.

When the lazy Elva Hsiao briefly lost the skill of quick blood recovery CD under Zhou Yi's critical attack, she could only lie on the bed and draw circles on the man's chest with her fingers——

"Obviously it's you who keeps me busy for at least the next few years, but why don't I want to scold you?"

Zhou Yi took a sip of water and tightened the bottle cap. Hearing this, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Actually, if you don't want to be so busy, you can try another method, but this method is not very traditional."

"What do you mean?" Elva Hsiao, who was lazily leaning on his chest and listening to his heartbeat, said in a low voice.

“Have you heard of the online singer model?”

""Lilac"? Your dead ex-girlfriend?"

Zhou Yi couldn't help but tugged on the soft flesh of her waist: "Speak carefully."

"Hiss, it hurts."

"Deserved it."

Zhou Yi curled his lips and expressed his thoughts: "Now there is not only a traditional channel in Europe and the United States, but also an Internet channel that spreads very fast - the Apple Music Store.

“Apple’s Internet model determines that as long as a song becomes popular, its spread will be far faster than traditional record channels.

"Now, all the singers who are stationed in Apple are old singers who have already had a record foundation. Their songs are all familiar to Europe and the United States. The Apple Music Store lacks a new singer who has stepped out of their platform.

"Do you understand what I mean?"

As the person who personally started the European and American Internet music model, Zhou Yi feels that if he continues to launch Elva Hsiao in this way, there is a high probability that he will be called the gravedigger of the European and American record industry by those traditional veterans in the near future.

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